This time the argument raged on with no end in sight. Kraks even tried to interrupt them a few times but the group of arguing beholders glared at him and brought power into their eyes causing them to glow a little. Kat had the feeling Kraks would have won anyway but it seems like he was willing to let it drop.

After over an hour of relaxing Kat decided enough was enough. She was more than willing to wait if there was actually an end in sight, but this was excessive. *Why is this such a big deal to you all? I'd have shown my flame if you'd just asked but no, had to start an hour long discussion about it.*

"Enough!" said Kat and forced her aura onto the beholders. To her shock and their own it crashed over them instantly dispelling the fight.

"What… what sort of Aura is this?" asked Tulvun

"It's my aura and I think this fight has gone on long enough" said Kat standing up and flaring her wings "I'll show you my flame as long as everyone in the room agrees to never reveal it's form to anyone, anything, and in any shape or form. Do you accept?"

Xoglaxuch, Tulvun, Xaz'gelen and Vraz'gelen instantly agreed. Kraks and Rulrok however paused. "What does your aura do?" asked Kraks "I hope it doesn't influence them to agree"

"No, I don't think so. I suppose it could be an issue of semantics on what constitute that, but… I'd say no" said Kat pondering on that question herself

"I'm sorry but I refuse anyway" said Rulrok

"Well I'll have to ask you to leave then" said Kat *I'm tempted to let you stay but that would just be unfair to the others at the point.*

"Understood" said Rulrok who floated leisurely to the door and left without complaint.

Tulvun and Kraks eye's nearly fell out of their heads. Tulvun just stammered and waved his tentacles at the door but Kraks spoke up "How did you even do that?"

"My aura probably helped, but I don't know if I want to say too much more than that" said Kat.

"Well, I suppose I also accept" said Kraks. As he said that a myriad of coloured chains extended between the demons. Each chain seemed to dye itself a slightly different colour but it was hard to tell as they shifted and warped underneath the gaze of everyone in the room.

"Woah, why did those chains have so many colours" said Kat

"Well, normally the chains are the same colour as your demon fire but because this contract involved so many demons the flames mixed together to change it. Sometimes it has some weird effects, but it's all visual I assure you" said Kraks

"Right well now that's settled. How do I actually show you my flame?" asked Kat

"Just think about projecting it. Feel into you core and push it in front of you. Some like to push it out of their hands" said Kraks

And so Kat followed his instructions. Finding that well of power in her stomach and pushing out with it. Purple flames erupted from Kat's chest and shot towards the centre of the room. Kat dropped her control instantly in a panic and the fire faded. Blushing awkwardly and looking at the ground Kat mumbled "I don't think that was quite proper"

"Hahaha, you failed spectacularly, even newly awakened demons can do it. Haha" said Vraz'gelen

*System can you tell me what went wrong.* Thought Kat as she continued to stare at the floor.


User Kat's Demonic Flame makes up 95% of User Kat's demonic energy. Projecting it could have serious consequences to User Kat's health. It also seems to have limited User Kat's ability to project the Demonic Flame


*Wait so does that mean I can't use it outside of my body at all?*


User Kat will likely have no issues with this. It is only projection as User Kat is not capable of releasing User Kat's full reserves of Demonic Energy in such a fast fashion. Theoretically if User Kat slowly projected User Kat's Demonic Flame it may still be possible.


*Well, how long would that take?*


D.E.M.O.N.S estimates the time taken will exceed 10 hours.



The beholders for their part just sat and watched Kat patiently. They couldn't see D.E.M.O.N.S's messages but they did recognise the tell-tale signs of a young demon who was conversing with it. The slightly focused stare just in front of their face. The eyes that roamed across the lines of text. The slightly twitching facial expressions in response to various news.

*Do I have any other options?*


D.E.M.O.N.S is calculating to devise a suitable method of false projection. It is deemed a necessary demon skill. As such D.E.M.O.N.S believes a solution must be found.


Running simulation…

Discarding Results ending in crippling…

Discarding Results ending in gender reversal…

Discarding Results ending in death…

Discarding Results ending in excruciating pain…

Discarding Results that contain euphoric pleasure…

Discarding Results deemed unsuitable for this story…

Final Results Calculated. Options remaining 3


Discarding Results requiring advanced power level…

Final Results Calculated. Options remaining 0



Final Results Calculated. Options remaining 0.5

Method deemed acceptable.


*Um, should I be worried at all system?*


User Kat is advised not to worry.


*Right, I'm advised to, but what are the chances this goes horribly wrong?*


Define parameters for "Horribly"


*Oh I don't know, um death?*


D.E.M.O.N.S calculates chance of death using final method to be 5%


*Isn't that kind of high?*


D.E.M.O.N.S informs User Kat this is only for the first activation of skill. Once complete successfully D.E.M.O.N.S will know with certainty if death will happen


*Fine let's have a go then.* Kat sighed. Following the instructions given to her by D.E.M.O.N.S wasn't too hard. Bend a bit of power here, twist it there. Push it towards the hand outstretched and spin.

The demons in the room were watching Kat spin in circles with some confusion so Kraks decided to speak up "Um Kat why are you spinning"

"D.E.M.O.N.S had to come with a way for me to use false projection. Can't talk concentrating" said Kat.

Finally after seven rotations the power in Kat's hand flared and on it appeared a tiny copy of Kat made of fire. It had its arms laid out in front of it mirroring Kat's position but unlike Kat the fire copy of her appeared to float with her feet hanging down. Fire Kat's wings were spread as well with her tail coiled into a hook. Firey Kat's horns also seemed to glow brighter than the rest of her figure.

Unknown to Kat however projecting her Demonic Flame onto her palm was having an effect on her as well. Kat's eyes glowed purple matching her flames while her horns turned much further to a purple shade with tiny licks of flame spouting from the end. Her tail burned with fire surrounding the tip while her wings glowed purple along the bones.

The beholders were shocked. Jaws dropping they plopped back into their chairs and just stared at Kat uncomprehendingly. Kraks however pales significantly. Kat's manifestation looked like a fearsome display of power and control that even he would struggle to imitate.

"Um, Kat… what rank are you" said Kraks

Kat who was admiring the small figure in her hand replied "0.5, I think the system said"

"Right but how strong are you?" said Kraks

"Just rank 1 I think why?" asked Kat looking to Kraks who had recovered from his shock slightly.

"Could you double check for me?" asked Kraks

"Sure?" said Kat confused tilting her head to the side. Sadly the mini Kat didn't imitate her movements.


User Kat is roughly equivalent to a rank 1 in power. D.E.M.O.N.S is unsure why User Kraks would ask this question.


"Nope, says I'm rank 1 and that it's confused as to why you'd even ask" said Kat

Now it was Kraks turn to look confused. Glancing off to the side he checked the system and received a similar answer.

"Right, so… your Demonic Flame naturally looks like you?" said Kraks

"Yup, though I have to say this version of my flame is much cuter than normal" said Kat

"Right, well… Um" Kraks struggled with his words and looked to the beholders for some assistance.

It was a shame for Kraks then that they hadn't yet managed to pick their jaws of the floor. They did not understand the significance of having a shaped flame unlike Kraks but after hearing Kat was only rank 1 they seemed to share in some of his confusion.

"Huh. I think I understand why I was assigned to this case now. Things just got a lot more complicated when it comes to dealing with your error report. Whatever has happened to your flame it is obviously changed and likely for the better. This sort of benefit is likely impossible to quantify and now makes it nearly impossible for us to calculate the compensation you are owed if any" said Kraks "What a headache…"