Chapter 1031

"Cough cough..." two dogs almost choked by Huizi's words, grabbed Huizi's hand and pulled onto the car“ You are so stupid Then he stepped on the gas and left.

It's up to Xiwa and old Cui to deal with this. In Er Gou's plan, the future affairs of Taishi should be handed over to old Cui and Xiwa. Now it's time for them to get familiar with the business first.

"Yang Yaozi, you are from the army. What else do you think we should pay attention to now?" The second dog asked as he drove.

"Boss, although the Royal Club in Taishi is the headquarters of the fire Gang, the power of the fire Gang is not only Taishi, but also distributed in the whole Shangdong Province. If we want to bring down the fire Gang completely, we should pay attention to the counterattack of other branches of the fire Gang!"

"Yang Yaozi, you are right. If we want to really defeat the huobang, we still have a lot to do. We must be prepared to control Shangdong Province in an all-round way."

"That's right!"

"Yang Yaozi, your vice battalion commander is very capable. Now the black dragon is short of people. Such people must be used!"

"Er... Boss, you want to dig my people again..." Yang Yaozi was helpless. His small group must obey the overall situation of black dragon. Xiao Weidong is really a good talent, and he will be a great general in the future.

Hearing Yang Yaozi's words, er Gou just laughed and didn't make a sound.

"Creak... Creak..." at this time, er Gou's unique mobile phone ring rang again. Huizi is very sensible to help him hang up the Bluetooth headset.

"Hello, Xiwa, what do you say?"

"Boss, find out the hiding place of the fire Gang young master!"

"Oh? You inform Lao Cui and Xiao Weidong to come and have a look. Besides, don't forget your own task, set out according to the time

Two dogs hung up, and then asked: "Yang Yaozi, how to deal with Yao sanhuo's only child?"

"Kill Yang Yaozi's answer was very brief.

"Is it necessary to be so cruel?" Not cruel enough is the shortcoming of Er Gou. There is no danger in the eyes of Er Gou.

"Since you were born in the lake, don't hate the lake too hard!"

Two dogs wiped a sweat, "well, you and Xiao Weidong contact, directly by your command!" Two dogs pushed the role of villain to Yang Yaozi.

"All right!" Yang Yaozi, no matter bad or good, calls Xiao Weidong and orders him to kill him.

Soon, two dogs and three people returned to the red chamber.

"Ah... Finally, I have a foothold in Tai City!" Two dogs lie on the big sofa, straighten their body and relax their muscles and bones.

Seeing that Er Gou didn't worry at all, Yang Yaozi asked, "boss, it hasn't been solved in Shashi yet?"

"There's no difference between not solving it and solving it!"

"What? They took most of the people of the fire gang. How many people does Luo Hu have? Or let's just come back, anyway, the matter here has been basically solved! " Standing in front of Er Gou, Yang Yaozi felt very uneasy.

"Yang Yaozi, rest assured. There will be good news later. Can I promise you?" Two dogs are lying on the sofa, shaking their feet. A pair of hanging samples that you are in a hurry and I am not in a hurry.


In the suburbs of Shashi, after a night's rest, the two groups began to confront each other again. Suburbs are different from cities in that they fight at night and rest during the day, while suburbs, on the contrary, fight during the day and rest at night.

Fat cat stood in front of the team, and no longer had the confidence to win yesterday.

After one night, things have changed a lot. Thin monkey was assassinated by the other party last night. In the morning, he just received the news that the headquarters of the fire gang had been captured by the black dragon, and the leader Yao sanhuo had been killed.

Fat cat didn't dare to announce the news, but he concealed it, otherwise the team would have been in chaos. Fortunately, young master Yao Jun is not in danger for the time being, otherwise the fire gang will really have no successor.

Now the only hope lies in myself. If we can successfully enter the sand Market, there may be room for recovery. At that time, we can use Shashi as a bargaining chip to exchange with Heilong for the Royal Club.

Black dragon. Shanpao suddenly appeared last night, making Luohu excited. With shanpao, Luohu felt much less pressure“ Shanpao, how do you fight today? "

"Brother tiger, are you scared to death? Do you still need my brother to teach you how to fight? Ha ha... "

"Stinky fart... After killing a little bug, it shakes up. Fuck..."

These two people, the relationship is quite good, but a get together, like to pinch.

See opposite arrogant joking opponent, fat cat can't help it.

He has twice as many people as he does. He dares to make fun of himself. He really takes himself as a clay kneader. Scolded: "grass your mother... Are some sneaky bullshit, secretly killed a general of Laozi, think you won? It's still early? "

"Yes? I'm afraid your cat wants to die early? " Shanpao is not a loser. If the enemy dares to scold him, he will surely return it.

"Look who died early! Brothers, kill with me Fat cat didn't want to waste time, roared, and people rushed over.

Two groups of people and horses scuffled together in an instant, repeating yesterday's killing. Although the fire Gang lost a great general, after all, there were so many people that the black dragon suffered a lot. After fighting for more than an hour, the black dragon could not resist and began to retreat.

"Hold on to me, never allow to retreat..." Luo Hu roared, for fear that Sha Shi would be lost in his own hands.

Seeing the fire Gang pressing, Luo Hu began to worry. Didn't you destroy the fire Gang headquarters last night? Why don't you have the main force here? I can't resist it!

"Brothers, give me a little fierce, black dragon will soon be unable to withstand, with me into Shashi for lunch!" Seeing that the black dragon could not resist, the fat cat raised his machete and rushed with the man.

The black dragon began to rout on a large scale.


All of a sudden, a team of 3000 people came out from the side. This is a young army. They are all 18 or 9 years old. The young man rushed harder than the old Liuzi. All over the mountain, like little tigers, he pressed down the mountain.

"Brothers, let's fight the first battle of the Dragon Society. Don't disgrace me. Cut off the monkey cubs of the fire Gang!" It was Tang Jian who raised his sword to the front.

His sudden appearance was actually a move arranged by Er Gou.

How can the fire Gang be deceived if there is no hidden youth army in schools? If the fire Gang is not fooled, it will not dispatch a large number of people to attack Shashi. If he does not dispatch the main force to attack Shashi, how can Heilong have the chance to occupy the headquarters of the fire Gang so quickly?