Even so, the white dragon sister finally stretched out her noble dragon claws and gently pressed her head in childe Hai.

The magic of forced search for memory is activated in her claws, and the magic brilliance is running in the brain of the incarnation of Childe Hai, who has been disconnected from the noumenon, so there is no need to worry about its brain bearing problems.

Song Shuhang once learned from master Bai that "memory erasure", which can open the C, D and e disks in the subject's mind. However, he has not mastered the matching reading memory technique.



A moment later.

Sister Bai Long took back her claws and said, "sure enough, there is no useful information."

"Then you can only keep it. Watch out for the magic leek?" Song Shuhang regretted that he would return to the core world.

"Although I haven't found any information about the evil delusion and the infinite evil sect plan, I have found some pieces of information. Do you have a book? I'll print out these information for you." Asked sister Bai long.

As soon as sister Bai Long's voice dropped, Su's A-16 shoulder suddenly had a small hand to hand over the child, the ghost fairy, from nowhere, took out a thick notebook and handed it to elder sister Bai long.

"Ah Ghost fairy, when you suddenly appear next time, say something first, or you will suddenly get your hands out of ah 16's body. It's quite frightening. " Sister Bai Long grabs her little claws and grabs this thick notebook.

Ghost fairy smile: "even if I make a sound, you may not be able to notice me."

Su's A-16: "it's

Song Shuhang

The spirit, ghost and fairy have a good reason.

Sister Bai Long opened the thick notepad and waved her little paws. In a flash, there were many pieces of information she had printed on the notebook.

"What kind of magic is this?" Song Shuhang inquired, just like a printer.

"It's the ordinary rubbing magic, which belongs to the fourth level of small magic. Before, we used it to print images. Do you want to learn? " Bai Long asked casually.

After thinking about it for a while, song Shuhang asked, "sister Bai Long, can you reduce this" rubbing spell "to a level that can be used by runes?"

"Go away! Love to learn or not to learn. " The white dragon elder sister rebukes a way.

Who can get rid of this kind of magic that can be learned easily into runes and then teach it to you? With this time and energy, I can develop several powerful level 9 skills.

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky and said, "I want to learn, but I have the qualifications to learn magic arts. I'm afraid I can't master such a complicated magic in a short time."

Just as song Shuhang was talking, he suddenly reached out and rowed in the void.

She is drawing gourds according to the movements of white dragon sister.

A moment later, a pair of patterns in the void was printed by her. It was a group of scenes in which song Shuhang threw himself into the nine cultivation Phoenix Fire to refine his weapons!

However, because there is no carrier, the pattern in the void disappears quickly.

"Wait, is this rubbing?" Song Shuhang was shocked.

"Wuwuwu ~" the fairy nodded and happily climbed the slide on the back of song Shuhang's hand.

"You scum, you've been blown up." Elder sister Bai Long handed the notebook to song Shuhang and said sarcastically, "you can't even compare with your own little fairies. You'd better not learn magic. You'd better learn Sabre skill honestly."

"Wonderful Song Shuhang took the notebook, but suddenly called.

Elder sister Bai Long:

Why? It's a surprise.

Song Shuhang laughed and explained, "sister Bai Long, I just had a good idea. You think, I'm a man with two sets of 33 beast combined magic tools, and I have 66 pieces of this life's magic weapons that are about to be born. If one day in the future, I will gather all the spirits of my life's magic tools When the time comes, each spirit will learn 10 spells, and I will be the man who has mastered 660 spells! If each spirit can master about 152 spells, then I can master more than 10000 spells. Master of all the methods, think about it and feel it. "

The master of Chu pavilion was Dazhao

Elder sister Bai Long:

This guy's brain circuits are clear It's hopeless.

The two older sisters thought that they had been getting along with song Shuhang recently, and they were getting used to his weird brain circuit, but they were still flashed to their waist.

"Lie down Look up to the sky. " Stone tablet friends can not help but say.

"In theory, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

The original magic weapon is the monk himself.

If the original magic weapon has mastered ten thousand spells, the monk can be called the "master of all kinds of methods".

"If you really let you become the" master of all dharmas "in this way, it will definitely be a disgrace to the cultivation world." White dragon sister said.

"I feel quite good. The times are changing and we need to keep pace with the times," Su said in a low voiceElder sister Bai Long:

What do you call "keeping pace with the times"?

"I also feel that master song's creativity is very good. Master song, I'm waiting for the day when you become the" master of all kinds of methods. ". If you need to, you can come to our lingdiedao to learn magic Feather Rouzi said with a smile.

"We'll talk about it then, then It's far from me to gather all the spirits. " Song Shuhang counseled.

Because there is no money - the magic of the true world, learning it has to pay the equivalent price.

Moreover, he also has a series of causal traces, which are owed by the "causal knife" by the big men. These causes and effects have not been paid off.

When the credit card is flushed by the loan, there are two tears in repaying the loan.

"What are these pieces of information, sister Bai Long?" When song Shuhang opened his Notepad, he found that there were a lot of complicated data recorded on it, even some formulas?

"From the information of the fragments, these are the data of the research on the improvement of the magic pillar magic after the gongzihai obtained the inheritance of the magic pillar magic from" more than the devil emperor ", so as to make the magic pillar magic more in line with his own. From this point of view, this childe sea is indeed a genius. "It's not limited to the way that the predecessors have set foot on, but on their own road." The white dragon elder sister replies.

Gongzihai's life is a template for elite protagonists It's a pity that I was born at the wrong time.

"Magic pillar magic? What's more, change the spell to make it more in line with yourself Song Shuhang was moved, and he thought of another thing: "say, not only the inheritance column of the magic emperor, but also in my hands."

Due to the fact that the "magic pillar magic" attribute of the magic gate is not consistent with that of song Shuhang, he has not thoroughly studied the magic inheritance of the magic emperor.

At this time, gongzihai's research materials brought bright inspiration to song Shuhang.

"I need to study this information. Maybe according to the research of gongzihai, I can convert the magic pillar magic into a magic method that I can also use Song Shu waterway.

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