Chapter 804

At that time, bispin was ordered by Reyes to steal d from east Hoy by boat to Rouen, and led several men to rob some things in a secret warehouse of Rouen storm church, killing the then bishop Constantine of Rouen storm church.

After the completion of the task, hiding in the safe house under the warehouse of sasoro port to avoid the storm, Reyes once sent someone to deliver things to him, and this person is Connor! Knowing that Reyes had never accepted a student before, bispin had a deep memory of Connor.

Even though it was clear at that time that Connor Ferguson could become a professor's student, there must be something extraordinary about him. But he couldn't imagine that in less than ten years, he would have become a first-class wizard on an equal footing with himself?

When bispin thought of this, he seemed to think of something. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his inquiring eyes immediately turned to Reyes. Although bispin didn't speak, Reyes obviously understood his eyes. A bitter smile appeared on his face, shook his head, and explained: "although he became a first-class wizard faster than I expected, But he did rely on his own breakthrough, I thought about using the Polsa crystal ball to help him, but he refused with practical action

Reyes has said so much. Although bispin still doesn't believe that Conner Ferguson has become a first-class wizard, his eyebrows are stretched out. If Conner Ferguson is really a first-class wizard and is as powerful as Reyes said, they will join hands and work hard without thinking, It's not impossible to kill Prince Boateng!

When bispin was thinking about how to unite with Connor and finish the task given to him by Reyes, Reyes said again: "when you go back to flosinone, I believe you can find Connor Ferguson. He may resist cooperating with you, but it doesn't matter. You give this to him. Connor is a smart man, Will make the right decision for him

With that, Reyes handed a wooden box out of thin air to bispin, took the wooden box, bispin directly put it into the space ring, and then promised Reyes, "I know what to do."

Reyes nodded with satisfaction and did not speak. Bispin saluted Reyes and turned around to leave. However, he had just taken three steps, and Reyes' voice was heard in his ear. Bispin's face became very wonderful when he heard the voice. One minute later, bispin walked out of the palace garden, His face was full of information.



Florino, it's sunny and sunny at noon.

Prince Boateng is sitting quietly in a mysterious reception room on the top floor of agudro hotel. He doesn't know what he is thinking. After about five minutes of meditation, Stephanie also enters the reception hall. The sound of Stephanie's footsteps pulls Prince Boateng from meditation back to reality. He immediately raises his head, He looked at Stephanie.

Facing Prince Boateng's eyes, Stephanie whispered, "Lord prince, they're here!"

Although Stephanie didn't specify who "they" were, Prince Boateng obviously knew who this meant and nodded slightly.

Seeing Prince Boateng nodding and knowing what happened next in the reception room, Stephanie, who was not qualified to participate, also saluted Prince Boateng, and then quickly backed out.

About a minute after Stephanie left, there was a sound of footstep outside the reception room. Prince Boateng, who heard the footstep and knew that the LORD was coming, also stood up from his position to show his respect for the visitors.

A few seconds later, an old man in a grey robe and a beautiful girl with a pink scar on her eyebrow entered the reception room.

"Miss Isabella, Mr. Adolf, welcome here. Please have a seat!" Looking at the visitors, Prince Boateng, the landlord, forced a smile on his cold face and said:

"Thank you very much." Isabella answered with a smile and sat down on the seat. Adolf, the grey robed old man, seemed not very popular with Prince Boateng's welcome. He just nodded at him. As a greeting, he also sat down next to Isabella.

Isabella and Prince Boateng, as the representatives of the Royal Baron group in the negotiation with Boateng family, seem to have no intention to start the negotiation directly, but they all choose to make a friendly choice.

It took nearly ten minutes for the two of them to exchange greetings. Although Isabella was young and mature, maybe she was tens of years younger than Prince Boateng. The heat was worse. Seeing that Prince Boateng didn't plan to open his mouth, she didn't go on politely. Instead, she turned her voice and said:"Uncle prince, I've long heard that your Boateng family is very powerful in the Odin empire. Even in the Kaman Empire, there are many industries. Today, it's really surprising that the agudero hotel is the Boateng family's industry. But it's also good to have the cover of the agudero hotel, The transaction between our secret society and you will be more secure! "

Hearing Isabella's flattery and knowing that she was testing herself, Prince Boateng immediately said, "Miss Isabella is joking. The agoudro hotel was just built by our family so that the family members could have a foothold in the Kaman Empire and earn some money by the way, How can you undertake the transaction between the family and your secret society? "

Isabella was not surprised to see that Prince Boateng didn't take advantage of her own temptation. If the other side was so easy to deal with, it would not be the murderer of Boateng family in the rumor. Looking at Prince Boateng, she continued:

"In order to express our sincere cooperation with your family, I have specially prepared 100 pieces, As a small gift, the corals from Hoy's new world must have been sent to the red necked tavern at 15 hot spring street. I hope uncle prince will let your people accept them! "