"Now the fat ball has become so weak that if you keep this part of the memory, when it wakes up, it will find that it is so weak that I have no strength and must be very bent. The more bent and miserable it is, the more interesting it will be. " Master Bai's two shows a smile.

It may be that the fat ball has left a little remnant after all, which can bring him some fun in his future life. Mr. Bai's two is in a good mood and his smile is particularly good-looking.

"White master, you still need a sword. If you don't dislike it, I want to abandon Basong and follow you." Chixiao sword master said.

Song Shuhang

Even if you want to abandon it, shouldn't you abandon Taoist priest chixiaozi? Why did you abandon me?

Why should song, a passer-by, be abandoned by you inexplicably?

As a result, song Shuhang's hand slipped The brilliance of three hundred hair "the art of raising a knife" is shining.

Chixiao sword master suddenly fell into the sage mode, no longer speak.

Despicable "raising knife skill"!

But it's so cool.

"Yes, I'll keep this part of my memory. Then song Xiaoyou, and your related memories? " The Taoist master asked again.

"Keep it, too. There's nothing to delete between me and the fat ball." Song youyou made the same choice as Bai's two.

Although he was once chased by the big fat ball, there was no way to heaven, no way to enter the earth, and the universe was running around But in retrospect, he never suffered a big loss from the fight with fat ball all the way!

No matter when he was in his fifth grade, or when he was in the realm of longevity, most of the time he suffered losses was the fat ball big guy.

In that case Why erase the memory of fat ball?

I'm not happy to keep it!

"Then there's nothing else to change." Master Daozi nodded and took back his palm.

From time to time, the dark fat ball glitters with green light, which is the link that its memory is constantly deleted and erased under the authority of the heaven.

The whole process lasted more than ten minutes before it stopped.

Fat ball continues to sleep for thousands of years

Dark fat ball big man, the body was cut nine tenths, quietly lying on the earth of nine you world, motionless.

Looking at the shrinking fat ball, song youYou can't help but think of "song Pangqiu Cape.".

As the enemy, fat ball big guy is the most terrible kind It has goals, can calculate, intelligence online, powerful, not to stop. Except for a little bit of bad luck, the big fat ball has few shortcomings.

As a companion, fat ball will become the most considerate existence It is smart and witty, delicate, can take care of people, especially capable, a ball is better than ten points.

"I'll find a place in Jiuyou and send the fat ball master to settle it. If you put the sleeping one here at will, it will probably lead to the change of the surrounding "nine hell demons." Song youyou has a voice.

As long as Jiuyou demons stay with Jiuyou master, they will change after a long time. They will become more resourceful and have stronger cultivation talents For example, the pets of Bai's two generation are obviously several grades higher than ordinary Jiuyou demons, and their cultivation talents are not good.

"Leave the rest to you." After washing the "fat ball" white, Daozi completely put down the past gratitude and resentment.

Now he has no other obsession except to push song Shuhang to the next heaven, solve the dark sun disaster, and take good care of Confucianism.

I'm afraid it won't last long. 】Tao Zi has a secret way in his heart.

With his constant use of the power of heaven and the power of the law of heaven, he found that his "feelings" became more and more indifferent and his emotions fluctuated less and less.

If there were not a few obsessions in his mind, he might gradually turn into a state of "no desire and no demand", completely cold as a machine.

After all, he is not a "complete" sermon, and Tiandao fat ball itself has been in a programmed state when he leaves office. All these factors will affect Daozi.

Song youyou gets up and comes to the big fat ball.

He bent over and picked up the "skinny ball" the size of a volleyball, and picked it up.

"Next Find the right place. " Song youyou urged Jiuyou to dominate the authority, and his eyes swept over the boundless world of Jiuyou.

Just when he urged "Jiuyou to dominate the authority", there was a slight resonance between him and the "thin ball big man" in his hand.

This resonance spreads through an invisible link.

Song Shuhang's "Song fat ball Cape" has added a link.

In the world of evil lotus, song Shuhang's "superfluous projection of the original God + the decadence of the fat sphere of heaven" is also linked to the Tiandao corpse.

Xiaolingxiao, a daughter of iron and steel, who sits on her shoulders, also joined the link network.

Xiaolingxiao represents the "heavenly way ball", which is the backhand of Tiandao ball.

Song youYou + song Pangqiu Fen Shen + thin ball big man " represents " nine you ball master ".The Ba corpse represents the heavenly body.

After the links across the space are combined together, taking song youyou as the center, the coordinates of a space are revealed.

This coordinate, projected into the void, do not know where to cast

However, when the coordinate was in the middle of the projection, it suddenly turned and turned 360 degrees.

The other end of the final coordinate is connected to the body of song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang was confused.

"What's going on?" Chixiao sword doubts.

Chu Pavilion master Daimao slightly turned: "Song youyou into a coordinate? Connected to Shu hang? "

"To be precise, it's a landmark." "So, Shuhang, if you are promoted to heaven, you must be kind to your master of Jiuyou..."

"Master, I already have the master of Jiuyou." Song Shu hang reminds way.

"I know, I just want to express your intention that you should treat yourself kindly in the future. Don't learn from the way of heaven before. You can easily dismantle the master of Jiuyou and do cruel experiments with it." Three eyes of the young master admonished.

"Well." Song Shuhang nodded.

In other words, when he is promoted to the Ninth Heaven way in the future Will there be another nine you master? At that time, he will have two masters of Jiuyou?

"What are the signs?" Bai asked.

He has just noticed the saying of the three eyed youth that the master of Jiuyou is a Taoist landmark. So, is he also a daobiao?

"The complete nine you master is the sign of the way of heaven. I only know so much My memory has been changed for three days. " Three eyes young master added: "must be a complete master of nine you."

Bai senior two smell speech, can't help but look at his thigh.

"Is the landmark the coordinate of the return of heaven?" Song youyou grabs the thin ball big man, the heart moves.

He reached for a shake, and the body of the skinny ball turned into a big knife in his hand.

Fat ball was originally the symbol of "Heaven's way ball", but it was a kind of collapse and cool completely. In addition, 90% of the existence of fat balls has been swallowed up by song Youyou, so Become song Shuhang's landmark?

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