Chapter 473 The Last Dish

"Here you are. No long no see," Amanda said with a smile.

"I just arrived," said Josie with a smile.

Amanda ran to the kitchen to see her cooking fish, which was still stewing slowly. She wanted the sauce to penetrate into the fish completely. Then the fish would taste good.

Turning around, she sat beside Darren and asked, "Why hasn't Sophie come yet? Is there anything delayed?"

"Don't worry. She had known that you are going to cook. She will put off everything and come here without hesitation," Darren said with a smile.

While they were talking, the door was opened. Sophie came in and said with a smile, "Am I late?"

A man walked in behind her.

The simple casual clothes made him less capable and mature as usual, and more lazy and free. His handsome eyebrows and eyes were covered with a few thin lines by time. He was tall and seemed to be thinner. He stared at Amanda deeply.

Seeing him coming in, Amanda stood up immediately, with tears in her eyes.

A figure walked over first, opened his hands and hugged him.

"You finally come back." Holding Gregorio tightly, Lionel thumped his back and sighed.

Gregorio smiled, "Don't do this. What if Miss Xia gets jealous?"

With a smile on her face, Josie said, "I'm not jealous. He has been waiting for you for a thousand years. He can hold you as long as he wants."

Lionel let go of his hand. When he saw his friend again, he was really complicated and excited. He had a good friendship with Gregorio, and Gregorio was his good friend. Gregorio was kicked out of the An Group by Darren. Lionel broke up with Darren, and Gregorio protected Amanda secretly. They had a common goal and something to protect, so they were real good friends.

After hugging with Lionel, Gregorio still looked at Amanda.

Amanda's body moved a little. Maggie grabbed her hand immediately, which brought her back to earth. She smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to come back at this time. Have a rest first. The dishes will be ready soon. The main dish is the braised fish you shared with me. Have

xpand my social circle."

"My fish is coming. Wow, it smells good." Amanda's happy voice interrupted their conversation. Josie looked out curiously to see what the legendary fish was like.

All these people couldn't believe that they were sitting together and talking so happily. They were looking like passer-by a second ago, but now they gathered together. They had eaten all kinds of delicious food, and they were not foodies either. But they were curious about the dish that Amanda would bring. This scene was really funny. Josie shook her head with a helpless smile. Only a unique girl like Amanda could make everyone abnormal, abnormal and normal.

With a big plate in her hand, Amanda walked in with a smile on her face. All of a sudden, her face changed and her hands and feet became soft in an instant. The big plate of fish fell from the air with soup in it. Seeing that the hot soup was about to spill on Amanda, Darren rushed over to protect Amanda. The plate and the fish hit on the back of Darren. The burning feeling exploded in an instant. Darren bit his lips and protected Amanda behind him.

Amanda's stomach just twitched, so she didn't have the strength to hold the plate. An accident happened all of a sudden. Seeing that Darren was injured because of her, Amanda's eyes immediately turned red. Henry and Lionel hurried to help Darren and Amanda up.