Chapter 478 Dark Memories

"If you want to have party next time, just call them at any time." Darren wrapped his arms around her waist and added, "But I must say. Stay away from the kitchen next time. I don't have a second life to save you."

"Oh, why did you put on your clothes again? Didn't I tell you to lie on your stomach?" Amanda complained.

Darren said, "The guests are leaving. As the host, I should at least come out to see them off. They have such a bad impression on me. If I have one more fault, they will hate me more."

Amanda couldn't help laughing. She held his hand and said, "You did a good job today."

She wanted to ease the relationship between him and the others. Although Darren didn't think it was necessary, he didn't want her to worry too much about it. So he came out to greet them.

Back in the room, Darren asked, "How do you feel about your belly? What happened just now? Let's have a check later."

There was nothing wrong with her belly, but it just twitched. Amanda shook her head and asked Darren to lie prone in the bedroom. She didn't want him to wear clothes for the wound on his back now.

"I have something else to do this afternoon." Darren shook off her hand and said, "I have to meet a client tonight, so I can't spare time to come back for dinner. Be good at home."

Still going out, Amanda nodded helplessly. She was really busy. She said, "Be careful of your wound."

He must feel uncomfortable with his back. It was all her carelessness that made him suffer this unexpected disaster. Amanda couldn't help smiling at Darren. She held his face and kissed him. "I'll wait for you to come back."

His wife's caress was very charming. Darren held his breath. He quickly pulled her away, went to see Jacob, and left the manor in a hurry.

After relaxing her arms, Amanda walked to Sheryl's room.

Sheryl was studying online. He felt that he had missed a lot, so he needed to learn as soon as possible to supplement the foundation.

"Sister, are you tired? You'd better have a rest first." Although Sheryl was studying here, he still cared about Amanda, who was pregnant. Hi

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

g him in her arms, his mother said worriedly, "What should we do now? How about we agree with him? The Cheng Group can't collapse, which is your half lifetime efforts."

"Are you crazy to promise him?" Jason suddenly opened his eyes wide and his face was full of anger. He took a deep breath and said, "We can't do that. Amanda is only a child, but he actually wants our Amanda's kidney. It's my fault that the Cheng Group has a problem, but no matter what kind of situation it is, I will not sell my daughter out."

"But what will you do if you pay the debt? The Cheng Group will collapse and you will be in jail. What about us?" Suddenly, his mother hugged Sheryl tightly. Confused and uneasy, Sheryl immediately said, "Mom, you can't leave my sister. If you want to sell a kid, you can sell me."

"Sheryl, why would I sell you?" Holding Sheryl in her arms, his mother said sadly, "I don't want to leave my daughter either, but that madman got the physical examination report of that child. Our Cheng Group has a shallow foundation, and that person is now commanding the wind and rain in H City. He can't get what he wants. He is simply a devil."

"It's strange. Why did the brake fail?" Jason stepped on the brake, but to his surprise, the speed of the car did not slow down at all. He stepped on the brake twice in a row, but the brake did not react at all, and the car was still driving fast.