With that, Zhang Xueren and others disappeared in place.

Because the Zerg army was not blocked by the national defense array, under the command of the Zerg queen, it was like black clouds pressing on the ground,

Powerful power filled the whole Chinese Empire in an instant.

Surrounded by the Zerg army, the Chinese empire fell into darkness again.

On the ground, the Chinese troops arranged in various places soared, rose one after another, and rushed to the Zerg army.

Some hidden strongmen also stood up, and countless schools and colleges united together, sending out a towering breath to meet the insects

The offensive of the clan.

Except for those who protect the people underground, almost all of China's Chongling realm participated in the battle.

Countless shining psychic powers fly across the sky, and countless violent explosions ring through the sky to re illuminate the ground.

No one will hide at this time. They have taken out their own housekeeping skills. All kinds of magic weapons run amok in the Zerg army. Each impact can take away a large area of Zerg life.

Wars broke out in all places at the same time. Those places with slightly stronger strength, under the hard resistance of countless strong ones, were able to keep their territory and not lose for the time being.

Some places with weak strength soon lost ground under the attack of countless Zerg. Those people did not love war and tried their best to break out of a tight encirclement and move closer to the place guarded by the strong.

The Chinese Empire seemed to be in the end. In the dark environment, countless houses collapsed one after another under the threat of explosion in the battle, and the ground began to vibrate violently. Countless rare animals died miserably in this end scene

Near the boundless mountain of the Chinese Empire, above a continuous mountain range.

Countless Zerg are searching for human traces in the air.

In their view, there should be no human existence here.

Just about to go to the next place, one of the most powerful Zerg suddenly found a wooden house at the foot of a mountain ahead.

"You go and have a look. If there are humans, kill them all without leaving them," the Zerg immediately ordered.

Suddenly, the surrounding Zerg swarmed up and rushed to the wooden house.

Just before the arrival, a strong wave suddenly broke out in the wooden house, and the Zerg flying near were lifted up in an instant.

Then two figures rushed out of the wooden house.

It is the blood addict and the disabled!

Since returning to China, blood addicts and disabled venerable people have found such a place and casually set up a simple wooden house, and the disabled venerable people began to recover from their injuries.

The battle with Zhang Xueren had hurt her foundation. Later, she was secretly attacked by Meng Po. If you don't completely recover the injury, it will have an impact on your future cultivation.

Blood addicts practice around the disabled and respected.

When the Zerg attacked the Chinese national defense array, they were at a critical moment at the same time and didn't wake up for a moment.

Until the Zerg came near, they felt a strange smell and woke them up.

"What are they? How can they be so many!" he said in surprise at the dense Zerg in the sky.

"These are the Zerg, one of the three wild races. It's strange that the Zerg disappeared a long time ago. Later, I never heard of them. I didn't expect that they actually appeared in the world, and there are so many," explained the disabled venerable on one side, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"No! Boss," the blood addict was surprised and immediately said to the emperor's heart: "boss, I and the disabled venerable just woke up. Are you okay? What's the matter with so many Zerg?"

Soon, Emperor Xinchen sounded in the blood addict's mind: "blood addict? Where are you? After the Zerg Saint opened countless space tunnels to transmit these Zerg, and now China has been surrounded by them."

"Boss, we are near the boundless mountain. Shall we come back immediately?" said Xuexiang

"No, we have no problem here in the Forbidden City. You can see where you need help along the way," emperor Xinchen replied.


At this time, the Zerg army in the air was about to rush towards them.

The blood addict and the disabled venerable looked at each other and nodded.

Suddenly, their momentum rose to the top and rushed towards the Zerg.

Most of the injuries of the disabled have recovered, and their strength has recovered to the peak level of xianzun.

The vigorous spiritual power bombarded out continuously, and a large number of Zerg were instantly killed.

"Now there are all these damn Zerg in China. Boss, let's see where we need our help," said Xuexiang to the disabled venerable after he wiped out the Zerg in front of him.

"OK", the disabled man nodded and immediately accelerated his attack

At present, the best situation in China is the Forbidden City, where most of the top Chinese strongmen are gathered.

At the moment when the Zerg army rushed down, Emperor Xinchen took the lead.

Facing the Zerg all over the sky, Emperor Xinchen was fearless. The news of requesting assistance had been sent to Emperor Zun as early as the moment when the national defense array was broken.

Now, as long as we can resist the Zerg attack and wait for reinforcements before China's total defeat, it will be a victory

Flying into the air, the purple osmanthus star filled the body of emperor Xinchen crazily, and the breath kept soaring.

Suddenly, the emperor's heart dust state had been adjusted to the best, and he punched hard into the sky. The powerful spiritual power instantly blew the airtight Zerg out of a big hole.

Then, the heaven altar, immortal magic jade pendant and divination stick were summoned by Emperor Xinchen

The sky sacrificial platform that came out of the body turned into a hill again and hit the dark Zerg army. With each attack, countless Zerg were crushed into meat mud

The jade ice and jade Ling flying out of the Fairy Magic jade pendant stood in the air, waving their hands and flying out one after another

Under the threat of the spirit of the heaven altar, the spirit of the divination staff gave part of its power, which became a little weaker than before, but it was no worse than the other two magic weapons against the Zerg.

In the distance, Feng Qianqiu was covered with a layer of holy flame unique to the Phoenix family. The terrible temperature instantly turned the Zerg around him into ashes.

The evil is ruthless. Jin Ao, Yan Zhijiu, Donghua emperor and others also hang the Zerg with unparalleled posture.

Countless fierce battles broke out, and no Zerg could pass the defense of emperor Xinchen and others.

The broken limbs and arms that were blown to pieces fell from the air, and the green blood unique to the Zerg spread all over the ground.

In front of such a situation, it seems that the Zerg are very weak, but emperor Xinchen knows that in the face of the endless Zerg, his spiritual power will always be exhausted. If he can't support the arrival of reinforcements at that time, China will be in dange