Chapter 507 Decided To Study

Sheryl shook his head immediately, "No."

"So, can't you make up your mind to go to E Country? I don't want you to play with me. I want you to study hard," Bruce said.

Sheryl was stunned. Was he going to E Country in this way? He hesitated and said, "Can't I study here?"

"Are you going to learn how to swim on the sea in the pond? Is that possible?"

Sheryl sat up straight from Bruce's arms, rubbed his head and said, "Okay, I'll tell my sister."

Then Sheryl stood up and walked out.

Amanda was watching a horror movie with Jacob. She liked to stay with him more and more. When she was afraid, she held Jacob in her arms as a large pillow. Poor Jacob could only be tortured by his mother. How he hoped that his father would appear and take her mother away.

"Sister, I have something to discuss with you." Standing at the door, Sheryl looked at Amanda and said with a smile.

"Stop it for a while," Amanda said to Jacob. Then, she walked out and sat in the living room with Sheryl. Seeing that Sheryl was so formal, Amanda was confused and asked, "What's wrong? What do you want to discuss with me?"

"Sister, I want to go to E Country with Bruce," Sheryl said slowly, with a bit of guilt and self-reproach in his eyes. "Although I know that I will leave you as soon as I wake up, especially when you are pregnant, I can't stay with you, but I yearn for E Country and want to study in E Country. I want to go to the Royal Business School in E Country, to establish the Cheng Group, and to inherit our father's wish," he added.

Sheryl's words were a little messy. After a long while, he still felt a little guilty in front of Amanda.

Hearing what he said, Amanda was a little surprised. She looked at Sheryl, but after a while, she nodded and said, "It's your own choice." Then she added, "It's your own choice, isn't it? It's none of Bruce's business, right?"

"Yes, Bruce did enlighten me, but the prospect he portrayed is what I want. I want to do business and let the Cheng Group reappear in my hands,"

n't do that. If he doesn't practice hard, he will lie down in a gust of wind. He is a real man. He is young. What kind of setback can't he accept?" Darren comforted her.

All of a sudden, Amanda looked at him unhappily. "Hey, why do you always speak for Bruce?"

"No, I didn't." The man suddenly felt an arrow in his knee. He raised his hand to touch her round belly and said, "I just think you'd better be relaxed now. Don't always suffer a lot. The most important thing now should be it."

All of a sudden, Amanda was discouraged. She lay down against him. Her body was getting heavier and heavier, and she didn't move at all. In a few days, she would have to stay in bed for recuperation. It was hard for her to sleep every night. When she couldn't fall asleep at midnight, she would wake up Darren and talk with him. During this period of time, Darren was busy with work in the daytime, and at night, he was much busier than her.

When Bruce came back, Sheryl chose to go to E Country with him. However, it wasn't all handled by Bruce. At the insistence of Amanda, Darren had arranged everything for Sheryl in E Country, and Bruce could only be entrusted as a friend.

Looking at his sister who came to see him off with a big belly, Sheryl's eyes turned red. He waved at Amanda and said, "Sister, I will take good care of myself. Don't worry."