
Isn't the black stele belong to Baima?

In other words, in theory, I don't have to pay for it at all?

So I'm not at a loss?

"Master Baima, you pit me!" Song Shuhang yelled.

"No pit, no pit You know, I don't want my experiment, when others ask for it. " The sound and music on the white horse said.

"Give me my" meat compensation. " Song Shuhang felt that he had lost a lot.

White horse tilted his head, as if thinking about something.

A moment later, he nodded solemnly: "OK, I owe you one. When you come out alive, I will give you a "meat compensation."

Song Shuhang

There's something wrong with this.

The next moment, he and Su's A-16 blurred in front of their eyes, as if in a fog, unable to see the white horse's figure.

It's the white balls that spread, turn into white fog, and cover the whole space.



The white horse stood still on the edge of the fog, looking at the front.

The heart demon Chixiao sword couldn't help asking, "what experiment are you going to do? I warn you, if you're going to be bad for that boy with a good face, don't blame me for being rude

Believe it or not, I pierced your stomach?

Sword swallowing performance is not everyone can do!

"You're a disgrace to the devil. I've never seen such an upright devil like you." The white horse laughs.

The heart demon Chixiao sword subconsciously said: "no, there is a heart demon to me. Eh? Who else is the devil of the heart? "

Amnesia is such a thing, sometimes it's a headache.

"Don't worry. I'm helping him." The voice of the white horse said slowly.

Heart demon Chixiao sword:

"Originally, my experiment was prepared for white rabbits. The purpose is to free him from the world of nine worlds and get real freedom. But that time, when I looked into the future and saw that the white rabbit was still the master of Jiuyou, I knew that the Bureau and experiment I set up must have ended in failure. " The white horse walked slowly.

After a long silence, the heart demon Chixiao sword said, "can you make it simple? I have lost my memory now. It's too professional for me to understand. It's better to be easy to understand. "

"When it comes to time, it's a mess and it's hard to explain. If you can't understand it, just know that I'm running an experiment that's doomed to fail, and this experiment can help bassoon The white horse walked slowly.

"What can you do for him?" Heart demon Chixiao sword asked.

White horse's voice rang out: "help him to move the" disaster "from" future "to" past. "

In the future, the Basong is still in the state of "crossing the Jiupin Tianba".

If he entered the "six Jin and seven ferry robbery mode" again, the two in one would be integrated into the "Jiupin Tianjie" directly, and the "Jiupin Tianba" that he was crossing would be directly upgraded to the level of terror.

Therefore, his experiment can pull the "six Jin and seven" calamities of Ba song to the "past" and allow him to survive his "six Jin and seven" calamities in this era.

"This kind of thing can also be done? What is your origin? " The heart demon Chixiao sword said in a deep voice.

"No one else can do it, not even the law of heaven. The way of time can only "peep into the past", but not "change the past". But I can. " The white horse looked at the fog, and even his voice was filled with a sense of illusion, as if the sound came from all directions.

"Why?" Heart demon Chixiao sword doubts way.

"Because I hang!" White horse laughs.

Heart demon Chixiao sword:

I really want to pierce its stomach and cool my heart.

However, the way of time can not change the past, only "peep into the past". So when they're in the "time retrograde" spell, they'll be erased from all their memories, so that they don't affect the past?

"It's a pity that I've been preparing it for so long. It was all for the white rabbit." White horse regretted again.

In this paper, the author points out that there are some problems in the present life.

The animal kingdom, the testing place of Mount Kal.

"It's an eye opener. It's the Yuan Ying of the Song Dynasty." Cried the black feather Rouzi.

Song Shuhang, who was holding a fat whale, opened his eyes slowly.

This represents the coming of the seven grade catastrophe.

"Stone tablet friends!" Chu Pavilion Master said, her hair as long as legs, climb down from the top of Song Shu hang, transplanted to black feather Rouzi head.

"No problem. I'm ready." The next moment, I saw the sand in the tomb moving. Song Shuhang's body was wrapped in sand and sent out like a shell.

Song Shuhang's body is firmly protected by virtue, snake and beauty, while the fairy of nature penetrates into the depth of song Shuhang's body.

If the robbery is to start, there should be no interference from other friars within the scope of the robbery.Only merit and virtue, snake and beauty can help song Shuhang.

The fairy is an insurance measure.

She can't do it. Unless it's time for song Shuhang's life and death, she will drag on the time of the disaster.

At this time, Chu Pavilion Lord again called: "this way, Su Shi a 16 is about to cross the robbery."

"It's on me." The stone tablet Taoist friend called again.

At the next moment, Su's A-16 was also shot like a shell, shooting in the opposite direction with song Shuhang.

In this way, there will be no overlap between the two people's hijacking spaces and there will be a buffer zone.

"Yurouzi fairy, stay in the cave well. You are the devil of the heart. You will not die or die if you suffer from the disaster. I'm going to protect the Dharma for song Xiaoyou and Su's little girl. " The stone tablet added.

With it, song Xiaoyou and Su's little girl will never have problems.

Just wait for the disaster to come, if the virtuous fairy can't protect song Shuhang, it will directly break up the robbery!

It's the same with little Miss Su.

The other side is the other side.

In the desert world after time reversal.

Song Shuhang's consciousness looks up to the sky.

The fog of those white balls wrapped his consciousness.

The body of consciousness begins to solidify and turn into substance.

Those "white dumplings" have the power of time. They are like channels connecting the past and the future.

Under the influence of Bai Tuanzi, song Shuhang's consciousness of "the past" and the "future" of song Shuhang are linked together.

This is also true of Su's sixteen state.

Song Shuhang looked down at his body.

"Why? How did my body become transparent? " He wondered.

"The body is like glass, how can you do it?" Sister Bai Long has a wonderful way.

Song Shuhang shook his head and looked at his stomach again: "I have eight children in my stomach Me, pregnant? I feel like they're going to be born. Do you want a C-section? "

I do not know why, in the face of [he may be pregnant], song Shuhang is very calm.

"It's not a child, it's a baby." Sister Bai Long points out the mistakes of song Shuhang.

On the edge, Su Shi a 16 covered his eyes shyly.

Boom ~ ~

in the sky, there are robbery clouds.

It's a natural calamity of six Jin and seven.

At present, it's still normal and has no mutation.

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