Chapter 440 Who Would She Choose

"How are you feeling today?" Darren asked.

Jacob curled his lips and said, "It's boring. I just lie on the bed like a vegetable."

Hearing this, Darren glanced at Amanda. Amanda instantly thought of his little brother, Sheryl. However, her expression didn't change a lot. Turning to Jacob, Darren said, "People who are in a vegetative state couldn't talk. Tell me which plant can speak."

"No, plants can talk and they have their own feelings, but it's different from our way of expression. Humans and animals are also plants, which are rooted to the earth. Plants have flowers in bloom and withered, and people have life and death, which is the same to us," Jacob said seriously.

Darren's heart skipped a beat. Jacob was lying on the bed like a withered flower, but he had always been calm, quiet and emotional.

But everyone could feel his weakness and sorrow. But this kid was so depressed that he didn't want to tell his feelings easily to others. As if he could make everything calm in this way, and then no one could see his sadness.

But as a father, seeing his son suffering and repressing the pain, Darren felt like his heart was bleeding, but he had too much powerlessness to express in words when facing Jacob.

"Dad, has the advertisement been finished yet? I want to see the effect," Jacob said.

"Yes, it's done. It's beautiful. Everyone is staring at it in shock. Once the leading movie is released, it'll shock all the audiences," Darren said with a smile.

Jacob nodded. He had been a cute boy, after all.

Amanda stood up and said, "I'm going out for a walk. Take your time." After walking out, Amanda looked at the garden which had become quiet now. The dinosaur disappeared. It was sealed in the underground warehouse by Darren, staying there day and night.

The dinosaur, which should have brought surprise to Jacob, now became the reason caused Jacob's illness. No one had thought that an allergy caused by touching di

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

They were both her closest people and shared the same blood with her.

Tears streamed down Amanda's cheeks. She shook off Darren's hand and walked away slowly as if she were a ghost. Darren stood there alone, watching her leave.

He knew that she was also struggling to make a choice.

He didn't blame Amanda for her hesitation and her fierce fighting in her heart. He knew Amanda loved both Sheryl and Jacob.

As long as she chose Jacob.

If she hadn't turned out to be Jacob, the man's eyes would have turned gloomy, and then this was the choice that he had to make, with the balance of Jacob and Amanda on one side.

And he would not hesitate but to choose Jacob.

If he forcefully removed the kidney of Sheryl, Amanda wouldn't have the power to fight back. But she would regard Darren as her enemy and the whole An Family as her enemy forever.

And at that time, instead of being her baby, Jacob would be the enemy who had taken away her brother.

Darren didn't want to do that. But if someone let him lose Jacob, he would never be soft hearted no matter what happened.

The running water under the bridge had been through the cold winter. Now the stream regained its vitality. There was a green grass on both sides, flowers in the grass, and birds falling there from time to time.