Emperor Xinchen looked at the current situation and knew it was time for him to end.

So he turned to the robber and said, "if you want to get the Bodhisattva, slow down. When someone calls you, you'll go with them, you know?"

"Oh! No, I'm with you? How has it changed again." robber said curiously.

Emperor Xinchen was too lazy to explain and asked directly, "do you still want to get a Bodhisattva?"

"Think! Dream!" robber nodded again and again.

"Then you go with them. We'll see you later!" emperor Xinchen arched his hands and left straight.

Emperor Xinchen went to a deserted corner, folded his mask, summoned the purple and gold dragon chair and sat on it. Then take out a small firecracker and light it to the sky.

A moment later, fourteen people and an ape flew over. Qi Qi worshipped the emperor and said, "I've seen my master!"

Emperor Xinchen waved and said, "get up! Let's act!"

"Yes, master!" the crowd answered.

"Oh! Duan Yu, has your wife gone to XianLan villa?" asked emperor Xinchen.

"Thank you for your concern, Yuyan. They have arrived at XianLan villa." Duan Yu smiled and could see that he was very happy.

"Let's go!" emperor Xinchen waved. Then he thought to control the purple and gold dragon chair, shake the Xinghua unparalleled fan and run away to the challenge arena.

When Emperor Xinchen arrived, the four were still fighting. Emperor Xinchen said with a smile: "what a fierce battle. I think you all stop to visit our villa!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately turned around and saw a young man in a wheelchair coming with 14 people and an ape.

As soon as Princess Lingyue saw that they were masters, they immediately stopped fighting and looked at the emperor's heart dust.

Princess Lingyue said angrily with a smile, "please let's be a guest? Do you think I will go?"

"Yes, don't go back, but you must go back." emperor Xinchen smiled.

"Must I go back? Why?" asked Princess Lingyue.

Emperor Xinchen shook his folding fan and said, "because you're going to accompany Princess Biluo."

"What? You took Biluo?" Princess Lingyue angrily said, like a hen protecting her chicks.

"Three great masters, are you willing to surrender to me?" emperor Xinchen smiled to Bingli Taoist priest.

"Hum! Is another greedy man subduing us? Aren't you afraid of the Wulin to attack?" Taoist Shenhuo sneered.

"Oh! Do you attack in groups? In Wulin like you, I'm afraid you will attack in groups?" emperor Xinchen smiled.

Then he turned and said, "who of you doesn't want to drop?"

"We don't want to! We don't want to!"

"Go away! You are not welcome here!"

"Do you think you are the best in the world? Get out!"


The emperor looked at all this indifferently and turned to the sweeping monk and said, "sweeping monk, seek defeat alone. You two go and teach those people a lesson."

"Yes, master!" they answered, and then floated down to the two gangs that scolded the most.

Dugu Qiufu raised his hands and the swords of the Wulin people flew uncontrollably to Dugu Qiufu. Dugu Qiubai ran his Qi with both hands, attracted the sword in the air, and formed a sword lotus in the air. Then all the swords were released. The gang members opposite didn't know how many died at once. The gang leader was about to escape. Dugu Qiubai reached out and sucked the man directly.

The sweeping monk came to a gang and waved his broom. It was like a rising typhoon. Many Gang disciples were blown away directly. It was useless for the sweeping monk to take their lives. After all, the sweeping monk still focused on harmony. But the gang leaders were also caught by the sweeping monk.

So, the sweeping monk and Dugu Qiufu each mentioned one, and under the stunned gaze of the people, they returned to the side of emperor Xinchen.

The robber on one side smacked his tongue and said, "it's great. If I'm so powerful, why can't I get the twist flower Bodhisattva!"

Of course, this is just the idea of robbery. If people in the cultivation world know it, they can't live with their conscience if they don't laugh to death. Is it possible that a person still wants to have something with a Bodhisattva who has become an immortal?

Emperor Xinchen looked at the two leaders who had become soft and hated the tunnel: "are you down or dead?"

"I... we are willing... Willing to surrender." the two leaders nodded again and again.

"Good!" emperor Xinchen smiled. Then he gently touched them with both hands and successively pointed more than a dozen acupoints.

It is the fingering of the Xiaoyao sect - life and death robbery.

Emperor Xinchen turned to the following people again: "are you willing to fall or die?"

"My Cangsong Gang surrendered!"

"I surrender to the golden sword gate!"

"I surrender to the Qing Yuan Temple!"


One person should, and then a hundred people should, one by one chose to surrender. After all, no one can live with his own life.

The leaders and elders of each sect were called by Emperor Xinchen to God Xinchen and planted a life and death disaster one by one.

After dealing with all this, Emperor Xinchen looked at the robbery color standing in the sanxiu group and said, "robbery color, come up!"

"Me?" the robber pointed to himself.

"Yes, that man should have told you just now!" emperor Xinchen asked.

"You are the man he said! I'll come up right away!" robber said happily. It seems that he was really poisoned by the Bodhisattva!

Robber ran up happily and asked directly, "can you really get the Bodhisattva?"

"Not bad! I think your qualifications are OK. If you go to our villa to practice, you will be able to get a Bodhisattva." emperor Xinchen smiled.

"That's good! From today on, I'll be with you." robber patted his neck and looked very honored.

Emperor Xinchen turned to Yi Jian Zun: "how do you choose?"

"Hum! How to choose?" Leng hum, the master of Yijian, then turned to Princess Lingyue and said, "Princess Lingyue, now you and I are on the same boat. We'd better deal with the devil together and talk about our private affairs again, OK?"

"Yes, this XianLan mountain villa is so bold that even the princesses of my big town Dynasty dare to take it away." Princess Lingyue said angrily.

"OK! Let's fight together. We'd better catch the young man in the wheelchair." Yi Jian said.

"Slow down!" Princess Lingyue waved her hand.

"What's the matter?" several people of Yi Jian Zun asked puzzled.