"Well, here it is. It was here that I was the last time I got my mark. " Master Bai looked at the strange jungle in front of him and nodded.

Song Shuhang still remembers that the last time Mr. Bai returned to the restaurant in Lanxi Island, half of his body was lignified and sprouted.

Master Bai's separation is a solid realm of eight grades of Xuansheng.

Moreover, according to song Shuhang's appraisal results, Bai's realm is "unknown", and his actual combat power may be higher.

What's so weird about the jungle where you can get to Bai's separation?

"This jungle is a big formation. There is an auxiliary array of "forbidden air and gravity" buried underground, and there is also a frame of a large array. " Master Bai pointed to the array and said, "at the same time, every tree inside is carefully selected, all of which are spiritual plants. Together, more than 300 different "death trap" effects can be evolved, or even more. My last incarnation was curious about the number of death traps, so he activated them one by one and recorded them one by one. As a result, he played too much. More than 300 traps triggered by him formed a chain of death traps. The big array under the ground was merged into a nine level wooden curse attack. And the sub body is also very happy to get together to the wooden curse, want to personally taste the effect of the curse. And he died. "

Song Shuhang

Master Bai's separation is really extraordinary. It's completely opposite to his own personality. All of them seem to be the combination of Sanlang and yunjiezi. As long as you don't die, you're going to die. Even if you know you're going to die, you'll have to wave.

"What are we going to do with this bush?" Song Shuhang asked.

Master Bai pinched his chin and suddenly asked, "how much space is there in your core world?"

"Since the last evolution, there has been a lot more space. A part of the garden was transformed into a part of Tianling spring. In the other part, I combine the desert oasis fragments in the sky to change into pasture. But there's still a lot of space left. " Song Shu waterway.

His core world, has not yet figured out how to operate, many places are idle and wasteful.

"Then move this jungle to your core world. When I dig out the jungle, you plant them into the core world one by one according to their original position. Don't make a mistake." Master Bai said.

Song Shuhang: "OK, then I plan a piece of land in the core world."



Master Bai strode to the edge of the jungle and chose the position of "breaking the battle".

Then, he put his hand on the edge of a ten meter tree and lifted it.

The giant tree was pulled out of the ground by roots.

Song Shuhang seems to have heard the giant tree send out a feeble wail.

"Well, not much resistance It seems that the last time I split in and broke the array, I consumed all the energy of the jungle array. So far, their energy has not recovered. " There are many voices before Bai Qian.

Because the energy has been squeezed out, the Bushen can't even open the large array. It can only maintain some basic array functions and form some attacks such as "magic array and strangling trap".

But for Bai, this basic attack is too weak.

"Here you are." Master Bai turned around and threw the ten meter high tree at Song Shuhang.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Song Shuhang seems to see the giant tree was thrown over, is shouting, seems to be crying - just like he was playing bungee jumping.

Song Shuhang reached for the ten meter tree and opened the "core world" in front of it.

The core world is not.

However, because the core world is still evolving, the speed of opening is slightly delayed.

Song Shuhang sent the giant tree into the open space of the core world, corresponding the open space with the forest in front of him, and forced the giant tree into the core world.

The ground of the core world can be changed to a certain extent with the wishes of song Shuhang.

When the giant tree is inserted into the ground, the ground becomes extremely soft, and the root of the giant tree is accepted. After the giant trees were planted, the ground returned to its original state.

"Speed up. There are a lot of ancient trees in this jungle. Pull them out early and go to the next scene of" secret land of the four seas. " There are many voices before Bai Qian.

Talking, one after another giant trees, constantly flying to Song Shu hang.

Song Shuhang tried his best to use the body method of "a gentleman's journey for thousands of miles". He moved and moved, cooperating with master Bai, and constantly involved the giant trees into the core world and planted them according to their original positions.

At the same time, song Shuhang's body is also on the side, helping the noumenon to receive these giant trees.

Only by acting together can we keep up with master Bai's tree pulling speed.

"Song, can I help you?" Li Yinzhu asked in a voice.

Master Bai: "xiaoyinzhu, you follow song Shuhang and use sword pill to cut off the land where we pass by. There is a set of array hidden under the land. We will transplant the land to the core world of song Shuhang later. If you modify it again, you can convert the array into our use. ""Make sure to finish the task!" Li Yinzhu leaped from the shoulder of song Shuhang. She offered her own sword pills and performed the "imperial sword technique.".

I saw her sword balls flying in the air, falling a small sword spirit. These small sword Qi cuts into the ground and cuts out the ground one by one

This imperial sword technique was taught by Taoist priest chixiaozi. It is a set of superb sword techniques.

Although there were only three people, song Shuhang, Bai and Li Yinzhu had a tacit understanding in digging trees, transplanting and cutting land, which was smooth and natural. So, the whole jungle is disappearing at a very fast rate.

After three people passed through the area, leaving a piece of neat holes.

Because it is very neat, people will feel very happy when they see it.



Br >

in the afternoon, it took about three hours to move the forest away. Even the land and the array were cut out, all transferred to the core world of song Shuhang.

Xiaoyinzhu is tired and lying down. She is weak and sits on song Shuhang's neck. Her chin is on song Shuhang's head. She doesn't want to move.

"It took a little while." Master Bai said.

This is mainly because the entrance of "core world" of song Shuhang is too small, which limits the speed. If the entrance to the core world of song Shuhang is large enough, it will take only two steps to move the jungle.

Step one: Master Bai, with one sword, can directly cut out the whole forest.

Step 2: Song Shuhang opens up the core world and transfers them all together with the land.

"Your core world doesn't exclude this jungle?" Bai asked again.

Song Shuhang shook his head and said: "there is no rejection at all. On the contrary, it has accepted this forest, which seems to be a great supplement to the core world. I found that the speed of its evolution has increased a bit. Just like bringing "ancient celestial fragments" into the core world, it is only beneficial to it. "

Master Bai: "your core world is really welcome I kind of want this core world. If you open up the core world, I'll go in and revise the array, so that this jungle can be transformed into a "forest of death.". If you encounter enemies in the future, you can consider pulling them into the forest of death. "

After the death forest, Song Shu Hang's meager means of attack was a new model.



Master Bai entered the core world of song Shuhang and began to set up the "forest of death" array.

The death forest array, on the whole, is very good. However, some methods have not kept up with the times, and some array areas have been updated and need to be upgraded locally. Some areas can be enhanced and some more interesting features can be added.

Master Bai began to rearrange the array and changed it. He had many inspirations in his mind. The array of death forest was changed more and more terrible.



Song Shuhang, carrying Li Yinzhu on his back, wandered in the jungle pit that had been dug away with his roots and soil.

In the last scene of the four seas, there were altars, huge swords, and a "Xuansheng's lecture script gift bag" hidden for the heirs.

Is there a similar treasure hidden in the jungle scene?

"Song, what else are you looking for?" Li Yinzhu's chin is against song Shuhang's head. When she talks, song Shuhang feels itchy on his head.

"Looking for baby, my intuition tells me that there must be something good in this jungle scene." Song Shuhang said with a smile.

After a few steps, song Shuhang's body was slightly stunned.

Li Yinzhu blinked: "have you found something good?"

"No, it's my resurrection gold CD that finally arrived." Song Shuhang laughed.

After waiting for a long time, I finally got to this day.

These days, he was very worried and careful every move. Today, he finally survived the resurrection CD.

Then, the far away body waved hard.

In this scene, we found a different part.

In the jungle pit where the soil has been dug away, there is a place where the land is slowly rising, as if there is something to squeeze out from the ground.

"Let's try identification." Song Shuhang gave instructions to Fenshen.

He took off the "wooden ox swordsman's love gloves" and put his hand on the raised ground.

The secret method of identification is started.

The cost of identification is very small, just a few small scars.

[a sealed ancient space shuttle array radiates power that does not belong to this world. It is impossible to determine where the ancient array channel connects. 】

Song Shuhang's split body leaped gently and jumped backward.

On the rising ground, a layer of earth crust broke apart, revealing a remnant tower made of steel. The tower has been completely destroyed, with only one base left.The ancient space shuttle array is depicted on the pedestal.

At the same time, a few words are also depicted on the edge.

It's an ancient language.

Song Shuhang knew these words.

[the unknowability of the future is the driving force for our progress. 】

these words seem to inspire people to go to the mysterious and unknown world.

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