Chapter 437 Must Seize The Opportunity

Suffering the external stimulation, Darren slightly closed his eyes. The man's skin was still good, and his features were especially stiff. His eyes, which were always cold and filled with coldness, were closed now, like an obedient child, being touched freely by Amanda.

She touched his face and couldn't help but wonder if Jacob was as good-looking as his father. 'That's not right. My Jacob must be more handsome than Darren when he grows up, ' she thought.

Amanda's eyes were filled with tears as she thought this.

Seeing Amanda began to cry again, Darren sighed and put his arms around her.

"I can't control myself and think about how to tell him. In fact, he has felt his illness, right? He has been very sad these days. What can I do to make him feel better?" Amanda continued, as she rested her head on his chest.

"Don't cry. During this period, you must be stronger than him, and I have been with him for not long, and you are his spiritual pillar. Although Jacob is usually strong, that's because he wants to protect you when you are weak. More often, he relied on you," Darren said seriously.

Wiping off the tears, Amanda nodded, "I know. I will."

"Even if you are in a bad mood, you can vent it on me. Do remember to be happy at Jacob's side at night," Darren replied.

He tried to reason with her in a serious manner, and Amanda only nodded in agreement. At this time, Darren knew better than her in dealing with such matters.

Soon, the result of Charles's match came out. The doctor shook his head helplessly. The result of the match was the same as that of Darren and Jacob.

"It's really difficult to find a donator for this kind of hereditary disease. I suggest that all of you to have a try if you have more relatives or friends. But the possibility is really small." The doctor suggested.

Darren called Charles directly, asking him to arrange the test as soon as possible for Susie and Simon. As for the cost o

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

possible. She couldn't go back. She knew the consequences of offending the An Group, and couldn't help complaining, "It's not right to pick Amanda up at that time, so that she can stay at the An Family. If anything happens to her, we can have a say in it, and you insist on bringing her back. However, what she did finally made the whole house burn down. And then the An Group hated us."

Charles was stunned by her words. He couldn't believe his ears and asked in disbelief, "Is that true? Amanda died at home when she was pregnant?"

"Yes, she was pregnant for five or six months at that time," Susie said. She recalled the day when she attended the An Group's engagement ceremony. It was as clear as yesterday.

"Have you ever thought about that? Perhaps Amanda is still alive," Charles said. All of a sudden, he was wide awake. Darren suddenly asked him for donating his kidney. Darren had said his kidney was different from others. It might be a hint.

The most important thing for organ transplantation was to find a perfect match, so the person who was waiting for the organ transplant was very likely to have blood relationship with Charles.

The person who was able to make Darren be so considerate and willing to give Charles a company in exchange for his kidney. It must be Amanda.