In the twinkling of an eye, a week later, Kane still has no sign of awakening.

Bai Xianxian is more homesick.

Fortunately, every day there are half an hour of video calls to relieve the pain of missing, otherwise she is really going crazy.

However, every time she makes a phone call, she never says that she is homesick, and Li Lingye never asks her what to go home.

Two people seem to have a tacit understanding, no one mentioned.

Although Kane didn't wake up, his face looked much better. This is the most gratifying thing for Bai Xianxian.

It's getting dark.

Bai Xianxian, who had been with Kane for a long time after dinner, yawned.

She got up and went back to the next room to sleep.

As soon as he walked out of Kane's room, he suddenly found a dark shadow on the labyrinth like corridor in front of him.

Before every night is bright honey building, this evening only a few lights on sparsely.

White thin and inexplicable eyelids jump for a while, she went back to her room, picked up the honey colored inside phone, and called Cher. Here, although Cher is also very hostile to her, she is also a person she can trust.

"Good evening, Miss White."

"Cheer, it's a little strange in this building tonight." White fiber does not beat around the Bush, directly say their feelings.

"What's the matter?"

"It's not as bright as before. There are very few lights." In the past, she did not like the feeling of bright lights. She felt that there was no way to hide all her private affairs.

But at this moment, I feel that something is wrong.

"I know. It seems that several motors have broken down, and only one is left to generate electricity. Therefore, in order to save resources, all the irrelevant lights have been turned off."

"Oh." White thin should a, but still feel not right.

"Cher, you turn on your cell phone at night. If there's anything wrong, I'll call you, OK?" It's said that it's not necessary to harm others and prevent others. She thinks she should be more cautious.

In this unfamiliar place, she can only count on Cher.

From the point of view that Cher can accept her as a "rival", Cher is a person who sincerely treats Kane and hopes Kane to be good.

"OK, call me if you need anything. I'm all here."

Hang up the phone, white fiber look around again, still feel fluffy.

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning, how can't sleep.

Finally, she got up and was ready to go to Kane's room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a dark shadow in the corridor not far away.

That strong sense of danger swept through my mind again.

White slender quickly turned around, picked up the phone and dialed cheer, "I found a man in black approaching Kane's ward, cheer, you'd better come to support." With that, she hung up.

Although it was a guess, she thought it was true.

At this time, she should be at Kane's side.

She wants to protect him.

When she was at her worst, he saved her and gave her a new life for a second time.

Then, for her sake, how could she ignore Kane, who has come to this stage.

White slender just walked out of the door, a spark came straight to her.

"Be careful." In the middle of the night, she was reminded in a low voice.

White slender a side body, that spark Shu of didn't enter on the wall of the side, immediately the wall begins to crack inch by inch.

It's... It's a honey colored bullet.

Someone's going to kill her.

White fiber directly into Kane's ward.

Outside the door, Kane's guards and the man in black, who are quietly approaching, have started fighting.

Something really happened.

Bai Xianxian first turned off the headlight of the ward, leaving only one wall lamp.

At the same time, he picked up the chair on the ground and smashed it directly into a monitoring probe on the opposite side.

Then, hit another one.

In the twinkling of an eye, seven or eight of them were smashed.

She's been living here for a few days, and she's been looking at the surveillance for a long time.

There's a sense of being watched.

Therefore, she knew which position in the ward had monitoring, and she could destroy those monitoring as soon as possible.

It was smashed, and then it came back to Kane's bed.

He's still sleeping.

I don't even know when he'll wake up.

But at this time, the white fiber has been ignored.

"Kane, someone's going to kill you. I'll take you, OK?"

Naturally, Kane didn't respond.

Without waiting for him to respond, Bai Xianxian took out a set of Kane's clothes from the cupboard and began to put them on for him.

She will dress him whether he likes it or not.

The temperature in this ward is constant all the time, but the temperature outside is high and low. She wants to make sure that Kane, who hasn't been out for a long time, can't be cold or frozen. As for the heat, it doesn't matter. Just reduce one dress.

It doesn't matter if it's hot. I'm afraid it's cold. If I don't bring my clothes, it's miserable.

White fiber speed is very fast, and Kane seems to have a sense of it, very with a while to wear out.

Bai Xianxian holds Kane to his body, moves him to the wheelchair and pushes him to the door.

Light opened a gap, the outside is still very chaotic.

Kane's guards and the other party's people all use silencing and silent weapons, so if they don't see it with their own eyes, even the people in the same building, as long as they are not on this floor, they won't find the fighting situation here.

Take another look at Kane in the wheelchair. His clothes should be bulletproof.

However, even the bulletproof vest is not omnipotent, there are always places it can not be wrapped.

And the head. It's safer to wear a helmet.

And it's safe to clean up and get out of here.

But we can only count on Kane's guards to clear up.

She can't do anything.

She went out like this, only to die.

"Here, get out of the way, get out of the way." All of a sudden, cheer's voice came from outside.

As she walked with a assault rifle, she strafed behind the man in black, reminding Kane's guards to get out of the way.

Otherwise, it will hurt our own people.

She made such a surprise attack on the back of the man in black. She tore a hole in an instant and rushed to Kane's sick room soon.

"Bai Xianxian, you push Kane, I'll cover you and leave the elevator over there."

Bai Xianxian looked at her finger and said, "that elevator, are you sure it's safe?" She now seriously suspects that the blackout was caused by insiders and that someone wanted to kill Kane.

To be Kane's successor.

Cheer hesitated.

Seeing the hesitant Cher, Bai Xianxian pushes Kane away.

And that direction, actually, is not the direction of the elevator that cheer refers to.

"Bai Xianxian, stop."

The white slim cat is pushing Kane who is tilted in the wheelchair. His head is hidden in the wheelchair by her, and there is no leakage. However, she can still feel the sparks splashing on the wheelchair.