Qin Ke immediately arrived at Qin Tianling's home after receiving Qin Yu's call.

"Where is Lin Yin?"

"You don't seem to know the rules any more now!" Qin Tianling took a sip of tea with a teacup and glanced at him coldly. "At the beginning, you said your wife came to my house to take care of her injury. When she got well, she left naturally. Should I still keep her?"

Qin Ke also lightly smiles and sits down opposite Qin Tianling, "Lin Yin is afraid of you. She doesn't have the courage to fight against you. Can Lin Yin stop my aunt from leaving? "

"Yes, you're right. Your aunt is going to leave. Of course, Lin Yin can't stop her. I'm not a unreasonable person, so I won't count it on Lin Yin." Qin Tianling put the tea cup on the table, as if suddenly thought of something, said, "speaking of this, I think of one thing, you should not forget the meeting tomorrow? After doing so many things, I'll wait for tomorrow. You won't let me down again, will you

"I'm asking you where is Lin Yin?"

Qin Tianling gently raised his eyebrows and gave a cold smile: "it's you, young master Qin, who suddenly said that you want to wash your hands and leave those mess to me. You are such an old man. When your people are gone, you come to me for help? Well, since you have spoken, I will help you. In this way, you can do well tomorrow, and I will send all the people to get your woman back for you. Don't worry. At this time, I don't want her to have any accidents, which will affect our company. "

Qin Ke turned and left.

Qin Tianling looked at his back and gave him a cold smile.


"Pa, PA, PA..." "is there anyone? Some people here are starving to death. " Lin Yin really had no strength, and her hands were numb. I don't know whether it's because the sound insulation here is too good, or because there is really no one outside. In short, I can't hear any sound.

She didn't know that she had been locked up here for several days. Now she was so hungry that she began to hallucinate, "Qin Ke, you liar, I will not let you go as a ghost."

Her voice is very weak. Now she sounds very ethereal. Is she going to die?

Suddenly, a bright light came in with a harsh sound of the iron door opening, "Lin Yin."

Lin Yin smiles at the shadow in the light. The light is dazzling, but she never seems to think that light is so beautiful.

Qin Ke, are you here at last?

Before she fell into a complete coma, she fell into a person's arms.

After a long time, Lin Yin was in a daze. She seemed to hear someone saying, "you said she would wake up soon. It's been five hours. Why haven't you woken up yet?"

"Xi Shao, everyone's physique is different. Miss Lin's body is very weak, especially the phenomenon of dehydration is very obvious. This situation is already dangerous. It's lucky that she can be rescued in time."

"Lucky? You mean I should also thank you, don't you? " For the first time, Qin Junxi was so angry in front of people that he said, "all go out for me."

Someone took her hand, as if she had been saying something to her, but she couldn't hear a word clearly, and soon she fell into endless darkness again.


Lin Yin slowly opened her eyes and felt as if her hand had been caught by someone. Someone was lying beside her bed and sleeping heavily.

I looked around, and all the places I saw were white. The pungent smell of disinfectant made me sigh gently, as if she had a affinity with the hospital recently.

Qin Ke finally kept her word and didn't let her die in the ghost place where she didn't know.

I don't know how long I've been lying here, but I feel a backache.

Gently moved for a while, immediately woke up the man lying beside her bed, he looked up at Lin Yin, first stunned for a while, then quickly rang the bell, surprise said: "you finally wake up, do you know how long you sleep?"

"Xi, Xi Shao? Why are you

Lin Yin was surprised, but at the same time, there was a faint disappointment in her heart.

"Who do you think it should be?" Qin Junxi some distressed looking at her, "Qin Ke?"

She quickly shook her head and sat up with the help of Qin Junxi. No matter who it is, she should be happy now that she is saved.

"No, i... I just don't know how you find me, how you know I'm locked up there."

"You have a lot of courage. You are the first one to challenge my father in public like this." Qin Junxi smiles, pours a glass of water for Lin Yin and puts it in her hand.When her fingertips touched each other, Lin Yin felt that his fingers were cold. Qin Junxi looked at her and said softly, "you are the first person who makes me feel scared except my mother. After I sent you to the hospital, you have been in a coma, I have been talking to you, you have no response. I'm afraid you'll leave quietly, just like my mother

"I'm tough. I don't die that easily." Lin Yin stroked her forehead and felt dizzy. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's been two days since you got to the hospital."

The doctor and the nurse rushed over. Seeing that Lin Yin finally woke up, they could not help but feel relieved, "Xi Shao, please go out for a while, so that we can do a detailed examination for Miss Lin."

After Qin Junxi went out, the nurse helped Lin Yin and said with a smile: "Miss Lin, you are really lucky. Your boyfriend has been guarding you for two days. The doctor also told him that your situation has actually stabilized and he can go home to have a rest, but he just disagreed. It's really rare to see such a good man now. "

Lin Yin didn't explain much. She just asked in a low voice, "well, besides him, who else has been here these two days?"

"No, I haven't seen anyone else except your boyfriend Xishao."

After the doctor finished the examination, he said softly, "Miss Lin, your body is no longer in trouble. However, it will take a long time for you to take care of yourself to get back to what you used to be. During this period of time, you may feel dizzy, dizzy, and weak, which are normal phenomena. Because your body is too weak, can't bear too heavy medicine, so can only slowly recuperate. What's more, don't try to lose weight any more. Your figure is very standard now. "

Just now the nurse also said: "yes, we can see from the way your boyfriend looks at you. He doesn't care whether you are fat or thin. Your health is the most important thing for him."

The nurse's words made Lin Yin's face hot, and they all thought she was shy, "then Miss Lin, you have a rest first, and we won't hinder you."