

Seven days later, the monkey finally got into trouble.

In fact, this efficiency is not high. Originally, the monkey's ability should have caused trouble, but this time, due to the arrival of Li hengxuan.

All the forces of tianjianzong strictly restricted their disciples.

In particular, the disciples of the Ding and Yu sects are not able to get out of the gate, and the two sects are not big enough, and the monkeys have no chance to look for trouble.

If you can't go to other people's homes to look for trouble, there will be no excuses.

However, there are dandies in every department. If dandies can be restrained from causing trouble, they will not be called dandies.

"The opportunity has come. It depends on this time that we can completely eliminate Ding Feng and Yu bumin."

Li hengxuan smiles a little and walks into the post of Jiange city.

Bihua city is very big.

The center is based on tianjianfeng, which spreads out. A large area is inhabited by core disciples of tianjianzong. Some of them are the family members of some big families of Tianjian sect. After that, he was a disciple of Tianjian sect.

This area is the size of the main city of Tianyuan city.

However, this area only accounts for less than one tenth of the whole Bihua city. If you fly high in the sky, looking down, Bihua city is mostly small squares.

In every square, there is a civilian area.

It happened in civilian area 137, which is not far from the surrounding disciple's residence.

The reason is that Yu Yang, a dandy of Yu family, molested a common woman. Originally, this kind of thing is very common. Since Yu Yang is a dandy, if he doesn't tease women, is he still a dandy?

Not counting Ding Tianjian, the first Department of the sword Pavilion controlled by the patriarch, Yu is the second largest force of Tianjian sect, except Ding.

Yu Yang's identity is not simple. He is Yu bumin's grandson.

Moreover, he is a very gifted grandson. He is only 20 years old, and he has reached the peak of martial arts. His talent is not even worse than that of the Aoshi sisters.

If he is diligent in his cultivation, I'm afraid he's already a strong king of Wu.

The 20-year-old king of martial arts has the best talent.

Therefore, he has been in the honey pot in the Yu family since he was a child. Yu bumin especially loves him and takes him as the hope for the future of the Yu family.

Yu Yang, a 20-year-old top martial arts master, has lived up to Yu bumin in any way. His only weakness is lust.

Originally in Yuyang's position, he would not go to civilian areas to molest women. There are so many beauties in tianjianzong that he can't tease them.

But it was because of Li hengxuan's arrival that Yu bumin strictly restrained his family.

Yu Yang endured for seven days, and finally couldn't help it. He went to the civilian area to hang out and found a very beautiful woman.


The next thing is very simple.

He wanted to get married to this woman, but he was engaged to death, and then he used the strong.

It's a normal thing to bully people's girls, not to mention Bihua City, even if you look at Kyushu. It's not a thing at all before.

Yu Yang himself doesn't think it's anything.

He didn't do evil in tianjianzong. He ran to the civilian areas outside and attacked the civilians who had no power or even voice.

What kind of thing is that?

Afterwards, the woman was crying. Yu Yang was upset, so he killed the woman directly.

But what he didn't know was that the monkey had sent a thousand monkey grandchildren to look for the dandies of Ding and Yu families.

Yu Yang, as the first dandy of the Yu family, has long been targeted.

At the time of the incident, Yu Yang suddenly left tianjianfeng, which attracted the attention of the monkey soldiers. However, he used his own city post, which was faster. Three monkey soldiers followed, using the shared City Post transmission. When they found him, the tragedy had already happened, but there was no time to stop it.

The next thing is very simple.

The three monkey soldiers are all the top of the martial arts. They will subdue him together. Then monkey brother arrived, and then he sent a letter to Li hengxuan.

In an instant, Li hengxuan came to the city post of 137 district directly as a teleportation array. And the specific location of the incident is also very easy to find, because here is already surrounded by a sea of people.

There are always a lot of people who like to watch.

A dandy disciple from the core of Tianjian sect was blocked in a civilian area, which has never happened in many years.

Li hengxuan didn't show his identity directly, instead, he used the technique of dragon concealment to squeeze into the crowd.

At this moment, Li hengxuan finally met Zhengzhu.

Yu Yang

He's in a very bad state now.

After being trapped by three monkey soldiers, brother monkey came over first and beat the language. He was black and blue. If it wasn't for Li hengxuan's orders and how big things were, brother monkey would have killed him with a stick in order to attract more people to watch.At the moment, brother monkey didn't beat Yu Yang any more.

But Yu Yang is faced with more painful things than brother monkey beating him.

"Benefactor, the emperor said that everyone should be equal and free, but individual freedom should not be superior to others' freedom. How can benefactor trample on others' happiness at will?"

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to be honest and kind? It's a big crime for you to force a woman to be licentious and kill that woman afterwards. The emperor said, "you have to be too late for this kind of crime..."

"If you think about it, are you worthy of your parents? You're going to be beaten. How sad they would be if they knew... "

"Besides your parents, you also have grandparents, aunts and aunts They will also feel unable to lift their heads for what you are doing today Even your dog... "


Yes, it's Tang Seng.

The best way to kill your monk Tang is to kill people from Yuyang. He talks about his parents, grandparents, even uncles and uncles. He even involves his dog and his cattle.

Not to mention Yu Yang, Li hengxuan can't stand listening outside.

And Tang monk is not only wordy, there seems to be a kind of magic between his words, which can be deeply rooted in people's hearts and strike people's souls.

If you insist on explanation.

That is, Tang Monk can put his own mysterious Qi into his language, then enter the sea of human knowledge, and finally directly torture the soul. This kind of torture, though not painful, is more useful than any torture in the world.

Yu Yang cried out bitterly: "kill me, monkey, you come here, you come here and kill me, I will never listen to this bald nagging again, I have a headache..."

"Well! It's just a pariah. Kill it! Who dares to kill the genius of my remaining department? "

Just at this moment, a loud voice came from the outside of the crowd.

After Li hengxuan, the people of Yu Department also came.