Chu Pavilion master's long hair, in Song Shuhang head graceful twist, swing with the wind.

"Old things may be more delicious, but they will also become more powerful." Chu Pavilion Lord's long voice.

After song Shuhang, his face was paralyzed, and his hands were ready to move. His eyes were fixed on the long, swaying hair on his head, hoping to pull it off.

Taking advantage of this long hair and song Shuhang's communication, Mr. Bai's body moved, and his hand was like an electric grab at the long hair.

Chu Pavilion master's long hair "whoosh" retracted, and then from another position on song Shuhang's head: "Bai Sheng, why?"

Master Bai calmly shook his head and retreated to the original position. His eyes continued to lock on the hair on song Shuhang's head, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The master of Chu Pavilion felt uneasy to be stared at. His seven meter long hair was retracted, and then retracted It's shorter and shorter.

"Well, master Henghuo, have Confucianists ever been in this fragment?" Song Shuhang asked aloud, diverting the attention of Bai.

"All the pieces of heaven in the hands of Confucianists have been tested once, and this is certainly no exception. But if it's the emperor of heaven hiding something inside, it's normal that we can't detect it. " Henghuo Zhenjun's reply is, after all, the existence of being compared with Confucian sages by the world.

Song Shuhang: "can we go in and have a look?"

"This piece of heaven is already the stuff of white friends." Constant fire is the true king's way.

Master Bai turned his head and said, "go in and have a look."

"In fact, if you want to make heart demon dishes Chu two is a good material. " At this time, the head of the Chu Pavilion master's long hair suddenly out of voice.

Hearing this, song Shuhang was stunned.

"Chu two is the real evil spirit of sinking years. Since the day when the green water pavilion was destroyed, it has been entangled in my heart. What's more, she is now in the realm of "longevity", that is to say, this is the material of the longevity level. " Chu Pavilion Lord continued.

"Sorry, Master Chu I want to live another two years. " Song Shuhang seriously replied.

He, song someone, even if he died, would die more than Mount Tai. He would never waste the opportunity of resurrection.

"Yes." Chu Pavilion master continued: "to be a man, we should have a goal and love each other. Since you choose to be the immortal chef, the goal is to set it as the strongest immortal chef. The ingredients of the immortal level are the ultimate goal of the immortal kitchen. "

"Master Chu, what's wrong with you today?" Song Shuhang asked carefully, "you won't have a new heart demon again?"

Otherwise, why encourage him to eat Chu Tao all the time?

"You have a strong desire to survive today." Chu Pavilion master long hair, burst out laughter.

Song Shuhang

"A guest is coming." Chu Pavilion Lord slowly way: "uninvited guests."

"Enemy?" Song Shuhang asked - but even if the enemy comes, does it have anything to do with your encouraging me to eat the two of Chu Pavilion master?

Hearing the warning of Chu Pavilion leader, all the people on the scene quickly entered the fighting state.

This is the hinterland of Confucianism, where the Golden Lotus World is, and the most important place of Confucianism today. It's not fun to be directly intruded into here by the enemy.

[hehe hehe, I didn't expect that there was such a good thing hidden in Confucianism. 】In the void, there is a heavy voice. The voice has a strong nasal sound This makes the heavy voice a little cute.


A space passage emerges, which is the door of Jiupin robbing immortals.

Only under the suppression of Confucian defense means, the door of space took shape very slowly.

Henghuo Zhenjun: "the breath of Jiuyou."

Confucianists and Jiuyou evil spirits are the real enemies. They hunt each other and monitor each other.

When the Confucianists have great movements, the evil spirits of Jiuyou can always get some clues and news, and vice versa.

But the nine devils directly opened up space channels in the hinterland of Confucianism This confidence is very strong. If it's not a brain fever, then it's all ready to ensure that their whole body and retreat?

It's not good to come.

Master Bai moves fastest. He appears on the door of space, rubbing his hands, pressing towards the door of space.

Bang ~ ~

the violent explosion sounds, and the door and passage of the space are directly detonated.

The Confucian sage passed on his unique skill "secret method of space compression explosion".

This is the secret method that master Bai got from the top of Wanshu mountain and Shengji pool during his last trip to Confucianism.

It was developed by Confucian sages to deal with those who use "space means" to close up attackers.

The effect of this secret method, just like its name, can directly compress and explode the space.

The effect is outstanding.

There was a groan of pain from the destroyed space passage.

Even if it is a strong person of Jiupin Jiexian or above, it is very uncomfortable to eat "secret method of space compression explosion".

Space channel crashes.But the other side did not give up, and a new space channel slowly condensed into shape - but as before, under the influence of the Confucian hinterland array, the formation process of the space gate and channel was suppressed.

White master is a flash, hands a rub, press toward the space channel.

"It's like hitting a hamster." Song Shu waterway.

At the critical time, master Bai is always so reliable.

"Shuhang, you'll come later." Master Bai's way of separation.

Song Shuhang

"Bai Sheng is to let you try the strength of the other side." Chu Pavilion master's long hair twisted, while returning.

While speaking, the space passage reappears.

Head iron, do not break the south wall, never look back.

Master Bai's figure flashed. He grabbed song Shuhang and flashed again. He appeared on the edge of the space passage.

"Identification of the strong!" Song Shuhang's left eye lit up, and a ray of light penetrated into the space channel.

After taking a rest.

"No response, no cry, no good I'm afraid it's the best. " Song Shu waterway.

Master Bai rubbed his hands again.

The space passage has been blown up again.

Chu pavilion main way: "is not the peerless strong, just the other side opened a channel, but people did not squeeze in. Cunning. "

[hehe, hehe, hehe. 】The laughter resounded again in the void.

The next moment, the door of space sprang up, and a bear's head and paw squeezed out from the door of space.

After opening the door of space for three times, he has already grasped the knack of Confucianist's ability to suppress space and make a breakthrough at one stroke.

"This time it depends on how you can detonate the space." Bear's paw waved, pointing to the white master: "come on, come again!"

"Identification of the strong!" Song Shuhang did not hesitate to send a "maternal love.".

PA ~

"it's useless to bully the Confucians and demons. Just being pregnant doesn't affect me at all The bear's head grinned grimly.

The most powerful?

There are so many people who can be immunized against "strong identification" these days?

"I'm the overlord who can conceive ten babies at a time, and the process of pregnancy is not affected. Even if I have ten children, I can go directly to the battlefield." Bear head complacent way.

Song Shuhang

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