[what is a pillar? What's the abbreviation of the magic pillar? 】Such an idea suddenly came to og's mind.

Just thinking about it, the "He Zhi pillar", which quietly became the eye pillar of the "magic pillar array", was shining brightly.

On the column, the complex floating drawing reflects a circle of images. The story of "not only the devil emperor's expedition to the world" in the floating drawing seems to float over.

On the top of the pillar, the statue of "the real body of the devil emperor" was raised fiercely.


A dazzling blade flickered.

Then, out of the "Hezhi pillar", a horse chopper flew out, making a hole in the floor of the devil emperor's palace of mordi og.

What's more, the devil Emperor himself is the head of the hilt, and the 50 meter sword gives people a heavy psychological pressure.

My magic palace! 】There is a pain in the heart of the evil emperor. The magic emperor palace is a magic weapon connected with his flesh and blood. When the magic emperor palace is damaged, his heart will ache faintly.

But what made him even more difficult to accept was that the "He Zhi Dao" had a faint smell of He Zhi devil emperor.

Is What's more, the devil emperor is working with BA song to pit him?

When he was young, he grew up reading more than the legend of magic emperor. I didn't expect that, as a former idol, "not only the devil emperor", he would be punished at a critical time.


Gongzihai was staring at the He Zhi Dao: "not only the devil emperor, has he become the king of Song Dynasty?"

This is a very interesting column. This is clearly not only a symbol of the collusion between the devil emperor and the emperor Xuansheng of the Song Dynasty.

If Not only the devil emperor has mixed up with BA song, what am I?

Childe Haidu can't imagine what future there will be if he inherits not only the magic emperor's own inheritance.

"It's impossible. This magic pillar was nailed to the sand crystal world by ourselves. Why did you control it?" The elder of the Wuji sect, who is in charge of the plan to install the magic pillar in Jiuyou world, could not help crying.

It was the Jiuyou coordinate position that they found and the magic pillar they inserted. Why did they become the emperor of the Song Dynasty?

"The answer is simple." Song Shuhang said slowly: "because it's me, you have chosen" sand crystal world "as the coordinate. It was me who left the Ho Chi pillar in the sand crystal world. How did I do it? Because I am the agent of Jiuyou

Don't ask why, I can't answer any more!

The array patterns, arrays and stacked backhands left by master Bai in the sand crystal world are all activated now.

At this moment, all the marks left by the members of the Wuji sect in the "magic sea world" have been erased.

The new brand of "acting as Jiuyou dominating the Song Dynasty" was printed on the "magic sea world".

In a flash, the ownership of "magic sea world" changed!

Song Shuhang moves his fingers gently. Through the patterns and marks that match him, he can feel that he can completely control the scope of the "magic sea world".

After he formally took over the "magic sea world", a breath of "archaic" emerged from the depths of the "magic sea world".

The rules of the magic sea world began to reshape, and a more chaotic and more violent law began to take shape, which was similar to the "nine hell world law".

This is the true face of the magic sea world, the restored archaic world! It is also the place where Master Bai recommended song Shuhang to cross Xuansheng heist for the last time.

In this "archaic atmosphere" of the magic sea world, for song Shuhang, has great benefits.



With the constant convulsion of the devil's body, the channel of communication between him and the world of demon sea is forcibly cut off. After losing the magic sea world energy, the side effects of his previous overdraft began to explode.

"Why do you have the authority of Jiuyou master?" Mordi og's brain was unusually calm.

The question goes back to the original starting point.

Taking advantage of the "collapse of heaven", they dare to implement the grand plan, break into the Jiuyou world and open up the magic sea. The purpose is to avoid the situation that "Jiuyou has a master". Jiuyou masters can do whatever they like in Jiuyou world, and can directly put out their "magic sea plan".

It's just like what happened right now - BA song, who had the authority of "Jiuyou's master", directly took away the achievements of their "magic sea plan".

This is what they want to avoid, but they still run into the situation of "Jiuyou has a master".

"After the collapse of the way of heaven, the master of Jiuyou will disappear. But why do you still have the opportunity to represent Jiuyou to dominate the authority Do you still have a master The evil emperor og calms down and stares at Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang did not answer him.

However, the evil emperor og has already got the answer: "sure enough, there is still a master in the nine you world."

It's a desperate answer.

In other words, from the beginning, their "magic sea plan" was doomed to failure. The way of heaven collapses, but the nine secluded world does not know why, and there is a master.Maybe after the collapse of the heavenly way, there is still a short "survival period" for Jiuyou master? Or other reasons.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

At this moment, mordi og was fully aware of the importance of intelligence.

If he had known the information that "there is still a master in jiuyoushang" earlier, he would have died of the heart to start the big plan.

Song Shuhang can't help but touch song four's face - I'm so cold that you can still use "face reading" on me?

"But I didn't expect that your goal was" magic sea world. " Mordi og said slowly.

Chu Pavilion master dumbfounded: "Shuhang, don't grind any more, make him! According to the development of the normal script, he may have a plan to destroy the "magic sea world". People in the magic gate like to leave a "destruction" option for whatever they do. Don't give him a chance to die together. "

Mordi og:

"Lying down, I was told by the master of Chu Pavilion. It seems that he really has the means to destroy the magic sea. Don't give him a chance! Use me, while he still has a pregnant belly, give him a cut like a laparotomy Heart demon Chixiao sword proposed.

At this time, the heart demon of Chixiao sword master can't be a heart demon any more.

Evil emperor og gnawed his teeth and said, "I..."

He just opened his mouth and said a word. Suddenly, a door of space opened from Song Shuhang's head Then a figure in a black dress came towards the evil emperor og.

The figure of this black skirt is so fast that it twinkles to the devil.

The white palm was printed on the devil's chest.

Bang ~ ~

the body of the evil emperor og was knocked out, smashed through the zenith of the "magic emperor palace" and flew into the void.

The figure of the black skirt made a strong jump under her feet and made a strong leap towards the body shape of the evil emperor og. After a few breaths, she beat and beat him all the way, and soon disappeared.

"Is that Chu two?" Song Shuhang was stunned, and said.

It was so fast just now that he didn't see the appearance of the woman with black skirt But it is estimated that it should be the two of Chu Pavilion masters.

She is so eager to beat up the evil emperor og. It seems that the devil emperor has the backhand to destroy the "magic sea"?

But soon, song Shuhang's face changed.

He suddenly reached out into the void, reached into the core world, and pulled hard.

Ontology is pulled out of the core world.

There are two statues of song Shuhang, one black and one white, standing in the void of the "magic emperor palace".

"Two." Chu Pavilion master dumbfounded Mao asked again: "what are you doing?"

"It's too late to explain. Master Chu, you and the heart demon master Chixiao sword go back to the core world first." Song Shuhang cried urgently.

"Your eighth grade robbery is coming?" Chu Pavilion master Dazhao Mao instantly understand.

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