He's smart, otherwise, if she sees him laughing, tonight


Letong's thoughts, tonight a fart! What can I do with him tonight?!

Letong is speechless because of her thoughts of slipping off the road. As soon as she shakes away Ji Rui's hand that still holds her shoulder, she leaves Ji Rui and strides forward.

Ji Rui looks at her back and blinks. He remembers it and starts to catch up with her.

Letong listens to the footsteps behind her and catches up with her. She secretly scolds herself for being a flower maniac with poor determination. She blushes when she is hugged by a man!

"Letong, please consider my proposal just now!"

The side of the body, came the man's low voice.

His voice was so calm that he could not hear any waves, as if the episode had never happened.

"Well..." Letong looked at the road in front of her head.

"Or, I'll let him go to your house tomorrow and give you an effect drawing first. If you think you want to redecorate it, then consider signing the contract, OK?"

Ji Rui suddenly seems to have changed his personality. He is not only very considerate, but also seems to be losing his aggressive momentum.

Such Ji Rui makes Letong feel strange and a little uncomfortable.

"How's it going?" Ji Rui asked again.

Yue Tong answered casually, "Oh, OK." After answering, I found that I fell into the trap he set step by step.

Looking back, he found a friend to help him get a mortgage. Then, he asked her to go back to Ji's house as a gift of thanks. Then, he asked her to renew her five-year contract in advance. It's not hard to imagine that Ji Rui had planned these things step by step, just waiting for her to take the first step, Step by step, I can't help but sink in.

But even though Letong thinks so clearly, she still doesn't have the courage to refuse him. On the one hand, the bait in his trap is too attractive to her.

Second, although he deliberately did these premeditations, they were all good intentions. Moreover, he always respected her ideas as the premise, and did not impose anything on her as subjectively as before.

She was not an ungrateful person, and understood that he could not obliterate all his present good intentions just because he had treated himself in the past.

Ji Rui is relieved to see her nod.

You know, although he successfully "cheated" her back to Ji's family, her contract with Ji's family is only about half a year. He is a little depressed when he thinks that after half a year, he will have to worry about how to keep her.

Yang Sheng, however, seems to think that he is not depressed enough.

When she went to the personnel department to cancel her leave, she went out of her way to tell him.

"Rui, please get rid of Tongtong's working relationship. My friend is short of talents like Tongtong. She is willing to give Tongtong the same salary as Ji, but only if she has to go to work next week."

Ji Rui certainly knows that young people like Letong, who are both smart and willing to work, are getting smaller and smaller now, so it is expected that she will become a fragrant steamed bun.

However, Yang Sheng's words are tantamount to reminding him that Letong is not Ji Rui in public or private. If there is no contract or other constraints, she can leave at any time without taking a cloud away, just like she left everything to D province a few months ago.

At that time, he could not accept her leaving.

Now, as long as he thought that she might leave him quietly at any time, his forehead would swell.

Sure enough, habit is a terrible thing.

Baby sick this period of time, they seem to have been used to her moment in front of dangling.

In the hospital, every night, she sleeps in the intensive care bed and he sleeps on the sofa. Although they don't share the same bed, they can see each other from time to time.

And last night, he was sleeping alone in such a big bedroom, tossing and turning all night, uneasy and difficult to sleep.

"Tomorrow morning, you go to the real estate to handle the transfer procedures. At noon, I'll take him to have a look?"

Ji Rui doesn't allow Letong to think too much, and is anxious to arrange the next thing.

Letong is also very concerned about the decoration. Of course, the reason is not that the original decoration and furnishings are too old. On the contrary, she has deep feelings for every corner of the room.

It's because of the baby that I'm so interested in the decoration.

Baby is a child, and now the body is recovering, need a good living environment to recuperate.

Although he must live in Ji Rui's house most of the time, according to the little guy's temperament, he will definitely stay at her house one or two days a week. For this reason, she should also decorate the house to make it more comfortable.

"Well, all right, twelve o'clock!"

In fact, Letong is also an anxious person. When she decides what to do, she wants to do it as soon as possible.

"OK, I'll bring my friends over tomorrow, and then I'll find a quiet restaurant with my baby. What do you want to eat, I'll ask Xiao Li to make a reservation first."

If this change in the past, Ji Rui certainly won't ask her opinion. But now he will consider her preferences. Although he is only polite, the feeling of being respected is like the warm sun shining in his heart, which makes Letong's cold heart warm and thaw unconsciously.

"Look at the baby's meaning. He can't eat too much food now. Find a restaurant with light food taste and quiet environment."

They chatted while walking. Unexpectedly, they walked to the door of the supermarket.

Outside the door of the supermarket, there is a long row of shopping carts. Letong wants to walk over, but Ji Rui has stridden over and pushed one.

"Did the baby sleep well last night?"

In fact, the baby follows Letong, Ji Rui is absolutely at ease.

On the issue of the baby, even before he knew that Letong was the baby's mother, Ji Rui had enough trust in Letong. Now, knowing that she was her mother, he was more at ease.

"I don't have much jet lag with the hospital. I don't sleep very well. I guess I'm still not very comfortable."

The baby's body is in the adaptation period and recovery period, which is normal.

"Thank you so much."

Yue Tong glances at him. It turns out that people like Ji Rui can also say polite things.

"As long as the baby can recover as soon as possible, no matter how hard it is, I don't care."

Yue Tong said in a low voice and went to the children's products zone.

"What else does the baby lack?" Ji Rui pushes the shopping cart to follow.

One by one, they went into the nursery area. In the eyes of those who didn't know it, they thought it was a loving couple who were buying daily necessities for their baby.

[three shifts, there should be one or two more]