Chapter 851

It's true that now may be the best opportunity for Connor to completely solve the security risk of Prince Boateng. However, although Prince Boateng looks miserable and has been severely hit by Connor's Alchemy mechanism and spiritual storm, as an old first-class wizard, Prince Boateng's thin camel is bigger than his horse, and there are 3000 nails in his broken boat, Even if Connor takes this opportunity to kill him, his own loss will never be small. Although the possibility of dying together is very small, the possibility of being seriously damaged is very high.

In addition, for Connor, although he wants to completely solve the big problem of Prince Boateng, the death of Prince Boateng is not the real end for him. You should know that bispin and Isabella are still hiding in the downtown area of flosinone and may appear in front of him at any time, If he and Prince Boateng fight to kill each other and kill Prince Boateng, will he still be able to deal with the following two waves of "yellow finches"?

So emotionally, Connor can take advantage of this opportunity to solve Prince Boateng, but from a rational point of view, it is a better choice to leave. After all, Prince Boateng will not pose any threat to us in a short time under such an injury, and he wants to recover, This can not be done in a short time. It is conservatively estimated that it will take Prince Boateng at least three to five years to get back to the state before today.

At that time, Connor was very confident that as long as he didn't die, as long as he was in trouble with Prince Boateng, Prince Boateng would honestly stay in the Odin Empire and disappear, dare not appear in front of him!

It was not long after Connor left that Prince Boateng came out of the pain of his head. He took a bottle of light green medicine from the space ring and put it into his mouth. He felt the cool medicine into his stomach. His pain was really improved.

Although it is not clear that Conner Ferguson will choose to let himself go at the last moment, Prince Boateng has no longer thought about this. His physical pain and mental trauma have made him calm from the madness of revenge.

He is also aware that his injury is very serious and can not be cured in a short time. That is to say, his plan to kill Connor Ferguson to avenge Reyes has failed. It has completely failed. Now he has no ability to find Connor Ferguson again, He twisted Connor's head off and gave it to Professor Reyes.

Although he was full of disappointment and reluctance, Prince Boateng made a quick decision. Since he could no longer kill Connor, it would be meaningless for him to stay in flosinone.

Now it's time for Prince Boateng to forget everything here, leave florino, return to the Odin Empire and return to West Ham city. Like a wounded snake, he returns to his own territory, licks his wounds silently, accumulates strength, and waits for the next good opportunity to avenge Reyes and Connor Ferguson. Although this good opportunity may not appear in his lifetime, Prince Boateng is willing to wait!

Prince Boateng, who made up his mind, got up after a short rest, walked out of Goodison Park, his sad place, and headed for a manor in his memory.



West of flosinone, at the estate of coresia.

In a luxurious room, Isabella's eyes are closed and her body is full of purple mist. Obviously, she is at the critical moment of meditation.

Under Isabella's body, a huge crystal bed, which seems to be carved from a whole crystal, is flashing a light white light, providing Isabella with all the energy needed for cultivation.

As time goes by, the purple mist on Isabella's body becomes more and more intense, and even gradually envelops her whole body. When she realizes this situation, Isabella suddenly opens her eyes. At this time, her blue pupils, which are the same color as the sky, are flashing with strange purple light, which looks very Soul-catching, It's hard not to fall into it·········

"Maryland Cohen... Atlanta... Grosso... Del... Inzaghi"

As her eyes twinkled with a magical purple light, Isabella opened her lips and recited a quick but clear mantra, Shrouded in Isabella four weeks already very rich purple smoke, once again formed an explosion, become like the essence of general.

At this time, the energy fluctuation on Isabella's body began to become more intense. In a short time, there was a crisp sound like broken glass in her body. The appearance of the crisp sound seemed to indicate something. Enveloped in Isabella, it was almost condensed into a purple mist, Suddenly slowly absorbed by Isabella's body.A minute later, all the purple fog was inhaled into Isabella's body. At this time, Isabella can obviously feel that her breath is more than half of the previous breath. She has basically reached the peak of a senior wizard apprentice. She is only one step away from becoming a first-class wizard!

Feeling the enhancement of her own breath, Isabella's beautiful face is undoubtedly the emergence of a touch of joy, eyes flashing a strange purple light, but also gradually convergence.

Half an hour later, when she felt her breath and gradually stabilized, Isabella reluctantly ended her practice and stepped down from the crystal bed. It was obvious that this huge crystal bed was much dimmer than just now·········

Out of the room, Isabella is facing to see, at the door is to protect their own gray robed old Adolf.

"Well, Isabella, you have finally become a thorn flower of Saint Laurent. In six months at most, you can break through and become a first-class wizard?" Looking at Isabella in two eyes, Adolf, the old man in grey robe, said with great satisfaction: she looked at Isabella in two eyes