Chapter 616 Let Him Accept The Past

Otherwise, if he was injured and lay there without being found, he would surely die.

"Thank you for saving him." Amanda held Adriana's hand and said gratefully. Her hand was cold and trembling. She couldn't imagine how he felt when half of his body was soaked in the cold sea alone and slowly frozen to death. Saving Darren was a great kindness to Amanda. No matter what conditions Adriana asked for, Amanda would accept it.

"Miss Jiang, our family has assets in H City. Because you saved him. So you can ask for whatever you want. As long as I can afford it, I won't say anything," Amanda said sincerely.

Adriana was so frightened that she waved her hand and said, "Miss Cheng, don't be like this. We didn't save him for return. Edward is a good man. It's good to have a wife who loves him. You don't have to thank me very much. Besides, he has helped us a lot in our family."

Since Edward came to their house, their work was obviously much easier. He had great strength, dexterous hands and flexible mind. He helped his father to do business and sell things, and kept accounts clearly. At the beginning, he had spent a lot of medical fees, which made his father feel a little distressed. But later, even his father praised Edward all day long, and his neighbors liked him very much.

"Miss Jiang, Amanda is very grateful that you saved Darren, so she wants to thank you. If you want anything, just say it. We all know that you didn't save him for money, but it's more or less our kindness, because he is very important to us," Gregorio said.

Adriana smiled and said, "It's okay." But she looked a little worried. "But Edward seems to hate his past now. I'm afraid that you can't take him away smoothly."

While they were talking, someone came in from outside. Adriana's father threw a large bag into the water tank first, and then sighed with a smile, "You are so smart today. You know where to catch the fish. I guess we can sell it at a good price."

"It's oka

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

aggers drawn with him and fought till the end of my life? Could it be farther than when I was pregnant and he was with Rose? Can it be farther than when I changed my face and met him with Jacob?" With red eyes, Amanda bit her lips and said fiercely.

She had walked over such a long distance. As long as the end was him, no matter how far he was, she would walk over step by step.

"What kind of story have you had before?" Adriana was dumbfounded. The more she listened, the more she felt that Edward was like a bad man. His wife was pregnant, but he was with another woman. What the hell?

Wait, Rose, this name sounds so familiar, like the name of a star. With an idea in her mind, Adriana immediately asked, "Did Rose shoot that famous movie at that time? She is so beautiful. She hasn't acted for several years. I used to like watching her TV series. What? Does Edward have anything to do with her?"

'This woman's mind was really miraculous. Rose is not the point, okay?' Gregorio thought. He was a little unable to turn around. He quickly said seriously, "Miss Jiang, although he hates us very much, he has to go back in the end. I think you also hope that he can have the courage to face his past and accept his past. After all, he has a family and children now."

Adriana nodded, "Of course I hope so."