Chapter 469 Because It Was Him

So why wouldn't she let him go?

Amanda was not a woman who liked to have an affair. If she didn't accept a person from the beginning, she wouldn't have too much to do with that person at the beginning.

But Gregorio had entered her life in an unusual way.

At the beginning, he was her assistant, and she was suddenly appointed as the vice president by Nicholas. She was strange and afraid of everything, so she had to rely on him to deal with these things. As time went by, she trusted and relied on this seemingly cold but considerate workaholic.

When she lived in the manor, Gregorio had been with her all the time. He took care of her diet, made her exclusive crisps, sorted out her snacks, and taught her a lot lessons from time to time to make her not careless.

At that time, when Darren left her, she was also under the pressure of Rose's pregnancy. Amanda had a very painful life in the manor, and she almost lost her child because of the drug. Every time, Gregorio would comfort her, stimulate her, and make her more energetic.

However, Amanda also knew that she couldn't have too much contact with Gregorio. Even if there was nothing between the two of them, Darren would mind. Sophie didn't want to see this scene too. She still wanted her brother to come back to the An Group and work with her under the leadership of Darren.

"I know. I'll be careful when he comes back," Amanda said. It took Amanda a while to get her mind back.

Maggie nodded and sighed, "I know he has helped you a lot. If you want to repay him, you will have a chance in the future. You'd better not contact him now."

'Less contact is a beginning for them to get along well with each other in the future, ' Maggie thought. She felt that she was really worried about Amanda's life.

A fragrant and soft hand reached out in front of her. With a cotton candy in her hand, Lily looked at Ning Maggie curiously and said, "Mom, you've got wrinkles."

Maggie sprang to her feet and rushed to t

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

e back again, which made Josie a little uneasy. It was not because she was narrow-minded and lacked a sense of security, but because Amanda was so important in Lionel's heart that he couldn't let go of her.

"Amanda invited us to the manor to have lunch. You can pack up your things." Thinking that it was meaningless to escape, Josie decided to meet Amanda in person and have a talk with her.

Lionel was surprised too. He didn't know why Amanda wanted to invite them to eat together.

"Who invited us? Amanda or Darren?" Lionel asked.

On the other side of the phone, Amanda immediately shouted, "Lionel, what do you mean? Is there any difference between my invitation and his invitation? We have agreed to make up last time. Did you break your promise?"

Lionel couldn't help laughing, "Of course there is a difference. If you invite me, I will prepare some gifts for you. If he invites us, we will just go there to eat and do nothing else."

Amanda was amused by his answer. She said, "Then take it as his treat. As long as you can come, it's good. I also called Henry and Maggie. We'll have a big meal."

"Okay, we will go. See you later," Lionel said.

After hanging up the phone, Josie looked at Lionel and said jealously, "You are still so intimate. When did you make up with Darren? Why didn't I know?"