In addition, song Shuhang now has an embryonic form of "Tao", although it is still very weak But it really belongs to song Shuhang's own "unique longevity Road" flavor.

In this way, song Shuhang first killed three corpses, crossed the Jiupin natural calamity, and then upgraded to the "weak and long-lived" realm after crossing the robbery. He improved his own longevity Road and promoted himself to the realm of longevity.

A spacious five car parallel road came out.

According to this way, song Shuhang can squeeze into the ranks of the elderly in the shortest time. Even if there is a process of "accumulating spiritual power," you don't have to worry too much.

Song Shuhang is still the leader of the world, with the official certification of the "master of the world" qualification. As the leader of the world, his spiritual power accumulation speed is very fast, and there is no need to worry about this problem.

"Interesting, very interesting, and worth the challenge." Three eyes young master road.

On the edge, the dog's father also showed a satisfied smile. Three eyed boy once again succumbed to his wisdom and had to agree with his way of "cutting three corpses". He has rubbed his eyes on the ground in three ways!

As if sensing the dog's eyes, the three eyed young master turned his head and looked at the Striped dragon with a strange smile on his face.

What happened to the Striped Sox today? The first is to smile at him with malice?

What the hell does he want to do to me?

"So, what's your choice for Shu hang?" Asked the dog.

After thinking about it for a while, song Shuhang asked in a voice, "will it hurt the fairy and the ghost fairy?"

Although the snake beauty of merit and virtue now has a hobby of self sacrificing pillars, and she also has the special attribute that song Shuhang will not die, she will not die.

However, this ancient method of "cutting three corpses" is actually a similar legend in modern Taoism In short, it sounds very tall.

Song Shuhang was worried that the skill of "cutting three corpses" would cause root damage to the virtuous snake beauty and ghost fairy.

"No, it's a beneficial increase for them." The dog egg father replied that even if he dug again, he would not go to the ghost fairy of the pit song egg. For dogdan dad, ghost fairy is much more important.

"Well, try it first?" Song Shu channel: "I am practicing" forget the divine skill ". What should I do first

"Forget the divine skill" is corresponding to your spirit, ghost and fairy. It should be the carrier of self corpse obsession

Three eyes young master added: "merit fairy corresponds to good corpse obsession, but the first step is not good corpse."

"So the first step is to kill the evil corpse first? But I don't have the corresponding magic skill What's more, the magic column of the evil emperor was originally a good magic skill, but I have changed it into the secret method of the magic column. " Song Shu waterway.

On the contrary, it is the corresponding divine skill of "good corpse and obsession", which is easy to solve. Gongde snake beauty's own skill of "the world's Shuangquan Dharma of merit and virtue" is the supreme meridians of merit and virtue. Song Shuhang has also been involved in it. Just deepen the cultivation progress of this skill.

"Ba Shen Zhu" is enough. After all, it is not only Daoyou's "magic pillar", which is a pure magic skill. As the carrier of beheading evil corpses, it's enough. " The dog egg father replied.

When it comes to the existence of the devil emperor, who was once called "the two kings of the East and the West in the myriad worlds" with him, dogdan is very nostalgic.

It's just like this when you are old. It's always easy to see things and think about the past and miss the past.

"What's more, this guy is mainly due to the lack of talent at birth, and there are only eight dragon patterns in the fifth grade Otherwise, with his creativity and hard work, he could at least take ten more moves in my hands in the last battle of that year The dog egg father sighs that he thinks highly of the devil emperor.

Song Shuhang

He copied this sentence in silence and sent it to Ms. long Luo.

This sentiment of dog's father will become a sharp spear for Ms. long Luo to deal with more than the devil emperor! One can accurately pierce the heart and liver of the devil emperor, making his heart ache to the point where he can't breathe.

"Yes! Or, we can find a way to squeeze more than a Taoist friend out of his mind, and then integrate into BAGOU's heart demon? " Dogdan is missing the past, thinking about the devil emperor who once competed with him All of a sudden, I had such a good idea in my mind.

Song Shuhang

Worthy of being the master of nine you, the real card is different from his agent. He is the agent of nine you master in any case can not think of such a beautiful idea.


"It's not just the devil in the devil emperor's heart, or forget it." Song Shuhang shook his head and said, "he would like to kill me with cramps. I dare not leave his evil heart behind and become a hidden danger."

In the world of heaven and earth, song Shuhang must be the top three The dog in front of you must be the first two!

"That's fine. It's a pity. It's a good idea." The dog egg father said, got up and came to song Shuhang's side. In the void, he wrote a formula of deduction Rune about the size of a playground, which was condensed and turned into a whip.Seeing the whip, song Shuhang felt numb.

"Well, next, I'm going to work with three eyed kids. I'm responsible for making your body remember these formulas. Sanyanzi is responsible for teaching you the method of "cutting three corpses". Then, you just need to practice the martial arts of the hermits and be ready to kill the evil corpse. " Dogdan's one paw clenched the whip and said.

Song Shuhang asked in a hurry: "how can I remember this knowledge with my body?"

PA ~ the whip in the dog's paw flicked gently in the void and said, "physically, remember, I'll whip you hard with the whip of knowledge. Every whip can brand knowledge on your body. After this whip is finished, you can master and understand all knowledge with your body."

Song Shuhang

I don't believe it!

In this world, which useful knowledge whip people, let people learn?

You absolutely want to smoke me, make an excuse!

"You don't want to hide. If you do, it won't work." Father doodle made a sound similar to a wild laugh.

The whip was drawn in front of song Shuhang, but not on him. Instead, it passed through the body. Here, song Shuhang was just a projection of the yuan God.

The whip of knowledge, directly against the root, was whipped to the yuan God of song Shuhang and was borne by his body.

At this time, the automatic defense system of song Shuhang's body was activated.

The two sets of "thirty three beast combined magic tools" emerged under the guidance of the little fairy, protecting song Shuhang.

The ghost fairy stretched out his hands and gently welcomed the knowledge whip.

The whip fell on the hands of the ghost fairy and spread into countless runes.

Some of the Runes of this knowledge were accepted by the spirit and ghost fairies, and some were received by 66 original magic tools.

The spirit of these 66 life magic tools, like a sponge, greedily absorbed the knowledge of runes.

Moreover, they also have the ability to understand this knowledge!

If you learn this magic weapon, it means that song Shuhang has learned it.

All the knowledge and information is absorbed and digested by the ghosts, fairies and 66 cute creatures. Then they combined these knowledge, simplified it into information that song Shuhang could understand, and fed it back to the yuan God of song Shuhang.

Song Dynasty, another master of all kinds of methods, and Shuhang learning mode was opened passively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!