Chapter 33

After observing the cloakshop on Queen Street, Connor chose a cloakshop called "Basques" and went in.

"Welcome, sir! What can I do for you? " A small girl with a lovely face bowed slightly to greet Connor

"What's the price of your walking sticks?" After glancing at the colorful clothes on the shelf, Connor felt a headache and asked directly:

"Three to five shillings for common hardwood, six shillings to a pound for walnut, and more than a pound for ebony!" Glancing at Connor's clothes, the girl assistant said;

"Take out all the ebony. Let me have a look!" Connor frowned slightly and said that he wanted the most expensive walking stick, but considering that he might be regarded as a "big dog" with a lot of money, Connor chose to suppress his desire.

Seeing that Connor seemed to want to "throw thousands of dollars", the girl assistant suddenly brightened up and said softly, "please wait a moment, I'll call our store manager!"

A minute later, the girl clerk led a middle-aged man in formal clothes to come.

"How do you do, sir! My name is cross. I'm the manager of this clothes and hats shop. My assistant said, "do you want to buy a walking stick made of ebony?" The store manager, who claimed to be cross, politely inquired:

Looking at cross, Connor said faintly: "to a big man, make a birthday present!"

"I see! Don't worry, sir. All the goods in our store are excellent products. You will never lose your dignity! " Cross suddenly realized, patted his chest and assured Connor:

A moment later, cross took out three exquisite walking sticks and put them in front of Connor.

"Sir, these three walking sticks are all made of 100% ebony, and they are all made by Mr. Mateus, a member of the craftsmen's Association of Rouen city. The one on the left is not only inlaid with silver and broken diamonds, but also carved eight tulips. It's very expensive! The one in the middle is gilded and inlaid with a five carat diamond, which can be called a work of art! The one on the right doesn't need to be different from the two on the front. The whole cane is not only silver plated, but also soaked in secret spices for three months. If you stay with the cane for a long time, it can promote sleep! "

As for his own products, the manager of cross is confident and proud to introduce them to Connor

Looking carefully at the three canes cross took out, Connor could not help nodding to himself. From his point of view, the three canes, no matter which one, were very good in appearance, absolutely on the table!

After deliberation, Connor pointed to the stick carved with tulips on the left and said, "how much is this stick?"

"This cane, sir, is eleven pounds and five shillings!" Seeing that Connor had made a choice, the cross manager was very happy and said without hesitation:

"Ten pounds!" Connor said faintly that although he thought the walking stick on the left was not bad, it was already the upper limit that Connor could give. The rest of the hardware pounds were used to customize a suit of fashionable formal clothes, which was not very comfortable!

"Sir, the price of ebony has been high all the time. For raw materials alone, we have to pay at least one pound of hardware. Plus the production cost of Mr. Mateus, ten pounds is just the cost!" Cross showed his hand and looked embarrassed.

"Hum!" With a cold snort, Connor didn't believe a word of cross's lies. He didn't hesitate. Turning around directly was a gesture to leave.

Seeing that he didn't play according to the routine and was about to leave in a word, cross's face flickered, gritted his teeth and said, "wait a minute, sir! deal! I'll sell it to you for ten pounds! "

Hearing that cross was "soft hearted", Connor had a smile on his face, so he turned around and walked back. He took out two pieces of hardware pound bills from his wallet and handed them to him

After receiving the bill from Connor, cross kept a smile on his face, but quietly tested the authenticity of the bill. After confirming that the bill was correct, cross's smile became more brilliant. He respectfully said: "please don't worry, sir! We'll put the stick in our best gift box

Walking out of the Basques cloakroom, Connor is looking for a good tailor to customize a suit. However, at this moment, in the crowd, a small hand touches his pocket.

Connor drew a faint smile from the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his big hand, he grasped the wrist that touched his wallet.

"What are you doing? Let me go! If you don't let me go, I'll call the police! " The "thief" was very clever. Seeing that he was found by Connor, the determined villain complained first and screamed:

Looking at the dirty girl in front of her, thin and small, but dressed in patchy, fat and big clothes, Connor's face was more smiling and said leisurely: "looking for the police? Well, let's see if the police believe you as a thief or me as a noble? ""Are you a nobleman?" Hearing Connor's words, the little girl was no longer as unruly as she had just been. There was a tremor in her frightened voice.

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed!" Connor jokingly said:

"Wu Wu Wu!"“ Woo woo

"Noble master, I'm wrong. I'm too young to warm your bed." With Connor's definite reply, the little girl was so scared that she sat down on the street and began to cry.

Seeing the passers-by on Queen Street, attracted by the weeping voice of the little girl, they all pointed at themselves and whispered to each other. When connerton was dumbfounded, he shook his head. His interest in teasing the little girl disappeared. He took out a few shillings, threw them to the little girl, and then turned away.

This little girl looks like she's only eight or nine years old. Although Connor doesn't think she's a good person, she doesn't care about such a small child!

Getting rid of the little girl, Connor went to a high-end tailor's shop, went in to measure his own size, customized a suit, paid the money and agreed to pick it up tomorrow. Connor also stayed in the tailor's shop. However, after walking out of the door of the tailor's shop, Connor saw an unexpected little guy.

"Are you waiting for me?" Connor frowned slightly and looked at the dirty little girl in front of her. Why did she think she gave her less money?

The dirty little girl seemed to recognize the poor voice of Connor. She shook her head and handed her the shilling that Connor had just given her: "noble master, it's good if you don't arrest me to see the police. I can't ask for your money!"