Chapter 583 Go To Find His Father

Sheryl nodded, "Then you take a taxi. I'll take care of your mother at home."

When Jacob was about to go out, Christine held his leg and said, "I wants to play with you, brother."

"Christine, I'm not going to play." Jacob felt a little helpless and pulled away his sister's chubby hands.

But in the eyes of Christine, her brother was going out to play with his bag on his back. She hadn't seen him for a long time. She missed him very much. Wherever he went, she had to follow him.

Jacob couldn't win over Christine, so he had to put on her shoes and took her hand to go out. They two walked out of the house hand in hand. Sheryl was a little worried that Jacob couldn't take good care of Christine, but there was a more important thing for him to do now, which was to take care of his sister.

Sheryl stood beside Amanda. Even in her sleep, Amanda was still crying. She murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Seeing his sister crying so sadly, Sheryl felt very sad, but he didn't know what he could do. He could only use a hot towel to wipe the sweat on Amanda's body.

Suddenly, Amanda grabbed his hand and said, "Sheryl, I'm sorry."

Sheryl was shocked and looked at Amanda with his eyes wide open. Amanda's eyes were still closed, as if she had a nightmare, which frightened him. He continued to wipe Amanda's face with a towel. Amanda cried and murmured, "Dad, mom, I'm sorry."

It seemed that a lightning flashed through Sheryl's mind. What did he hear and what did his sister say?

After a struggle, Amanda fell asleep again, leaving only Sheryl in surprise. He just heard his sister say that she was sorry to dad and mom. What could she do to betray dad and mom? He suddenly had a terrible guess in his heart. Did her sister know what had happened in the past, so she became like this?

Judging from the current state of Amanda, this conjecture was very likely to be the truth.

If her

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

ob often followed Darren into the An Group. Everyone in the company knew him. In addition, Jacob looked good. Even if some people were jealous of Amanda, they would smile in front of Jacob and dare not say any nonsense.

After all, Jacob would tell his father what they said. Besides, Jacob was very popular among others. No one had the heart to refuse such a cute little guy.

Jacob nodded and held Christine's hand. Christine curiously looked at the clean floor which could see her own reflection, and the big murals in the hall. Children were most sensitive to colorful things. She immediately let go of Jacob's hand and ran to touch the three-dimensional sculpture to play.

Jacob looked down at his phone and found that his sister was missing. He frowned and looked around to find her. Seeing that Christine was playing with the sculpture, he had no choice but to turn around, grabbed her collar and dragged her away.

Christine's little hand missed. She looked at her brother with dissatisfaction and said, "Brother, you are bad. You are bad. I want to touch it."

"I don't have time for you to touch it. Let's go upstairs quickly," he said. 'My silly sister, you still want to play at this time. Don't you know that something bad has happened?' he thought.