Is Is it finally going to do it to me?

So, my sense of crisis began to remind me secretly, and let me start to be vigilant?

The big fat ball stares at the slowly approaching Bashan.

Once upon a time, this insect, which could easily explode hundreds of times, has now grown into an important existence that dominates its destiny.

If there is regret medicine in this world, if time can go back It must be away from this little bug, do not have any entanglement with it. Or, at the beginning, we should focus on pinching the insect that cuts the hand and explodes it until it can't be revived.

Either dry it up or stay away from it.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Unless, do beyond the way of heaven, or at least beyond the realm of half a step.

Bashan also sees the big fat ball who wakes up.

"Why? Is the autistic fat ball awake? " Ba Shan was stunned.

So Do you want to go up and talk to the boss?

He really has something to ask the fat ball. For example, the eighth immortality of the black dragon world is also the news of the ball from Ms. long Luo, such as the origin of the fat ball.

Maybe you can get more information by chatting with fat ball.

This kind of top-notch information and intelligence, whether it can be used or not, should be collected first, and it may be useful in the future. Information is also a very rich wealth.

"Fat ball, you wake up." Ba Shan came to the edge of the seal and said, "I just want to be with you..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen!" Replied the fat ball in a cold metallic voice.

The bully on the edge: --

Ba Shan: "no, listen to me first. I want to..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen." The big fat ball interrupts again.

"It's about you." A good voice.

"I don't want to hear your explanation, don't listen, don't listen." After that, the fat ball turned on the autistic mode again.

Ba Shan: "it's just

Are you the heroine of love drama in which era?

Fat ball big man once again entered the "autistic mode", continued to work hard to crack the seal of heaven.

Seal technique, is the link that fat ball big man is good at.

Its seal technology can seal white two for thousands of years.

As long as the seal of heaven is broken, it can escape into its hidden laboratory by virtue of the authority of Jiuyou master At that time, even if you abandon most of your body, you just need to keep a part of your liquid metal body.

As a liquid metal ball, this is its special way to survive.

As long as you can survive, even if you are living, you will not mind.

Its desire for "life" is stronger than that of all people.

Just when the fat ball big guy is ready to study the seal of heaven Suddenly, it was forced to pop out of the "autistic mode" state.

Fat ball big guy:

Kill white youyou thousand Dao. What's going on?

Why did it pop up again?

As soon as the fat ball big man opened his eyes, he saw Ba Shan's disgusting face. This is the good body of Ba song, with his own merits and virtues, and his disgust degree is twice that of his body.

However, this time, the big fat ball can feel that it is not ba song's good corpse that makes him pop out of the "autistic mode", but A thing in the hand of a good corpse!

"What is this?" Fat ball big man's sphere, condenses an eye, fixed on the palm of Ba Shan's palm, its voice has obvious mood fluctuation.

"What?" Bashan also doubts to follow the fat ball big man's eyes, looking at his palm.

Then, he saw a small round thing, attached to the palm of his hand.

When he looked at the little thing, the little thing also turned around and showed a cute eyeball and winked at Bashan.

The kind of cute eyes.

"Young life Bashan made a long cry.

The bully on the edge rubbed his temple This time, he really felt that the incarnation of bullying and evil of noumenon was not very clever.

Obviously, he is also the incarnation of three corpses. Why do you feel that this guy is a bit stupid and cute.

"Why do you come out with me Ba Shan raised his palm and asked.

What's more, this magic weapon with three eyes is so powerful that he didn't notice any difference when it was in his palm!

The three eye associated magic weapon continued to wink at Bashan, but did not reply.

"Big man, you talk. If you blink, I don't know what you mean. I'm not an ontology. I don't have the talent to read non-human languages. " Bashan sighed.

He was sure that the accompanying magic weapons of the three eyed young master must have been conscious, and there must be a spirit.

This is a magic weapon that has survived from the second heaven Dao period until now. Even if it is ground, it can produce spirit.There is a clear smile in his eyes.

Then it uttered a few syllables - there was a spirit.

But after hearing these syllables, Ba Shan was in despair.

It's archaic, but it's some archaic dialect.

In this era, who can understand!

The old man continued to blink with a smile in his eyes.

"Alas." Ba took a moment to contact you, and then he said to me, "look at me."

Then he looked up at the big fat ball in the seal.

At this time, the eyes of the fat ball boss are staring at Song Shuhang's hand.

Bashan reaches out and turns left. The eyes of the fat ball giant follow. Bully good right turn, fat ball big man's eyes also follow right turn.

"Bosong, what is this in your hand?" Asked the fat ball again.

Ba Shan thought for a moment, and suddenly he covered his ear: "I don't listen, I don't listen ~"

the bully on the edge: "..."


What a shame!

As one of the three corpses, he felt very ashamed.

As a result, Ba * opened up in silence, and his skills worked to the extreme. He quietly erased his sense of existence and became a little transparent, which disappeared from everyone's eyes.

It was only at this moment that Ba felt the beauty of "forget the magic skill".

"Let's have a good chat, boson." Fat ball is tired.

"Don't listen, don't listen." Bashan shook his head.

If you want to listen, get out! 】The big fat ball roared in his heart.

However, in reality, it still has to put on a smile ball look: "it's no more than three things, you have questions to ask me, I also have questions to ask you, we can really have a good chat."

"You ask me a question. After I answer it, I'll turn to me and ask you a question. It's a cycle."

"Deal." Fat ball center tired road.

"First of all, I'll answer you. This is the accompanying magic weapon of the first Jiuyou master, the three eyed young master." Ba Shan, holding the accompanying magic weapon, replied.

The fat ball frowned.

The accompanying magic weapon of the first Jiuyou master?

Why, then, is there a feeling of flesh and blood between it and this artifact? , the fastest update of the webnovel!