But to make Zhigang's Dragon boxing soft, Li hengxuan had never thought about it before.

Dragon boxing itself is the most rigid and fierce boxing.

It's the same with true dragon's world dominating formula. The combination of the two will only be more and more fierce. How can they play soft power?

He couldn't understand what he thought!

Because it's not his boxing at all. His boxing is hard and fierce. It has nothing to do with soft strength. It is his way to use the most powerful force to make the opponent yield and kill him directly.

Instead of attacking the stone tablet, he sat in front of it and thought quietly, but could not understand it. No

"soft strength!"

Li hengxuan frowned. He didn't know what soft power was.

In fact, he also has his own understanding of KUNDO, that is to say, in the past life, as a traveler.

In his previous life on earth, he didn't practice martial arts.

But as a Chinese, a great young man in the 21st century, he has never seen a pig run or eaten pork.

Taijiquan, which is famous in China, is the representative of the combination of hardness and softness.

He sat cross legged in front of the stone tablet, his hands swam slowly, sometimes clenched and sometimes spread out. He imagined the meaning of Taijiquan in his mind, and his hands were practicing slowly.

Taiji can be rigid or flexible, which can be divided into yin and Yang, just like the two poles of all things, the north and south of heaven and earth, and the opposite of things.

Two Yin and yang fish, the middle line will be black and white.

Soft, can accept all things in the world.

Hard, can break the stone and wood.

He gradually realized the artistic conception and tried to put Taijiquan into Longquan. Time passes slowly unconsciously, and three days pass in a flash.

He punches from weak to strong.

Suddenly, Li hengxuan opened his eyes, and there was a golden light in his eyes. He came forward slowly, stopped one foot away from the stone tablet, and patted it gently.


The slap made a deep dull sound on the stone tablet.

He saw the green light on the stone tablet tremble slightly, and the stone tablet shakes slowly.


Li hengxuan was stunned, and his eyes gave out a strange light.

His just hand is far less powerful than his dragon fist. It can even be said that he is very weak and extremely weak, just like spring rain moistening things silently.

Even for the ordinary Wuzong, who is in the same realm as him, I'm afraid that he can't hurt him. He can push away a distance at most.

But it was this palm that trembled in the blue light on the stone tablet.

"The Dragon boxing I've just played with 12 points of power can only achieve this effect. Is this the legendary way of breaking rigidity with softness? "

Li hengxuan finally understood that this stone tablet is not a test of his fighting power, not how strong his fist is, but a test of his understanding of boxing.

Then he clapped it, the same as just now, and the stone tablet trembled slightly.

But still no broken feeling!

"Still not!"

Li Heng Xuan frowned and said that he didn't understand KUNDO. He was even stronger than ordinary people. Some of the gifted disciples, even Tianjiao, who specialized in practicing KUNDO like Tiequan sect, couldn't match him.

Because all his fighting methods are his fists.

With these two fists, he has gone from the imperial city to the present and killed the treacherous officials. From Liangzhou to Wuzhou, they dominate the world.

But if we want to say how deep his understanding of KUNDO is, it's not as good as that.

Because he relies on the real dragon world Jue and dragon boxing.

No matter it's true dragon's world dominating formula or dragon boxing, it's all systematic skills and martial arts. In fact, it doesn't need him to practice. All his feelings are in his mind. With the improvement of his realm, he can naturally improve.

Because of this, he didn't have much insight.

In actual combat, he is very effective. No one in the same level is his opponent. He can even challenge the ordinary civilian warrior or lone ranger.

But now the test is not combat effectiveness, but his understanding of boxing.

Li hengxuan was stunned.

From the Tai Chi of his previous life, he realized that the use of soft strength was his own understanding of the meaning of boxing, so the stone tablet that could be shaken trembled.

But this is not his way, so it is still unable to break the stone tablet.

"A philosopher once said that you may not learn from your enemies, but you must understand them."

Li hengxuan gave a little meal, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

It's like boxing. There's no doubt that his boxing is the most powerful of dragon boxing, not the combination of hardness and softness of Taiji. What he wants to go is also the most rigid and fierce boxing, but he has to understand other boxing ideas.

Boxing is like sword. There are thousands of sword in the world, and boxing is also like that. His boxing is very hard and fierce, but it has to blend other boxing ideas.That is to say, whether he is dragon boxing or can be as hard and fierce as ever, because dragon boxing should be. But in order to deal with different enemies, it is necessary to integrate other boxing ideas into Longquan to improve his Longquan and his KUNDO.

Instead of just like that, independent of dragon boxing, playing soft power! No,

Li hengxuan stood in the same place again, thinking deeply.

All the questions are back to the origin, or that sentence, how to make Zhigang's Dragon boxing soft?

He hit the stone with a sudden blow.


This fist is still powerful and unparalleled, to just unparalleled, the waves burst open, stone motionless.

"Still not!"

Li hengxuan shook his head and continued to punch.


The blue light flickered, and the strength of the anti shock flicked him away.

"It's not like this. If you want to play soft, you shouldn't work like this." He tried to step back two steps and blow forward with a soft punch.


Li hengxuan grinned bitterly, because this time even the green light did not twinkle. The strength of this fist was so small that even without the protection of the green light, he could not open the stone tablet.


He nodded slightly, soft strength does not mean small strength is soft strength.

If he realizes something, he punches again.

"Not so It's not like that... "

"It's not like this. How can I change the way I work?"


Li hengxuan blows one after another towards the stone tablet. Every time he waved a punch, he stopped to think.

The so-called strong, soft strength.

The difference lies in the way of exerting force, and the way of exerting force of Longquan is from the most rigid to the most fierce. It can swing all the strength of the whole body without leaving any room.

This is the strongest dragon boxing.

It's also the strongest fist in Li hengxuan's heart!

This way of exerting power, in his mind, even in every cell of his body, has formed a habit.

This is the habit of the body, so if he wants to use dragon boxing, he instinctively uses this way of exerting force.

It is more difficult to change the established habits than to form them.

He punches after punches.

It's just like a martial arts apprentice who has just practiced KUNDO, starting with the most basic and simple things.

I hope to change the habit I have formed for a long time.

Time passed slowly, and three days later, a little sweat appeared on his forehead, but his fist was either too strong or not powerful.

"I can't go on like this, I only have one day..."

Li Heng Xuan stopped again, he must change the method!