The three faces were filled with anger instantly. They flew up at the same time and clapped their hands at the eternal dust-free.

There was a sneer on Qianqiu Wuchen's face. The figure flashed. There were three figures around him. One person met the other and clapped it with one palm. He complained that the three people were beaten and flew 100 meters away.

Then the three shadows combined again into the eternal dust-free body.

"Ghost mother of the nether world, can you go now? I can warn you, but I was defeated by the emperor, but you don't want to deceive me. I've given you face by letting you continue to sit in the supreme position of the ghost world. Don't let me deny you face. You know?" Qianqiu Wuchen clapped his hand and caused a gust of wind in the air, Directly blow the nether ghost mother four people to kilometers away, and then Qianqiu Wuchen and the ghost immortal fly back to the fallen holy mountain.

Thousands of kilometers away, the ghost mother watched the dust-free fly back to the mountain for thousands of years.

The curse made people come forward at the same time, and said in a cold voice: "ghost mother, didn't you say that the strength of eternal dust-free is similar to you? Is this called similar to you?"

"I don't know. In the past, the performance of eternal dust-free was just like me, and I didn't know he was hiding so deep." the ghost mother suffocated.

"Hum! I don't know?" a grudge groaned and left with bitterness and hate.

Watching the three fly away, the ghost mother had to fly away.

On the mountain where the ghost mother of the nether world lives, there is a deep palace. There are spells everywhere in the palace. However, these spells are obviously broken. In addition to the spells, there are countless red lines, all of which are copper coins.

The ghost mother of the nether world was kneeling respectfully in front of the deep palace and said respectfully, "princess, the maidservant has no ability to unify the ghost world. Please give her a hand."

"Don't you have the ability to unify? I remember before, didn't you have confidence? Did you encounter something you couldn't handle?" a faint smile came out in the deep palace.

"Princess! Today we went to the fallen holy mountain to find Qianqiu Wuchen, but I and the three people who blame Tianzong are not the enemies of Qianqiu Wuchen. Therefore, I beg the princess to unify the ghost world so as not to delay major events." the ghost mother respectfully asked.

"Qianqiu Wuchen? Naturally, you are not her opponent. Qianqiu Wuchen has a reputation of Qianqiu, and the fallen leaves are dust-free. Don't worry about his affairs. Take other people first. Take this painting. If you encounter characters you can't handle, just use it. Qianqiu Wuchen will deal with it after unifying the ghost world." the voice in the deep palace came again, Then a scroll of paintings flew out of the deep palace.

The ghost mother took it respectfully and said respectfully, "thank you, Princess!"

Then the ghost mother left, and the deep palace was calm again, but it was a little scary.

In the Chinese dynasty, Princess Biluo and Princess Yi Xuan came to the Forbidden City. Emperor Xinchen suddenly had four women around him.

Princess Biluo, bu Feiyan and Mu Zihan have been together for a long time, so they get along well.

Only Yi Fei Xuan had a poor relationship with the other three people, but it was not bad. She didn't quarrel or be jealous.

Emperor Xinchen took four people, Emperor Yun and Princess Shuyu, Emperor killer Tian and princess wanmiao to Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou is the center of the world. In the northeast of the Chinese dynasty, nine people came to an island after flying for five days.

The island is surrounded by water, and the area above is the size of the Forbidden City.

There is a huge monument on the island, which reads "Jiantian island".

There are many palaces above the island, but in the center is a huge temple. It's bigger than the surrounding palaces. I don't know how many times.

In front of the temple is a huge square with 30 giant sculptures on it.

Emperor Xinchen's nine people flew outside Jiantian island and walked along the bridge built on Jiantian island.

Both sides of the bridge are guarded by soldiers. The strength of these soldiers is ten times that of the Immortal Emperor, one by one with extraordinary momentum.

Emperor Xinchen nine people went to the island and saw where emperor Tianying was waiting.

Emperor Tianying came forward and said with a smile, "Tian'er, yun'er, chen'er, you're back. Come in with me!"

"Please come out to meet my father!" emperor Xinchen said at the same time.

Then emperor Tianying took the nine people of emperor Xinchen to the center.

"Tian'er, yun'er, Shu Yu and miao'er, how are you four doing in Jixia school palace?" emperor Tianying asked.

"Father, we had a good time in Jixia school palace, and the hall leader came to teach us himself. Our strength has improved a lot, you see." diyun laughed.

"Well, yes, it's the seventh weight of the Immortal Emperor. I'm the good son of emperor Tianying." emperor Tianying laughed.

"Chen'er, you are the most sorry for my father. At the beginning, I let you leave the emperor's house alone, and it was inconvenient at that time. You are the proudest of my three sons. You practice the latest, but now you are more powerful than my father. I can't bear your efforts and frustrations with you. Everything is your own efforts. My father is sorry for you , our emperor family is sorry for you. "Emperor Tianying apologized.

"Father, it's all right. If I don't leave the emperor's house, I may only be able to sit in a wheelchair for a lifetime. I won't blame my father for my achievements until I leave the emperor's house." emperor Xinchen said with a sincere smile.

"Let's go in! Don't let them wait too long." emperor Tianying said.

Then emperor Xinchen and others walked to the nearest palace of the temple near the center.

A moment later, Emperor Xinchen and others came to the palace, which was full of people from the emperor's family. On the top seat sat emperor Zun and imperial concubine Shuyan, and below were emperor and another woman.

Below the emperor are emperor Tianhao and others, and below are emperor Tianhao's three daughters, a man whom emperor Xinchen doesn't know and Emperor xuanyue.

Emperor Tianying came forward and said, "grandfather, grandmother, father and mother, I have brought tianer them."

"Sit down!" the emperor said faintly.

Then emperor Tianying went to his seat and sat down. Nine people, including emperor Xinchen, sat down next to Emperor xuanyue.

"Our emperor family hasn't offered sacrifices to our ancestors for many years. There are several reasons for calling you to offer sacrifices to our ancestors today. First, we came to offer sacrifices to our ancestors so that you can remember who you are; second, we can discuss how to deal with the hidden forces in the world; third, it is about Jiantian island. What our emperor family has to do is not only deal with the world, but also our enemies, including the fairy world and the demon world , ghost world and Buddha world. Each world has its own uniqueness. Our emperor family wants to deal with the same difficulties. However, as long as our emperor family are united, there are no unstoppable enemies and no unconquerable world. "Emperor Zun said excitedly.