Chapter 11

Name:Crimson Karma Author:LemonFrog
“Your Highness, Aron Max, the Captain of the 8th Unit reporting. I have brought Dame Kasia as per your orders.”

“Come in.”

A voice came from the tent granting them permission to enter. The two soldiers guarding the tent raised up the tent curtain which acted as a door for them. Kasia entered the tent following the Unit Captain. Just like what the Unit Captain did, she also followed him in saluting the people sitting before her.

“Captain Max, can you wait outside the tent?”

Towards Tasel’s words, Aron did a half salute and directly went outside.

Inside the tent only Tasel, the brothers Zeke and Mikhail and Kasia were left.

“Sorry that I asked for your presence in this late hour without any prior notice, Dame Kasia.”

“It is okay, sir.”

“Are there no memories you remember from your past?”

“That’s right. No memories, sir.”

Kasia’s answers were short and concise. From that alone Tasel felt as if he was receiving replies from a well trained officer.

“Dame Kasia, I will get straight to the point. I heard from Captain Max about you, that, before the Mist Forest incident, you were somewhat a passive and quiet female-knight. And after the incident it seems that there’s been an exponential raise in your abilities. Can you give some explanation for this change?”

“I am sorry, sir. I myself am unaware of the reason. But after I woke up there was an obsession within me to get stronger no matter what.”

If she was to say the truth, then it was just acquiring what she had learned from her previous life. But in the current moment she could only concoct such an explanation.

“Is that so? ‘Obsession to get strongerʼ… Is it because she faced a near death experience from an unduly powerful force?”

Tasel muttered in a barely audible voice as he measured the woman who stood erect and straight in front of him.

Cut short, dark and thick hair, green eyes which complemented her fair skin, slightly dry lips, hollow cheeks… a delicate and lean figure.

She had a supple chest, the arms revealed under her short sleeved coat held beautiful muscle lines which couldn’t be seen in other ordinary women.

“Can you ride a horse?”

“Yes, I can, sir.”

“To which degree can you wield a sword?”

“I started to train only after joining the 8th Unit, still a beginner at it.”

“But from Mikhail’s words, you seem to be able to handle a short-sword quite well. Just like… an assassin.”

“I only brandished the knife in self-defence.”

Kasia acted oblivious to Tasel’s questions who suspected her to be an assassin. It was natural for her movements to be similar to an assassin since she was one in her previous life. In her current world, it went without saying that the profession of an assassin was not well accepted. Even in her previous life her existence was not welcomed.

“… I sincerely hope your progressive talents will contribute to strengthen our troops. You can retire now.”

Kasia put her legs together in an attention stance. Her right fist was put before her left chest. With a slight bow she did her military salute and went out of the tent. Outside, the Unit Captain, Max stood there waiting for her. She went back to the unit with the Captain as she contemplated whether her salute to Tasel was proper or not.

“No matter what, how can you say that she is an assassin, that too towards a knight, who just barely braved her death. How can you, Your Highness?”

As soon as Kasia went out of the tent Mikhail criticized Tasel with a sulky face.

“Mikhail, don’t you think it is strange? There was no Female Knight among us who’s skilled enough to counterattack you. But a woman who was bedridden with a broken body recovered and became skilled to such a level.”

“Ah, no. That’s because I went easy on her.”

“Just use your brain, if at that time what she held in her hand was something sharp, what do you think would have happened? Though it might not have killed you, but to inflict a fatal wound, would have been possible. If she is skilled enough to inflict a fatal wound on you, then doesn’t it mean that she is capable enough to take care of an ordinary Unit Captain?”

“That, that is… No, even if it is like that, she herself stated that she doesn’t understand the reason behind her growth. And towards such a person, to hold the suspicion of being an assassin, won’t Dame Kasia be disappointed?”

Zeke, who pondered and mumbled standing beside Mikhail, finally opened his mouth.

“Anyway, all we can do now is to trust her. It’s not like the 8th Unit she’s affiliated to is handling any highly secretive information or that we have any evidence to prove that she is a spy. Without any evidence suspecting a soldier outright will only decrease the morale of the army.”

“Haah. That’s right. It can be that I am just being too paranoid.

Anyway has the secret envoy who was sent the day before yesterday returned?”

Rubbing around his tired eyes, he stopped conversing about Kasia.

“Not yet, Your Highness. The other side also seems to be struggling.”

“I got it. Let’s end it here.”

After some time, the light coming from the tent went out.

*     *     *

“I greet His Majesty, The Emperor.”

“It’s been a long time, Count Treon.”

Inside the Karina Palace, the audience hall had a subtle shade.

Because of the fierce confrontation between the imperial army and the rebel army, the imperial territory shuddered with groans and bloody smell. But the Karina palace which was at a distance from the royal capital seemed to be a different world, relaxed and peaceful.

“I apologize for not visiting often. It’s just that I am bothered about the 2nd Prince’s faction…”

“Tasel? Is there any need to be concerned about that Tasel boy? As a person who’s going to be the head of Aristocrats, you can’t even handle him?”

“Recently the popularity of the 2nd Prince among the civilians has increased. The nobles of the territories where the imperial army passes, though they haven’t expressed directly, they are amicable towards the 2nd Prince. I am just concerned that the 2nd Prince will act on his own if I am not there.”

“Tch Tch, it’s just some popularity among the civilians. Anyway in the current situation, the noblities are either on my side or the 1st Prince’s. There is no need to bother about Tasel and you need not to be concerned about nothing. By the way, did you find the Trenosil I mentioned before?”

“Yes, your Majesty. If it’s for Her Majesty, there isn’t anything that can’t be found.”

Emperor Alterion, who had a frown in between his eyebrows, now had a brightened look.

“I am concerned about Melania. Recently she is eating poorly because of her morning sickness . I am relieved that she can have Trenosil now.”

Trenosil was a high-quality fruit which was not available in the empire. It was a fruit which was especially favored by the palace ladies. It had a sweet and sour taste with a refreshing scent. But it was almost out of trade due to the civil war. Hence, it was rather difficult to acquire it.

Father Treon, who played in the political arena for a lifetime, could never stand out. But young Alfonso Evan Treon was determined to use this war for the Crown Prince’s position as an opportunity for him. He was even ready to brave an ocean to get the Trenosil, in order to please Melania who was his door to an official career.

“I can crown Melania as the Empress only if the war ends…”

“His Majesty’s affection for her Majesty is very loyal. As a person who is riding the same boat, I am moved to tears.”

Towards the deeply moved attitude of Count Alfonso the Emperor showed a satisfied smile. Indicating him to withdraw, Alterion waved his hands.

“Melania must be waiting for you. You should also make up for the missed visits and give her the Trenosil.”

With a deep bow Count Alfonso venerated the Emperor and with measured steps he moved towards Rose Garden, the courtyard Her Majesty Melania resided. As soon as he arrived, the court lady announced the arrival of the Count to Her Highness.

The 5th queen Melania Irene Treon was a beautiful woman who could even be considered as the national beauty. From a very young age she had been a mesmerizing beauty and was conferred as a crown princess. But when she was to enter the palace she was suddenly conferred the position of royal concubine.

Before she entered the Palace, she locked herself in her room and was overwhelmed in tears. At that time the young Count Alfonso hoped that his flower-like sister could marry a young crown prince rather than the old Emperor. But now, coming all this way, he was a million times thankful that she became a royal concubine back then.

If at that time she had married either the 1st Prince or the 2nd Prince, her life now would have been in question.

Melania whose eyes never left tears and lamented endlessly before entering the palace as a Royal Concubine, slowly transformed into a clever and vicious palace lady.

The Emperor was head-over-heels with the national beauty who obediently nestled in his arms. So almost all her wishes came true.

“Your Highness, how have you been all this while?”

“Brother! It’s been a very long time. I have missed you very much.”

The brightly smiling Melania was like a fully bloomed white rose. Her shiny platinum hair, her blue eyes which looked like precious gemstones sparkled radiantly.

When she entered the palace at the age of 16 her smile held purity and innocence. Now at the age of 26 she was like a beautiful flower which had fully bloomed from a bud. With such a face no one could believe that she was once titled as the crown princess and then conferred to be a royal concubine.

“Aren’t you waiting for the Trenosil rather than me?”

Count Alfonso took out a Trenosil and wagged it in front of Melania as if teasing her.

‘OH MY! TRENOSIL! How did you acquire it?! I heard it was hard to find because of the rebel…”

“What is there that’s out of my reach if it is for Her Majesty? Hahaha.”

Melania asked a court lady to trim some of the Trenosil and everyone to withdraw.

“Brother, I heard you have been working hard in the battle. But I am worried since this confrontation is lasting longer than expected.”

“Your Majesty! You can’t be like that. You are carrying the dragon seed of the Great Callistonia. Please eat this with relish and take care of the child. Though it is taking longer, the plan is moving according to the expectations.”

“Are you saying the truth? I really don’t have any big ambitions. I only wish to live happily with His Majesty, Euri and our unborn child.”

Melania’s eyes seemed so desperate that even the Count almost fell for it.

‘No big ambition… Is there any bigger ambition than making one’s own child the crown prince?ʼ

Though Count Alfonso thought that, he showered his clever and ambitious sister with a bright smile.