Hello everyone, I'm the legend of a pure new knight. I opened a pure new book called Xiuzhen chat group.

Now, the book of Xiuzhen chat group has more than 30000 words.

And then, finally, it's on the shelves.

Before putting it on the shelves, you have to give a speech.

Thank you for your support along the way. There are also many awards. Then I hope you can continue to support and grow old together.

After all, new people like me eat by subscription and reward. Subscription is my biggest motivation! Not only that, but also the author's face If they are set too low, they can't raise their heads. If they are all set, they will have more face, won't they?

Then, on the shelf, I will try to update, occasionally can burst under the best.

However, this book, as most of the old readers can see, belongs to the kind of book itself is not fast. If you write fast, it's not interesting. It's impractical to burst into eight chapters and ten chapters at one breath. I can only try to keep up with the standard and update more.

All right, I'm done. I'm going to code.

I am responsible for writing the book carefully, and then subscription, reward, monthly pass will be handed over to you!


The legend of the paladin.

www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!