Chapter 406 His Woman

'did he call me to get the wine just now just to trap me in this wine cellar and question me?

'how did he know who I am?'. But she just bit her lips in displeasure. 'I have been dodging him for six years, but why is it so easy to find me? I've only been back for a few days, and will he take Jacob away from me? No matter how long it has passed, I won't be with him again. The woman around him would never be her.' She thought to herself.

Did the man show up just to take away her child?

"Compared to the pain I suffered before, this kind of pain should be very small," she added.

She dared to mock him. His eyes turned cold. He asked, "how much pain did it hurt before?"

How painful? Anyway, he was not the one who suffered. How could he understand how painful she was.

"Darren, just tell me what you want." Amanda stood up and patted her clothes.

What do you want? She was hide it from him and went abroad. She even asked him what he wanted to do. "What do I want?" said Darren, grinding his teeth. He stood up, grabbed hold of Amanda's hand and pressed her against the wine shelf. Then he pinched her neck.

The sudden suffocation made her throat painful. Her face turned red in an instant and her eyes were wide open. Was he going to strangle her? Amanda couldn't see the face of Charles. Tears slowly fell from the corners of her eyes. Why did this man still appear? Why did he keep bothering her.

Noticing the tears on her Amanda's face, Darren released her and said coldly, "I don't care about you now, but why did you come back?"

"Darren, if you let me go, I promise I won't come back with the baby." She didn't want anything but only wanted Jacob.

She actually wanted to leave. Darren lowered his head and bit on her lips. He didn't give her lingering kisses, but a close releasi

es are waiting for us. How can you feel at ease leaving him there by yourself?"

Hearing the name of the baby, Darren loosened his grip on her. He took off her night vision goggle and put it on his nose. Then he grabbed Amanda and walked forward.

It was pitch dark again, so Amanda could only follow him. But she knew that no matter what happened, Darren would handle it. When he finally found the control room, he switched on the electricity, and the whole cellar was bright immediately. In the warm apricot light, he turned around and look at Amanda.

Her face had changed a lot. She had a smaller nose, a smaller mouth and a more sharp face. She was no longer the round face with some baby fat, and was more beautiful and strange.

Standing in front of Darren all of a sudden in such a humble manner, Amanda moved her face and asked, "Do you think you have mistaken someone else for me?"

"How did it come to this? Just to avoid me? " Looking at her face after plastic surgery, it was because she changed face, he always felt that she vaguely familiar.He never thought that the woman who looked wild and rude was the woman he wanted.

He believed that only his woman was special and attractive.