Chapter 561: Planning time for… a chat

"Lily" said Vivian firmly, "don't make excuses for her. You're not married yet, there's no need to defend her from idiotic choices yet" 

Lily went bright red and Kat winced. "I'm right here Vivian. If you want to harass me can you at least do it to me instead of through Lily?" 

Vivian shook her head rapidly, "Nope. Embarrassing Lily at the same time is half the fun. There's no way I'd give up the chance to get both of you at the same time. As I'm now filling in the role of your mother, it's imperative I use that position for maximum entertainment!"

Vivian then turned her eyes to Lily and fixed her with a hard stair before continuing to speak "Now Lily. Is there anything else that Kat has done? Anything she needs to know?" Lily's face twitched, "Oh there's something she needs to be informed about? Would you care to enlighten me as to what it is?" 

Vivian's manner of speech made Lily feel like Vivian was the real devil here. Lily swallowed heavily as her mind very specifically drifted to the fact Kat clearly needed 'the talk'. Loyalty to Kat and the desire not to out her at the table warred with the desire for Kat to gain that knowledge, and make sure she didn't have to be responsible for providing it. Part of Lily knew that she could simply tell Vivian at a later time but she caved under the stare eventually. "Kat… um… Kat maybe… sorta… um.. needsthetalk?" mumbled Lily

"Ah I see" said Vivian with a grin, "I'll ensure that she's caught up to speed… thoroughly" 

"Shall I assist you in this endeavour?" asked Callisto to the surprise of the new couple. Sylvie actually seemed to expect the answer for some reason, and Vivian clearly knew her well enough to guess something like this. 

Vivian got a wicked gleam in her eye and raked her gaze over both Kat and Lily both suddenly feeling like a vicious predator had them in their sights. "Well, I suppose I shall get you to accompany me. Together we can conduct a much more thorough and explicit version of the talk. Why we could even provide certain visual aids to make sure the point really sinks in deep."

Lily let out a strangled 'meep' sound as her face went bright red. That was the clue Kat needed to figure out what Vivian had really said and found herself similarly embarrassed. It was also when she remembered Sylvie was nearby. "VIVIAN! You… you… you can't just say that! Or… why would even do that? That's highly inappropriate. Especially with Sylvie nearby to hear"

Vivian was all set not to care until Kat brought up her final point and winced. Still, she didn't want to back down from her prepared answer. "Now Kat, Lily, what dirty things are you thinking I was suggesting. Callisto is an expert at computers and can certainly come up with a Powerpoint presentation or something similar with little to no trouble. As for Sylvie… well I'm sure it's fine really. She can learn what we're talking about later" 

Sylvie rolled her eyes and chimed in with, "You are trying to give Kat the 'sex talk' and you laced your suggestion for Callisto to join you with several statements to imply that you and Callisto would engage in the act while teaching the material. It's not that hard to see" 

Every eye in the room turned to Sylvie at that point. Lily was even redder somehow and was leaning against Kat for support. Kat was thoroughly shocked that Sylvie possessed such knowledge, as was Vivian. Callisto just seemed to nod. Eventually it was Vivian who broached the topic. "Sylvie dear… how did you know that? Not even Kat figured it out straight away" 

Sylvie shrugged and said, "I don't really know how Kat missed it, but one of the older girls would always pull us aside and explain just before someone got adopted that sex was not something to get involved with, especially not with your family, along with just how easy it was to get people arrested for paedophilia." 

Kat's jaw dropped. "Why didn't I ever hear about this?" 

Sylvie shrugged again. "It was only really for people getting adopted. I actually overheard this talk, it wasn't given to me when I left. I'm not sure if they assumed you'd give it to me, or if it's because they knew you'd protect me but I wasn't pulled aside for it. As to why you never heard about it… I actually don't know? Maybe they assumed you DID know as you'd been around so long? I don't know." 

"That… while it's good advice to have I guess… I don't really think it's terribly appropriate to bring up…" said Vivian still shellshocked. 

Sylvie shrugged a third time, not really seeing the big deal. "Nobody younger then five was told, and it was always just before they left. Though… I wonder who kept track of the who was giving the speech… nevermind, it's just a thing that happened and I like to think it's for our safety" 

"It is a trading of innocence for safety. There is clearly a cost… but I suppose it is a valid one. I do not know if I would endorse the practice, but I certainly would not stop it if I knew" said Callisto. "Though I do wonder if the owner of the orphanage was aware this happened… I would suspect so."

Sylvie nodded to that and said, "Yes I believe he knew. A little silent nod, and once I knew to look for it, the person giving the speech always got a little extra food at dinner. Which granted, we didn't go hungry so it wasn't like it really mattered, but Gramps would very specifically give them something little more then they'd ask for and nod." 

"How did I not notice this?!" said Kat her voice gaining a few bars in height. "I… I feel like I've almost been negligent in my care…"

Sylvie promptly left her chair to walk over to Kat and give her a hug… mostly around her side. Kat decided that wasn't good enough and grabbed Sylvie to place on her lip. Wrapping the little girl in her arms Kat tried to calm down, but Sylvie had even more words, "It's not your fault Kat. We always came to you for other things. You weren't meant to be serious like that. It wasn't your job and you had enough of them" 

Silence reigned for a few moments before Callisto gave a loud clap and spoke at with a slightly raised voice. "Enough. It is a sad thing, yet not one that is causing harm. Sylvie, I appreciate your knowledge on the topic but I think it would help Kat's sanity for you to not bring this up again. Kat. You WILL be getting the talk from Vivian and I sometime in the next few days. Possibly tomorrow. That is not a question. It is important, and will be suitably entertaining to give. Now. Let us discuss something more fun and interesting. How far did you and Lily take your relationship already?" 

Callisto was expecting a blush from Lily, and was genuinely shocked when she got a groan instead. "That's part of the problem" when Callisto just raised an eyebrow and Vivian looked at her like she held the secrets of the world Lily sighed and continued, "Kat doesn't know. She just wasn't interested so she doesn't know anything other than kisses and… well… the act itself" 

"We're going to have our work cut out for us" said Vivian shaking her head 'sadly' "Truly for Kat to not know. Seriously, how did this happen? Actually Lily, how did you find out?" 

Lily gulped and looked over to Kat pleading for her to answer instead. Kat noticed and dipped into thought. *While I see no reason for me to answer this… I suppose this is part of being a good girlfriend. I suppose I should answer…* completely ignoring the fact that even before today she'd have done whatever Lily asked. So with a resigned droop of the shoulders, Kat answered, "It was because Lily explained their was a difference between kissing and sticking your tongue down someone's throat. I however don't see that difference or previously know it was a thing" 

Vivian nodded and replied in a serious voice. "Yes, indeed. That is a serious lack of knowledge. I see we'll have our work cut out for us…" then her voice returned to normal as she faced Callisto, "But why do we do that? I mean… what's the point? Why does it feel better Callisto? Now that it's been pointed out to me I can't help but feel it's… kinda odd isn't it? I mean I know I have this one spot on my… actually I'll save that for 'the talk' but I want answers!" 

"I do not know the answer to that off the top of my head Vivian" said Callisto seriously, "I will endeavour to find out for our presentation. I know it has something to do with arousal of course… but not why."