Chapter 581 Jacob Came Back

Darren was really a good father. Since he married her, he had put all his heart on his family. He took Jacob to play around. He gave him whatever he wanted, and he also loved Christine without any principles. When Jacob was sick, he stayed by Jacob's side all night. When she was hit and difficult to give birth, he also stayed by her side for the whole night. When she was in pain. He felt sorry for her.

Darren cherished and loved her so much. Even though she hated him because of his coldness and selfishness, she had already forgiven what he had done with his heart.

He was the arrogant Mr. Darren, who controlled the economic lifeline of H City. He could ignore anyone and any rule, and he didn't need to have any scruples. Everyone who met him would with great respect.

But in front of her, he was just a common man, an infatuated man who loved her to the bone. He liked to tease and bully her. His chest was always her pillow. His principles and bottom line could be compromised again and again.

After what happened to him, she realized that she was really spoiled by him. She loved him so much, but she was used to his sacrifice, so she ignored his heart for her. So after knowing what happened in the past, she could not forgive him, and did not cherish his heart for her.

In the past, Darren had a guilty conscience. It was precisely because of this that he had to endure the possessive desire in his heart in the face of her and Gregorio. When he saw her crying, he did not dare to ask more. When she looked for Gregorio when she was sad, he could only acquiesce.

"I shouldn't have done this to him. I shouldn't have done this to him." Shaking her head, Amanda cried, "I can't forgive myself." Then she covered her mouth and sat on the ground, crying.

Under the moonlight, her shadow shrank into a small ball on the ground, like a helpless baby.

Gregorio's heart softened. He walked up to her and sat next to her. He slowly held her in his arms and said, "Darren will be fine. He doesn't want to leave. At least, his body hasn't been found by the search and rescue team yet, which means that he may be aliv

awake, as if she couldn't feel the passage of time. She kept recalling the scene that she cried hysterically at Darren in the hotel. When he asked her to go home to take care of Christine, she asked him not to come back. The only stumbling block between her and him was the child. She didn't want him anymore.

"Mom, open the door. We're back." Not knowing when, Amanda heard Jacob's voice in a trance. She struggled and felt dizzy. Her head was burning. She had a sleep after crying and didn't notice to cover herself with the quilt. Now she had become a loser and could do nothing.

"Oh, it's so strange. Is mom asleep? Why doesn't she open the door at this time?" Jacob's murmurs and Christine's loud voice came from outside, "Brother, brother."

Lying on the bed, Amanda felt her body was torn into pieces. Not long after, the door was opened from the outside. Jacob took off the sunglasses on his face. He was surprised to see Amanda lying on the bed. He thought that his mother was not at home. But he was wrong. But Amanda didn't respond at all. He guessed that she hadn't woken up yet.

With a snicker, Jacob walked up to his mother and wanted to give her a hug. But when he saw the blush on Amanda's face, he raised his hand and touched her forehead. It was so hot that it was frightening.

He turned around and shouted, "Uncle, come here. Mommy has a high fever. Hurry up and send her to the hospital!"