But before the meeting, the ghost CEO struggled in his heart, patted his thigh and said in secret: how can you forget this bastard!

It's a chicken feather if I don't collect some money for such a big deal?

"Mr. billian Thorne? As for the avenger fund, I personally plan to invest 2.5 billion Chinese yuan in the first phase. I am going to draw up a list of people who will be on the list. There are two main screening criteria: first, those who are related to the tambonara virus incident; second, those who are behind the scenes to participate in the planning and organizing. You are the president of a large multinational company. I think you will have a great contribution and professional team in the operation of the fund. You must be willing to help, right? "

"... of course."

"Good! The initial start-up fund is worth $2.5 billion, which seems to be a little less. Mr. billian Thorne, are you interested in participating? In this case, you may take up the post of director

Xia fan deliberately threw out the bait, trying to see how big a fish he could catch.

Don't you know that his opening just now was the lightness of the down payment of 2.5 billion yuan, which had already scared nabrian Thorne to death.

There is a way to be guilty.

He came here today to make a series of actions, which easily crippled the No. 50 heath Golder's internal security guard, and made it clear without any disguise that it was perverse to ask heath Golder to find someone to carry the black pot, but it was totally different from any Chinese official who dealt with heath Golder in the past.

To tell you the truth, if Brian Thorne didn't have some strange symptoms, he would have ordered to detain people and then informed the official concerned. Naturally, people from the top would come to deal with him every minute.

Brian Thorne, however, knows the key to acting in this magical country, and knows how to deal with such a small role as Shafan.

However, when Xia fan suddenly threw out the words of Avenger fund and personal contribution of 2.5 billion, billian Thorne suddenly realized the ultimate goal of his coming today.

What individual contributed 2.5 billion!

You are an agent of China special intelligence agency. Can you take out so much money as you like? This is clearly a cover. The real investor must be the dragon's gate.

As for the establishment of Avengers fund, in a country like Huaxia, how can we allow the private name to do such a thing!


This is clearly what dragon's gate, smelling the dishonorable behavior of heathgaode in this matter, so I arranged you to act as a talent.

Your purpose is to intimidate heathgaud naked.

You're blackmailing in disguise!

However, in the face of such coercion and blackmail, billian Thorne panicked, which was beyond the scope of his ability to deal with. He could not help sweating on his back.

"Sir, please wait a moment. Please give me ten minutes. This news is very important to Heathcliff. I need to contact my boss before I can give you a formal reply. Please give me some time."

"Well, you can do it!" Xia fan saw this ghost guy president that flustered appearance didn't look like acting, was also in a trance.

But then I want to understand what happened.

This is, on the spur of the moment, he mistakenly pinched heathgaode's death.

It must be that the two conditions listed by Luo have already made these evil spirits feel restless.

It's really an old saying that it's guilty to be a thief!

It seems that we really need to carefully calculate the operation mechanism of this revenge fund, and make it a magic weapon, a sword of damolius hanging on the heads of these ghosts.

Ha! This wife is not unjust

At about 14 p.m. on the second day of the fire, a video, which was called a heavyweight, was suddenly exposed on the Internet.

Billian Thorne, the president of Greater China region of Heathcote group, the world's first pharmaceutical company, issued a public statement of apology through webcast media. The main content of the statement is to mourn and forgive the victims of the Tang'an city fire.

At the same time, the statement highlighted the dishonorable role of Professor Chu JiangHao, senior consultant and chief medical research expert of hisgard group, and his team in the whole incident.

However, it really sold Chu JiangHao's tanbonara research group a clean and sharp.

The statement highlighted that a multinational pharmaceutical company, a competitor of the global Anti China Alliance of traditional Chinese medicine and the Heathcote group, wanted to use the Bantam bonara virus to create a series of disgraceful evils such as panic in Tang'an city.In the statement, it is not only to expose the truth. In order to express its apology, heathgood Greater China donated 150 million yuan to the victims, and billian Thorne, President, donated 20 million yuan in his own name.

At the same time, billian Thorne also issued an invitation to all walks of life, willing to open to the outside world, all the group's research achievements on the tanbonara virus, willing to cooperate openly and transparently with all the scientific research institutions around the world, and accept the supervision of the WHO and other relevant institutions, so as to strive for the early development of a specific drug to overcome the tanbonara virus.

As soon as the video was exposed, it became the absolute focus of public opinion. This news not only made headlines in China, but also set off major platforms in overseas media.

For a while, the words of hisgard, the weakened version of temponara and Huaxia traditional Chinese medicine have become the top three with the highest search rate of all platforms in the world.

Countless people are exclaiming that behind the Tang an Cheng incident, this beautiful ancient capital has almost become the Raccoon City in the real version of biochemical crisis.

In the incident, Ling Shi, an international killer mercenary who made a big fire and slaughtered innocent victims, as well as the global Anti China Alliance of traditional Chinese medicine, all became the most infamous organizations. They were denounced by the WHO and other United Nations organizations, and a series of denunciations were published in the international media circle.

There is another shocking news.

Some mysterious people have set up a Chinese Avenger foundation on the Internet, publicly offering a reward to pursue the murderer, to pursue and kill the backbone leaders of Lingshi organization and the global anti Chinese medicine alliance, as well as all the participants who played an ignominious role behind the Tang'an city fire.

The initial amount of the fund is up to 2.5 billion Huaxia yuan.

The news was cheered all over the world, and mysterious figures donated to the revenge fund one after another. In a short time, the fund with the purpose of revenge expanded to nearly 10 billion yuan.

In this case, the situation is really fierce. No one could have expected that this time, the pace of public opinion of all countries in the world would be so coordinated.

In fact, I can understand that the terror of temponara's rampant attack on the African continent is vividly in my mind. If there is a malicious medical institution that has mastered the ability to introduce the virus at will, which country will not be afraid of being coerced once it is used by terrorist groups?

It is a crisis of national subjugation and extermination. This is how the producers of the realistic version of biochemical crisis can not guard against it.

Shafan left the hisgard headquarters building and used the means to make Brian Thorne willingly release the video apology statement, which is just the first step of his revenge.

As for the Chinese Avenger fund, he did spend 2.5 billion yuan on his wife.

But by the way, he also blackmailed heathgard for 1 billion.

But in the end, the fund of this revenge fund suddenly soared to 10 billion, but even he did not expect that there were so many people working hard with him behind.

In fact, the state has zero tolerance for such things.

That's right!

Before he finally left, he secretly performed a soul control technique against Lian Thorne, and has completely determined that the first leader behind the Tang'an city fire is the president of Brian Thorne.

As for the deeper level of behind the scenes leadership, even the president has no right to know, at best, this is a pawn role.

Several domestic secret departments took over Xia fan's work secretly and continued to conduct in-depth tracking and verification with billian Thorne.

The main target is naturally the so-called weakened version of tambonara virus exposed in the video, which requires a complete security assessment.

It involves the safety of the lives of more than 6 million residents in Tang'an City, and it also involves the security of the whole territory. Naturally, these departments can't believe everything just by a statement made by Brian Thorne.

It seems that this matter has to be busy for a while!

Billian Thorne and his close life secretary, nikis, are undoubtedly the two most nervous people, because they are all infected by tanbonara virus.

Although the symptoms of Chu JiangHao's body have been effectively alleviated after they secretly used the weakened version of detoxification serum left by Chu JiangHao, they dare not gamble with their family and life, and dare not tell the truth to anyone else, for fear that they will be removed secretly by the red country.

The only hope is to contact Mr. Xia again after solving the investigation and evaluation of the secret department, hoping to get Chu JiangHao's notebook from him.

Of course, all this is destined to be in a very secret state of action.

With the heated discussion on related topics around the world, how to prevent terrorists from using high-risk infectious diseases to create white terror has become a topic that politicians, experts, stars and other public figures can most demonstrate their sense of social responsibility.In such an environment, it seems that any person who doesn't make some wise remarks or express his attitude will immediately become an accomplice of terrorists.

Of course, these are things Xia fan doesn't need to pay attention to.

Xia fan is at the capital airport and is preparing to take a flight back to Tang'an city.

In fact, the assumption is not mature enough to achieve the present result.

However, when he finally relaxed, he recalled that he had lost contact with his family since the fire broke out last night, and he didn't know how many anxious things would lead to.

Because on the Internet, among the dozens of people who have been officially identified on the list of victims at the scene, there are Xia, Yang Shanzhen and several apprentices of Guanglin Hall Medical School

Last night, in order to confuse the enemy's potential exploration behavior, while fleeing the scene of the fire, He left his and Yang Shanzhen's mobile phones and other items in the fire. Later, after escaping from the attack coverage of Ling Shi's dark team, he settled Yang Shanzhen first and sent an emergency contact signal to Han Bingyu. After that, he was on the run all the time.