Blood addict looked at Yi Bu Tianyin with dignity. He didn't dare to despise Yi Bu Tianyin because she was a woman. Similarly, Yi Bu Tianyin did not dare to despise blood addiction.

The blood addict holds a long sword in his hand and swipes across it. His figure leans forward and kills Yi Bu Tianyin.

Yi Bu Tianyin rowed with one hand and said, "the earth is surging into the secluded spring!"

A yellow spring on the ground spewed out, forming a barrier in front of the blood addicts.

Blood addict's sword was just drawn on the yellow spring. The yellow spring had a slight ripple, and then settled down.

The blood addict looked at the yellow spring in front of him, and his long sword moved 49 swords in the air. A blood colored mark appeared in the air, like a snowflake, but it was much more complex than snowflakes.


The middle exploded, the yellow spring sprayed on the four sides, and the snowflake like mark of blood preference disappeared.

Yi Bu Tianyin was not surprised that blood had broken her land. If blood addiction can't be broken, it doesn't deserve to be called a demon genius.

Yi Bu Ziyin forced a drop of blood essence into the compass.

The compass flies out and rotates in the air, forming a huge vortex. The vortex grows larger and larger over time.

"Hmm? No! It seems that she is brewing something? It must not be enough for her to succeed." the blood addict saw the change of the compass. I know that Yi Bu Tianyin will not do meaningless things for no reason. The movement of this compass is so big that it is definitely not a trivial matter.

Blood addicts fly to the compass, hoping to destroy the operation of the compass.

Yi Bu Tianyin naturally saw the purpose of bleeding, and his figure flashed. He appeared in front of the compass and protected the compass.

Yi Bu Zihui crossed his hands and muttered in the air. He saw an altar in front of Yi Bu Zihui.

Yi Bu's voice fell on the altar and with a wave of his hands, a golden figure flew out of the altar. The figure is glittering with gold, holding a long gun and sending out a powerful threat. Although it is only a shadow, it gives people an irresistible pressure.

"Jin Jia, get out!"

With the order of Yi Bu Tianyin, the golden armor virtual shadow flew out and shot the blood addict. There was a storm in the air, and the sharp wind of the spear made a "Yiyi" sound in the air.

"Hmm? It should be 19 times heavier." emperor Xinchen said to himself.

"Hum!" the blood addict looked at the virtual shadow, and his face showed a fierce light. With a sword, he collided with the virtual shadow of gold armor.


The blood addict was hit and flew out by the golden armor, and the golden armor virtual shadow only flew back a few meters.

"After all, Xueying is still eighteen heavy in the eclosion territory. It seems that it is very difficult for Xueying to win this time." xueliao was helpless.

"Hmm? Feathered realm? Even if it's feathered realm, I'll fight with you!" xuefan stares coldly at the golden armor virtual shadow, flies over, swipes a sword at the golden armor virtual shadow and continues to fight.

He was constantly repelled by the golden armor virtual shadow and kept flying backwards, but the blood addict flew up again and again.

As time passed, the blood addict's face was cut by the vigorous wind of golden armor virtual shadow.

The hair is also a little messy, but the blood addicts continue to kill, even if they are injured again and again. But he was still happy and tired, like a sadistic madman.

"This man is really crazy. He knows that he is not the opponent of elder martial sister, and he keeps flying up to die. If he really deserves to be beaten," the others in the soul eating hall disdained.

At this time, Yi Bu Tianyin continued to input mana to maintain the compass rotation, the compass rotation speed was faster and faster, and the radius of the vortex was larger and larger.

"Island leader, brother blood addict is not the opponent of the golden armor virtual shadow. Let's admit defeat! I don't know what monsters Yi Bu Tianyin will summon later?" scorpion and Xuetang suggested to xueliao.

"No, the blood addict is training himself. The 19 heavy virtual shadow in the feather realm is last. It's good and harmless for him." xueliao said flatly.

"Practice?" the scorpions stared at the blood addicts in the air suspiciously.

Time after time, he kept retreating, injured again and again, and the blood addicts gradually reduced their pace of retrogression. His sword technique is also improving a little. At the same time, he has a little grasp of the way of attacking the golden armor virtual shadow.

The number of injuries is less and less, and the time of fighting with golden armor virtual shadow is longer and longer.

Yi Bu Tianyin was surprised at the change of blood addiction.

Yi Bu Tianyin said in his heart, "you really deserve to be the first genius of the demon family. You have made great progress, but you will suffer later."

The blood addict flew up again and the golden armor virtual shadow shot out. The blood addicted figure flashed and appeared on the left side of the golden armor virtual shadow. With a sword, it split the golden armor virtual shadow tens of meters away.

After being injured again and again, Xuexiang finally saw the move of seeing the virtual shadow of golden armor, and also saw his flaws.

"Hehe! Do you see the flaw? So what! Jinjia, change your moves!" Yi Bu Tianyin ordered. He saw the long gun in the empty shadow of Jinjia changing constantly. He flew over and stabbed it from the right side of the blood addict.

Blood addict quickly blocked with the sword, but it was still a step late after all. Just reluctantly blocked and was beaten out again.

"Hmm? Unexpectedly, he can change his moves. This puppet is so advanced." the scorpions murmured, more worried about blood addiction.

"Change the move?" the blood addict looked at the golden armor virtual shadow. He didn't intend to change the move of golden armor virtual shadow with injury.

Because if you keep trying, blood addicts know they won't last long. So there's only another way.

"The golden armor virtual shadow is just a puppet. No one can be flexible at all. You can fight him with flexibility, find the weakness, and then kill him." xuefan secretly made a decision, so he kept dodging and looking for the flaws of the golden armor virtual shadow.

The golden armor virtual shadow constantly attacks and blood addicts constantly dodge. At the same time, they constantly observe the whole body of the golden armor virtual shadow and search from top to bottom.

After searching for nearly half an hour, the blood addict found that there was a very vague place behind the golden armor virtual shadow, as if something had stopped it.

"It seems that the weakness is here!" said the blood addict.

After shaking in front of the golden armor virtual shadow, he turned to the back of the golden armor virtual shadow and stabbed at the vague place with a sword.


The blood addict stabbed it easily with a sword, but then the body of the golden armor virtual shadow suddenly became larger.

The blood addict was shocked and flew away immediately


The virtual shadow of the golden armor exploded and turned into pieces. At the same time, the powerful air wave spread towards the four sides.

However, the altar has not been affected, so Yi Bu Tianyin has nothing at all.

The blood addict was thrown out by the power of the explosion, spitting a trace of blood in his mouth, and suffered more injuries than the sum of the previous injuries.

The blood addict propped up with his sword and rushed to the altar again.

"Brother Xuexiang, come back quickly!" Xuetang and scorpion shouted. But xueliao and Emperor Xinchen didn't move. It wasn't their cold-blooded, but they didn't want to see that blood was addicted.

"Xuetang, scorpion, you don't have to shout. He won't listen to you. Believe him, he won't lose so easily." emperor Xinchen advised them.

"The towering ghost king comes out!"