Chapter 783

In addition, averoya's wife and daughter are also members of the Ferguson family, so Connor decided to give averoya a chance to commit a crime. If averoya can't fulfill the requirements that Connor arranged for him, it means averoya is worthless, and it's not too late for Connor to kill him at that time!

Hearing Connor's request, averoya still feels incredible about this mysterious black wizard, Connor Ferguson, who is to inherit the Ferguson family in the Ferguson family's internal decision, but he also seems to realize that, This first-class wizard may really be the young master who left the family for ten years·········

Averoya thought about it for a moment, looked up to Connor and said sincerely, "young master Connor, it's not particularly difficult for me to earn 10000 gold medals for my family in one year and double the company's performance in three years, but young master Connor, You may not know that the elders of the family have a lot of power in the family. They often interfere in the company's affairs. "In the end, although averoya didn't speak clearly and completely, he was already telling us all about it.

"You just need to do your job well, and I'll deal with the rest naturally!" With a glance at averoya, Connor said faintly:

Although we don't know what Connor Ferguson will do with the family elders, since Connor said so, averoya can only respectfully say: "I understand! I will try my best to lead the company to complete the task you arranged, master Connor! "

It seems that he thought of something. Connor looked at averoya carefully, then said as if nothing had happened: "just when I was searching for the soul, I left a spell in your Divine sea, but you can rest assured that as long as you honestly serve the Ferguson family, your safety will not be any problem!"

Although Connor said it as if nothing had happened, it didn't seem that it was a big deal, but after hearing this, averoya's heart sank to the bottom. He knew that his life was between the thoughts of Connor Ferguson. However, the situation was better than others. Although averoya was extremely sad and angry, in front of Connor's powerful strength, he was in a better position, He could only hide his true feelings and said to Connor Ferguson with a wry smile: "don't worry, young Connor. I will do my best to serve the family!"

"Very good!" Connor nodded slightly. He knew that after he slapped him, he needed to give him a sweet date to appease him. He immediately said to him, "the reason why you feel that your cultivation is stagnant is because your mana is not pure enough. You need to try to compress your mana, which will make you lose some mana, But then your mana quality will be improved, your spell power will be greater, and your mana recovery will be faster

Hearing Connor's advice on his stagnant cultivation, averoya was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while, and suddenly realized that his eyes were also full of excitement.

Seeing this, Connor felt that his task today was completed. Although he didn't find the undercover, he not only confirmed that there was no problem with averoya, but also beat and pacified averoya, leaving a talent for the family. He immediately said to averoya: "don't talk about anything today!" It's about to turn around and leave.

However, Connor just walked out two steps, behind him, averoya stopped him again.

"Master Connor, do you have a way to compress your mana?" Averoya summoned up courage and asked Connor awkwardly:

When he heard averoya's question, Connor frowned slightly. He remembered that averoya was born in the wild. Although he had been in contact with some underground black markets, he had never received systematic wizard knowledge. He didn't know how to compress mana. He thought about it, Connor immediately turned to averoya and said, "you know the rules of the wizarding world, don't you?"

"I know!" Hearing Connor talk about this, averoya immediately nodded.

"Now that you know it, what can you do for the knowledge you want?" Connor continued to ask averoya:

Hearing Connor's inquiry, averoya fell into thinking. A minute later, he seemed to think of something. He asked Connor carefully: "master Connor, do you want to find me a wizard from the Ferguson family?"

Before averoya's voice fell, Connor immediately noticed some clues from his words and immediately asked, "yes, how do you know?"

"I think so, master Connor. After knowing your identity, I thought you came to me because of my corrupt family property. But now that you know this, you let me go, which means that you are not here. Then I, averoya, can only attract you as a wizard!" Averoya laughed and explained immediately"You are very clever!" After hearing averoya's explanation, Connor said in a deep voice:

"Master Connor, I doubt that there is a wizard in the family besides me. I wonder if you can get this news in exchange for a way to compress mana?" There was a twinkle in his eyes, and averoya said with a smile:

"Say it Hearing that averoya's chip was indeed this, Connor didn't hesitate and immediately asked averoya:

"Danilo Ferguson! I suspect that he is a wizard, and his cultivation should be above me! " Seeing that Connor was so worried, averoya didn't talk nonsense. He just said that he was suspicious, but his tone was very firm!



Flosinone, late at night

Varga, dressed as a man and disguised as a young white man with long hair, is hurrying down Eriksson street in downtown florino.

Varga, who came to investigate Danilo Ferguson, vice manager of the Ferguson family for Connor, sneaked into Danilo's residence about 1000 meters outside the Ferguson residence an hour ago while Danilo was not at home.

Because Ferguson residence is located in the Hoffenheim community of flosinone, which is a gathering area of rich and noble people in flosinone, the house price here is at least twice higher than the average price of houses in the urban area of flosinone, so Danilo can't afford to buy a house here. He can only rent an apartment of about 100 square meters