Chapter 309 His Choice

Gregorio curled his lips and said, "You're so honest. You did it on purpose. You know that I always keep my mouth shut."

"Haha, you are not kidding, Gregorio. I guess that Mr. Xia will remember you this time," Lionel replied.

"Remember what? I'm just a man of obedience," Gregorio said. He had a good relationship with Lionel. They did almost the same thing with Mr. Nicholas before, and Lionel was more connected in business with Nicholas. So when Mr. Bruce fell ill, Nicholas had helped Lionel.

"At least if you lose your job, you can find a job in the Xia family." Lionel sighed, "You don't be like me. I'm like some reed without root, floating around. I can't go home now."

"Well, having a home is better than being homeless. But comprehensive considerations, there is at least a home, and it's so mean to say it out. Don't you think so?" Gregorio replied flatly.

"You are right. I'm mean. But if I'm not in a good mood, I have to be mean," Lionel snorted.

"Will a man, who is about to get married, be in a bad mood? Was it just an act?" Gregorio asked.

"That's not right." Looking at the road ahead, the sky was overcast. "I just feel like I'm more like a pawn now. No matter what you say or do, I can do nothing at your disposal. Although my grandfather was safe when I got home, but they regard me as an enemy in their eyes. If grandfather didn't suddenly fall ill, I wouldn't even know that I'm an annoying person in my family," Lionel said.

"It's true that the appearance of warmth is torn apart, but it's better to break the illusion as soon as possible. No one will be willing to live in the illusion for a lifetime. At least, such a change can stop you from pursuing so-called true love," Gregorio said. When Lionel heard what Gregorio said, he smiled and snapped, "You don't understand. You're too rational."

Looking at Lionel's facial expression, Gregorio knew that the man was thinking of Amanda. He knew that Josie's action

im go because he had done this. I will teach him a lesson when he comes back."

"What should we do if you scare him away? Josie will get upset. Our children and grandchildren have their own lives to live. We don't need to worry about them. Mom, why did you take out your crutch again? It's heavy. Don't take it anymore. Put it away quickly."

Mr. Xia was talking with his mother. And Josie returned to her room and lied on the bed. She remembered how Lionel grabbed her and kissed her. With a red face, she curled up in the quilt. Recalling this, she still couldn't believe it.

When Lionel announced in front of the media that he was going to spend the rest of his life with Amanda, Josie was heartbroken. No matter how hard she worked, he would always find Amanda. She was a noble girl from a rich family, and had never been humiliated like this. She didn't like to grovel and expect a relationship that had nothing to do with her, no matter how much she loved Lionel. She would not allow herself to be so humble.

She didn't expect that Lionel would tell her in the end that he would come back and marry her. He said in person that he will marry her.

Feeling his sincerity, Josie's eyes became sore. She had waited for this moment for a long time. He didn't come back until she felt disappointed.