Chapter 183

The handwriting on the letter paper is neat and beautiful. From the perspective of writing, the person who wrote this letter should be well-educated. The letter paper itself is glossy and white, which is the top grade of the paper. The market price is about a penny. In addition, from the three hundred pounds attached to the letter, it is obvious that the owner of this letter has a lot of wealth.

"Don't care who you are or what you want to do?" Read this sentence silently. With a sneer, Connor popped a fireball with his finger and burned the letter to ashes. Then he took out a hexagonal crystal from under the big bed in the room.

Who is he, Connor Ferguson?


Although this is a temporary Hotel, as an alchemist, how can Connor not set up some small alchemy organs here!

Holding the six edged crystal, Connor said a little mantra. The six edged crystal suddenly had a brilliant luster, and Connor's spiritual power immediately entered the crystal.

This hexagonal crystal is simply a monitor, which can record the situation in the room in an all-round way without dead angle, skipping useless pictures. In the hexagonal crystal, Connor found that three hours after he left the guest room in the morning, a figure wearing a red robe and a bronze mask appeared in his room strangely without knocking, It is obvious that the red robed man entered his room with a kind of magic like wall piercing.

After entering his room, the mysterious man in red robe seemed to search the room with his mental strength. After finding nothing, he put the letter and the four beads in place, and finally disappeared in a very strange way.

Seeing this, Connor couldn't help thinking deeply. From the video of hexagonal crystal, we can see that someone is staring at him! If he remembers correctly, Marguerite once said to herself that there was a wizard in the Ferguson family. The secret man didn't mean that she was targeted because of this.

Thinking of this, Connor could not help thinking. After a long time, his eyes twinkled··········

The next morning, under the cover of dark night, Connor slipped out of the hotel in disguise and came to one of his three safe houses.

After arriving at the safe house, Connor immediately took out his alchemy equipment from the space ring without any hesitation. Now the enemy is in the dark. If I want to remove this hidden danger, what I have to do immediately is to find out who the enemy is and how can I win if the enemy doesn't know who it is?

The letter from the other party was not signed. The contents of the letter were not valuable. The red robed man who broke into Connor's room was wearing a mask. Connor didn't know who the man was, so the real valuable things were the four metal beads, What's the origin of this thing? Connor thinks that's the key to his breaking···········

Using the fire of spirit, Connor slowly cut off one of the four metal balls and began the inspection.

Half an hour later, he took apart three of the four metal spheres he had seized, and a shabby Connor said in his heart, "chip, search the database for information similar to the energy compression method of this metal sphere!"

"Drop! Follow the will of the subject, set up the task, estimated completion time, ten minutes! "

Listening to the familiar voice of the cold girl in his mind, Connor fell into meditation and spent half an hour dismantling three metal spheres. He has basically understood the basic principle of it. In short, an alchemist compressed a violent energy into such a tiny state as a metal sphere, and then adopted a metal that Connor did not know, The compressed energy is sealed in the metal ball, and then some inductive devices are made and installed on the metal ball.

Principle is not difficult, but one of the most critical point is how to compress energy! In Reyes' alchemy, Connor also learned the way to compress energy, but Connor realized that the other party's method was better than his own, and his own method could not compress energy to that extent.

"Drop! At the end of the mission, the chip found in the database the records about the Mersey alchemy of CELTA, which is very similar to the situation listed by the main body. "

"Serta? Mohist alchemy Hearing these two names, Connor frowned. These two words were really strange to him.

"Send me information about the Serta and Moxi alchemy!" Connor again gave the order to the auxiliary chip.

"Follow your will! The data has been transmitted to you! " The cool female voice of the chip replied:

Looking at this information about celtarism and Moxi's Alchemy, Connor was more and more frightened. This information source is Reyes's own information, and the credibility is very high. This information clearly records what the so-called celtarism is.CELTA is the name of the evil god in charge of fire in the second era, which is even older than the Byzantine period. CELTA religion is the religion that believes in CELTA, the evil god fighting for fire. It has been handed down to this day. This organization is very old and mysterious. According to the description of the data, their whereabouts are extremely secret and rarely exposed to the eyes of the world.

CELTA religion believes in CELTA, the evil god in charge of fire. Naturally, most of the organization is not only fire wizard, but also has a very high level of research on fire. And this Moxi alchemy is one of the embodiment of their high level of research on fire. According to the description of the data, One of the characteristics of Moxi's alchemy is that he is very good at compressing the energy of fury.

After carefully looking up this few words of information, Connor feels that all this seems to be very logical. First of all, the letter left by the secret people shows that they should come for the sake of their own family. Margaret said that there had been a fire wizard in the Ferguson family. If the secret people were really celtas, CELTA religion believes in the evil god in charge of fire, and most of the fire witches in the organization.

So, Connor believed most of his conjecture that the man in the dark was a CELTA man. Knowing who the other person was, Connor felt that he should take the initiative to find out the other person. He couldn't be passive like now, waiting for the other person to find himself. Wouldn't he let the other person lead him by the nose?

With the secret society as a backhand, Connor is very confident about the so-called CELTA religion