Mr. Bai is a lucky man, so he doesn't have the "choice phobia" problem - because as long as he is not affected by the outside world, generally, as long as he makes his own choice, he will go to the "best" direction.

Even if there is a real need to choose the intersection, Bai can also choose to toss coins and other ways, happy to make the most favorable choice for him.

Because master Bai's choice is only in his own best interests Therefore, although as a mobile source of luck, but want to rub Bai's luck, always need to risk a little life.

Master Bai's luck is only for him. His personal luck does not mean that the people on the side can follow him. It is even possible that the people on the edge will bear certain disasters and bear lucky results.

Master Bai's plan to create God is a big plan that he has rarely made urgent progress in his life. Among numerous small planes, master Bai, seven practitioners and yunqizi finally chose "dream world" as the experimental site of the plan.

This is a very random choice, because the time of the project of creating gods is very urgent. When choosing the "dream world" as the experimental site, master Bai, yunqizi and Qixiu Shengjun didn't think too much about it, just because the "dream world" is small and not too chaotic, which is suitable for their practice.

It turns out that Dream world is the most suitable place for Bai's experiment.

At this point.

The "collection of rules" of the dream world is sent to the "Tomb of the immortal" and pulled into the nine secluded world.

After Jiuxiu Fenghuang Dao helped Cong Niang and song Shuhang build the tomb of "eight repairs and nine repairs", the body flew leisurely in this area.

Everything can be sold. The big man opened a net of merit and virtue in the "nine repairs overlord song tomb", and his real body began to wander.

Master Bai's two gave song Shuhang the authority of "Jiuyou master" firmly holding down the whole immortal tomb. His golden thigh is next to the hamster.

- Master Bai and song Shuhang are twisted into a rope to connect the four.

A dream opens quietly and covers everyone.

Hazy dream, into fog.

Under the cover of fog, all the people on the scene were like "anything can be sold". Their eyes gradually lost their focus and entered the magic mode of "open eyes and sleep".

A moment later

"Why? Fantasy Song Shuhang, who has the authority of "nine hell dominating the body", suddenly wakes up.

He frowned and looked at the fog around him. He reached out and pinched a magic formula. He was ready to activate the authority of Jiuyou and expel the dream world!

Don't panic. 】At this time, dog's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "the dream is only activated after meeting some conditions I'll take care of you outside. Don't be afraid. 】

goudan dad had been watching the "magic sea world". Just now, he suddenly sensed the changes in the collection of dream world rules, and his consciousness was immediately sent to song Shuhang's side, and then he saw the change of the tomb of the immortal.

Then, dogdan Dad noticed that the change of the illusion had something to do with the "nine cultivation Phoenix sword" left by the way of heaven, so he paid attention to it.

"But this dream will not affect the plan of master Bai?" Song Shuhang was cautious. The more late in the plan, the more careful you need to be, so that you don't make a mistake and everything will be empty and you have to start all over again.

"It's just a little dream, as long as you can put an idea out never mind. And even if you miss, I'll be there. I can crush this dream a thousand times with my claws. 】

as long as it is willing to help, it is just like a needle to stabilize the overall situation. Even if there are more waves in book shipping, and the waves will cross the river, there is no need to worry about the overall situation.

That's how reliable he is!

Song Shuhang nodded: "I'm relieved to have this word from my dog's egg father."

He has only two chances to fail. If he fails the third time, master Bai needs to turn himself into a little sun and suppress the situation.

Song Shuhang thinks well, if the dog egg father can't hold the overall situation, leading to the failure of the plan He gave Cheng goudan's lover,% × Xianzi, to turn her into a little sun instead of himself, illuminating the world and rotating in circles!

Through the face reading technique, I can roughly read out the merits and virtues of song Shuhang's mind: "snake beauty..."

Cheng goudan fairy, who secretly reflects his ideas with the dog's father:

The dog's son of a bitch:

At this time, the fog dream in the brewing for a long time, finally play.

At the beginning, song Shuhang was familiar with the picture of the sun expanding.

The sun in a short period of time crazy expansion, burning, and with the naked eye speed, into the final stage of its life, and finally extinguished, into a white dwarf star.

"This expanding sun is like me expanding under the authority of Jiuyou." Song Shuhang suddenly said.

On top of his head, the head of Chu pavilion was Dazhao

The dream after that is the same as what song Shuhang saw before.

The stars in the universe began to extinguish one after another, and quickly reached the end in a very short time.Even small independent worlds such as the little black room of heaven and the secret realm of the eternal have not escaped this disaster and entered the stage of collapse.

"What is the situation?" The master of Chu Pavilion stood tall and looked at the situation in front of him in shock: "is this the future scene?"

"Not necessarily the future, maybe the past." Next, he was afraid of the Song Dynasty An immortal is about to appear. "

With the last "Star" extinguished, the universe entered the real extinction.

At this moment, all the heaven and all living beings are truly equal!

Whether strong or weak, fat or thin, male or female, all ushered in a fair death.

Have you ever seen this dream? 】Asked the dog.

Chu Pavilion master Dai Mao also asked a similar question.

"Well, it was in this dream that I got the design of the tomb of the immortal." Song Shuhang returned.

In the dream, time flies by

The heavens and the kingdoms enter into great darkness.

However, the immortal in Song Shu Hang's mouth still did not appear.

When the plot of the dream comes to this stage, it seems that the plot is stuck.

[it's stuck. The dream can't be deduced any more 】The dog said.

Song Shuhang: [why? 】

[it is because the power of the dream world rules is not enough, and even a dream is not so easy to evolve. 】Doggie.

Immortality is so high!

"So now we need a driving force to push the rules of the dream world to evolve this dream. 】

Song Shuhang's eyes brightened: "driving force? Can we kick this dream with Bai's two legs? 】

as soon as the voice dropped, song Shuhang's body fell out and was kicked into the dream.

It seems that the dream has really got the "impetus" and continues to evolve.

In people's eyes, in the collapse of the world, there is a Taoist out of the sky.

There is a huge and incomparable light of merit and virtue behind him. When he appears, the stars in the universe begin to shake.

The body of Taoist is directly in the catastrophe of the extinction of heaven and earth.

There is a vague "immortal power" like a mosaic beating on the Taoist's side - this is the power of the dream world rules, which can not evolve into real "Immortality", but can only be fuzzified.

The Taoist turned around slightly, revealing a beautiful and harmless Ba song face.



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