Song Shuhang, who is far away in the Tianting fragment "yaochi Tianjie", suddenly feels a little cold and swish.

"How do you feel a little cold? It's clear that just now the fire of merit is still burning. Now I should be very hot. " Song Shuhang murmured.

Then, he looked at the white Zun: "white master is not over yet?"

Su Shi a 16 said: "Yao Chi heaven is so big, even if you master the core, it is not easy to hold up the whole heaven of yaochi. In other words, is the mode of three heads and six arms of Shu Hang still not lifted? "

"I almost forgot." Song Shuhang's idea moved, and the match man with the light of merit and virtue shrank back into his body. Only in the rest of the mind, the "Lotus" projected from the core is still looming, greedily absorbing the "Jiuyou evil Qi" of the outside world. It seems that this "lotus flower" will not stop until all the evil spirits in yaochi heaven are absorbed.

After the match man disappeared, Ye Si did not continue to play with "two heads and four arms", so he went back.



In the distance, Bai Zun raised his hands slowly and held them flat on his head.

The Phoenix crown is gently swinging, and the Phoenix robe is flapping in the wind.

"Hoo ~ ~" at this time, the white Zun opened his eyes, and his face showed a satisfied color.

Song Shuhang: "master Bai, did you succeed?"

Bai Zun maintained the posture of holding both hands flat and said, "it's done, eh Stand still, we're going out! "

After Bai Zun, the willow demon danced lightly, rolled up a small pot containing "the devil of Lushan road" with branches, and hopped to the side of song Shuhang and Su Shi A-16.

At the next moment, a blue light diffused and wrapped song Shuhang, Su shi'a-16 and willow demon into a shield.

The shield was slightly bright, and then song Shuhang felt his body vibrate. And then They left the small "space of different dimensions" and returned to the ground of yaochi heaven.

"Space transfer capability?" Su Shi a 16 asks, but this kind of feeling, and white before the space transfer is somewhat different.

Around him, Bai Zun held his hands flat and said, "it's the ability of space transfer, but I didn't take you away with my" space talent "ability just now. Instead, it uses the authority of the master of "yaochi heaven" to take you to move instantaneously. As long as I have an idea, we can appear in every corner of the heaven. It is worthy of being established by the elders, and some functions are very convenient. "

"Master Bai, have you succeeded in inheriting the heaven of yaochi Song Shuhang asked.

"It must be!" Bai Zun's mouth Rose: "before, I was worried that it would be a little difficult for me to support the complete" yaochi heaven ". After all, the original owner of this heaven is the "immortal". I have made a good plan to abandon part of the "yaochi heaven boundary" area and strive to retain the core. But When I took over this piece of Yao Chi heaven, I found that the cost of supporting the "Yao Chi heaven" was much lower than I expected. "

Before the disappearance of the beauty of the tear nevus, he once said that only when the white Zun was promoted to the ninth grade, could he fully support the "yaochi heaven". But in fact, Bai Zun feels very relaxed when he holds up the "Yao Chi heaven".

After that, Bai Zun's hand, which had been held flat, was finally released. Then, looking at the huge heaven of yaochi, he began to stay.

"Master Bai, master Bai?" Song Shuhang called carefully.

However, Bai Zun did not reply to him. He seemed to be seriously thinking about something.

"No, master Bai is distracted again." Song Shu waterway: "retreat Everybody, step back. Back to 300 meters No, go back 500 meters. That's safe. "

The white Zun in the distracted state can easily lead to land subsidence, or it is safer to keep a distance.

Su Shi a 16, willow demon smell speech, quietly back to 500 meters away, looking at the dazed white Zun.



A moment later, Bai Zun suddenly struck his right hand in the palm of his left hand and said, "I think of it. No wonder I feel a little bit less! Since I have already taken over the heaven of yaochi, there is no reason to let it continue to be abandoned

After that, Bai Zun turned his head and found that song Shuhang was far away.

"What are you doing?" Bai Zun said.

"Nothing, nothing. It's cooler here. " Song Shuhang said seriously.

"Is it that far to be cool?" Bai Zun waved his hand and said, "don't worry, I didn't lose my mind just now. And if I'm really distracted You can't avoid running 500 meters. "

Song Shuhang In other words, the power of Bai Zun's falling on the ground has increased again?

"But you are in the right position, so that I may not be involved in the next step. Light dance, you give Shuhang them a shield. Next, there may be some aftershocks. " Bai Zun said.

The willow demon danced softly and put up a shield to protect song Shuhang and Su's A-16.

"Master Bai, what are you going to do next?" Su asked curiously."I want to see if I can activate this" Yao Chi heaven "to restore its former scenery. If you fail, it may have some impact. You should protect yourself Bai Zun said and took out the sealed lotus flower.

There is still a lot of spiritual power in the lotus, which is enough for the white Zun to recover several times.

Seeing the lotus on Bai Zun's hand, song Shuhang looked down at the new lotus flower projected from his chest. This new lotus flower as like as two peas, is after all projected products.

If we seal the new lotus plant, what will it look like if it absorbs the "Jiuyou evil Qi"?

Can it be used to replenish the friars' consumption just like the lotus in the hands of the white Zun? Or can it be used to supplement the energy consumption of the nine hell demons?



At this time, Bai Zun began to try to activate the heaven of yaochi.

"Go With a light drink, his great spiritual power surged out of his body and poured into the heaven of yaochi through his "Phoenix crown" and "Phoenix Robe".

The whole heaven of yaochi began to vibrate.

The next moment, the original wilderness, countless vegetation growth with the naked eye speed. The withered tree has been replenished by spiritual power. In two or three breaths, it opens branches and leaves again and grows new branches and buds! Dry streams, there are springs from the bottom of the ground, clattering up. The stream and the bottom of the river are moistened by the spring and give out vitality again.

Bai Zun is infusing new vitality into the lifeless "yaochi heaven"!

"This picture is a miracle." Song Shuhang sighed.

Unfortunately, he has no talent for photography. Otherwise, if this picture is taken, it will definitely blind people's eyes.

"It's like creating the world at the beginning of the world." Su Shi a 16 also praised.

"Maybe this is the mystery of the immortality of the ancient heaven? In this small heaven of our own, it really exists like a God. The heaven of yaochi has opened up a new world. " Ye Si said.

Create a new world? 】

Song Shuhang couldn't help thinking about the "striped dragon heaven" and the two spaces of Jinlian and Xie Lian when he was dreaming of Junzi Jinlian. In fact, what striped heaven does is to open up a whole small world!

Did the "emperor" of ancient heaven try to create a world?

In other words, the emperor of heaven does not know whether he is still alive?

When the emperor is in the Pearl, the emperor dies and the Pearl dies.

The emperor bead is all over suddenly, this emperor of heaven must have had some accident?

Well, it has nothing to do with song Shuhang.

Moreover, if the demise of Bishui Pavilion had something to do with "ancient heaven", song Shuhang would have been happier if the emperor of heaven had died. After all, he has a close relationship with bishuige.



The heaven of yaochi is still recovering, the land is returning to spring, and the wilderness has become grassland; the withered forest is restored to be dense; the dry river is flowing with fresh spring again.

"The last step!" Bai Zun held his hands high, and the spirit power in his body sprang up wildly.

The most important place to restore the heaven of yaochi is the dried up yaochi.

At this time, dozens of female guards emerged from the soil, staring at the changes in the heaven of yaochi.

"The heaven of yaochi is recovering!" Exclaimed the woman in shining silver armor.

"Did the master come back? Or is it the return of the emperor to rebuild the heavenly palace Behind her, there were also excited voices.

"I don't know, but I'm looking forward to the recovery of yaochi. I'm looking forward to this day every night." The bright silver armor of the female guard gently jumped to the Bank of the Yao pool, knelt down on the ground, and carefully touched the grass on the ground with her steel arm.

This kind of picture reminds her of her memory which is too far away to calculate time. In ancient times, the edge of the Yao pool is also a vibrant color.

All kinds of spiritual grass and plants can be seen on the bank. Under the baptism of the miraculous power of the yaochi lake, countless miraculous medicines incarnate into spiritual things and sing and dance at the edge of the yaochi lake.

At that time, TIANYAO was in heaven.

The female guard with shining silver armor turned her head and looked at the dried up yaochi.

Today, this most important and precious treasure land in the heaven of yaochi can be restored?

The huge and pure spiritual power condenses into a group and covers the whole yaochi lake.

The huge spiritual power smashed into the yaochi.

"Coming!" The bright silver guard whispered, her arm clenched involuntarily.

At the next moment, from the bottom of the yaochi, there is an equally terrifying Jiuyou evil spirit, which breaks through the ground and turns into a ferocious beast. It bumps into the aura in the sky with its teeth and claws.

At that time, the heaven of yaochi fell.The most precious yaochi in the heaven is also the most seriously polluted place by the evil energy of Jiuyou.

If you want to restore yaochi, you must first solve the pollution of Jiuyou energy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!