Chapter 197 Seeing Susie

Maggie put her elbow on the table, and pinched the ear drop near her ear, "to be frank, I don't like her, because her eyes are full of scheme. The smile on her face is cold, which makes me fear, but she has a good relationship with Henry. Although Henry is not a real brother, they are congenial to each other unexpectedly."

"After all, he doesn't look like a good man at first glance." Amanda said approvingly. Then Maggie patted her on the back and scolded, "how dare you speak ill of my son's father!"

"I'm just kidding. Please go ahead," she added.

Maggie continued, "I don't know much about Josie's leaving the Xia family, but the relationship between the Xia clan and the Zhao clan is fairly stable. If she really has a fight with the Xia clan, I think someone will definitely ask Henry's mother to make peace with them. After all, Josie listens to Henry's mother, but no one will do that."

"So, it is very likely that even though she left the Xia group, things weren't as stiff as they were, right?" Amanda said.

Maggie nodded. "Or there is another possibility. It's all depends on how resolute Josie is. And how determined the Xia family was. I don't believe this, because Josie is still very important in Xia clan."

So when I first heard that she was going to leave the Xia Group, I was also startled."

"Yes, we all don't believe it. At the beginning, Henry was just worried about her. He called and asked us to leave her alone. She said it was her own choice and I didn't ask." Maggie said seriously, "that's all I know. At that time, I thought at least you could let go of your relationship with Lionel, so I didn't say anything to you. I didn't expect her to go to you. As a matter of fact, if she is in trouble, it will be more practical to find us, but she insisted on asking

familiar car driving across the road. When she looked at it curiously. Is a tennis club, the head of the logo is a hollowed-out giant tennis body."

"What are you looking at?" Maggie asked curiously.

She was sure it was Susie's car. But why was she here? It was late. Was she going to play basketball?

As soon as Susie got out of the car, a waiter immediately drove the car to the garage for her. Susie wore a white sport suit, seeming to do some sport here.

Maggie looked up and saw Susie too. "Ouch, isn't that your unlucky cousin" What a coincidence to meet her. Shall we go there and have a look? "

Maggie was also very interested in Susie, because she heard the things between her and Susie from Amanda. She was even more excited than she was when she heard that they fought.

"Let's go. Let's do some exercise." We had eaten something in the restaurant, so it was okay to do some sports.

"When we go in, he doesn't let us in, does he?" She had learned a lesson from what the X Restaurant did to her in the past. Before entering the house, Maggie asked Amanda for help.

"I don't think so. The conditions of the two families are almost the same. I believe they should know me."