Lin Yin looks at Bai Di in bewilderment.

"If you think about it, maybe Jiangnan already has murongyu's whereabouts, but she's not sure yet. She went to interview murongzhi on purpose, and this news has been heard from the street for a long time. At that time, didn't murongzhi say that murongyu had left? If Jiangnan finds out that murongzhi hid murongyu, isn't it a slap in the face for murongzhi? Now, even a word or an action of murongzhi may cause public trial. He always regards himself as an upright official. His son has made such a big trouble. How do you think this matter will be discussed by others? "

Bai Di pursed his lips slightly. "If you look at it from the perspective of the people in the Jianghu, murongzhi has got into so much trouble now, even if it's all small things, he may become the abandoned son of that person. What's more, Murong Zhi is now sitting bigger and bigger, which is extremely difficult to control. The person behind him may really cut off everything and help him up. Naturally, there is a way to drag him down. Of course, these are just my conjectures. Then I'll go ahead and arrange things. I'll come back to you later. "

Bai Di walked two steps and then stopped. "I forgot to tell you. If you want to use a car later, you should call this person. It's on the way. You don't want to go out alone during this period of time."

"Who is it?" Lin Yin took a phone number handed to her by Bai Di and looked at it. It was a strange phone number with a license plate number attached.

"Reliable people."

Brady smiles at her and goes.

Tang Chengmo didn't come back that night, but sent a text message to Lin Yin, saying that he would take advantage of the dark to transport his father's body back.

Lin Yin inquired about these things. According to the law of Nanhai City, unclaimed bodies that have been dead for more than seven years are usually cremated and buried anywhere. If someone comes to claim it, the procedure will not be too complicated.

They want to get rid of a problem.

The next morning, Lin Yin took out the phone number that Bai Di had given her and called to say that she wanted to use the car. Ten minutes later, she went downstairs and the car had already stopped downstairs. She still carefully checked the license plate number. After that, she sat on it.

"Where are you going, Miss Lin?"

The familiarity of the voice surprised Lin Yin to look up at him. Geng Yan turned to look at her, "how, don't you know?"

"Two fires? Why do you... "

Geng Yan shrugged, "Qin Shao is missing. Qin's condition is not very good now. I'm an extra driver, so I can only find Miss Bai. She said that there was a good friend who needed to use the car frequently, and I guessed it was you at that time. It seems that we are really predestined

Lin Yin smiles gently.

Geng Yan some uncomfortable said: "I still owe you a sorry, in addition, thank you. When Qin Shao was injured, thanks to you finding him and accompanying him for so many days. "

"How do you know?"

Geng Yan laughed, "when Qin Shao was injured, I was beside him. I knew how much he was injured. And you also disappeared for many days later. Although there is news that you are abroad, I generally don't believe too much coincidence. Besides, besides you, who else has such great ability to cure Qin Shao's injury? I have been following Qin Shao for so many years. I know his character very well. "

Geng Yan turned his head and didn't speak any more.

Lin Yin lowered her head. No matter when, no matter who, as long as she mentioned Qin Ke, her heart would be very painful, which made her suffocate. She said softly, "have you heard from Qin Ke for such a long time?"

"Do you think Qin Shao didn't get on the computer?" Geng Yan turned to look out of the window and laughed, "he didn't contact me, but I really hope he ran away."

Lin Yin didn't speak any more. After a long time, she calmed down a little. "Send me to Wanxiang hotel."

Murongting has never returned to Kyoto. Although the construction of the resort has stopped, once the court has convicted murongjie, it means that all this has nothing to do with Murong group, and the project will restart. Even if it's meaningless to start now, it's necessary to make a complete set of plays. Murongzhi certainly won't leave this place so deserted.

However, after all, so many bodies have been dug up here, it is difficult to say whether there will be business after the repair.

"I have something to do. I don't know when it will be finished. Why don't you go first."

"If you have something, call me right away. I'll be waiting here all the time." Geng Yan's attitude is very firm.

When Lin Yin saw murongting, he seemed much more energetic than last time, and he was very enthusiastic to Lin Yin. If it wasn't for Lin Yin's reminding, he would still be living in a muddle.

"My mother always said that you are a very smart girl, so I must find a chance to thank you. It happens that you're here. Why don't I treat you to a meal as a thank you? ""Good."


"It seems that I've improved a lot since I saw you this time. I'm afraid I've lost my mind. Have I guessed right?"

Murong Ting gently raised his lips and laughed, "it's necessary to be defensive. Just after you left that day, my mother came over at night, and her idea coincided with yours. Although it solved the problem in my heart at that time, I suddenly envy those people who are tired of running for three meals a day. I know that I may be a bit affectable in saying this, but a family is the envy of many people. Behind their back, they are calculating with each other, and they belong to close relatives. If they are careless, their lives will be taken away by their close relatives. What I'm doing now is just following the trend and leaving a way for myself. "

Lin Yin's heart is very shocked, listen to Murong Ting's tone, his hand should have very good evidence, at least he is very confident that he can save his life.

He has been working in Murong group like a puppet to help Murong Zhi manage some business that can't be seen. Maybe it's because Murong Zhi has never paid attention to him, or maybe this is his eldest son after all. Murong Zhi's heart is that he wants to take charge of the group completely, so he doesn't have too much defense against him.

After all, it's much easier to control a puppet than a smart person.

Because of this, murongting easily survived in this adversity. Even if murongzhi can't deal with him now, he can stand up and be a man.

Because he saw the true face of murongzhi and left a way for himself, what else could he do?

Lin Yin raised her eyebrows and said, "it seems that you are finally enlightened. Well, sometimes when I look at you, I always feel that you are similar to Qin Ke. You are all pieces in the hands of your own father. "

"You still have Qin Ke in your heart, don't you?" Murongzhi suddenly asked.