Chapter 179: Chapter 179

"I don't quite get it… what do you mean Callisto?" asked Sylvie again.

Callisto smiled a kind smile, "Perhaps it is not my place to share. Let us see if the others have been following along well enough to provide for you a sufficient answer"

Sylvie turned her pouting gaze from the rear-view mirror to Kat. "I think Sylvie" started Kat "That Callisto would do anything for you, and unlike her opinion of others she requires nothing from you to gain joy from helping you"

Sylvie tilted her head confused "But I'd help Callisto with anything!" Sylvie insisted

Kat smiled "I think that might be part of the point Sylvie. She did her part without wanting anything and knows now that you'd do the same. She did not when she started though"

Sylvie thought on this. "That still doesn't explain the part with Vivian though"

Callisto nodded and spoke up "I'll assist you with this last segment. I believe that I now understand that Vivian is willing to trust others will return her favour, and does so with the understanding the easiest way to find people who would help you with anything, is to first be willing to help others with anything"

"But that isn't quite what you believe" said Lily picking up on Callisto's phrasing

Callisto nodded "Yes, I still hold my belief it should first be two way, but I do perhaps now understand how children factor into these thoughts, and why Vivian does things her way even if I do not agree with them"

"You really never thought about it before?" asked Sylvie

Callisto shrugged "Please understand, I speak with very few individuals that I respect enough to listen to their opinions, and I discount many of Vivian's on account of how different we are as people. It's not that I dislike speaking with her, or listening to her advice… just that, it is normally not applicable to myself

"So, no, I have not truly considered it before and perhaps that is something I will need to address in the future. For now, at least it has not led me into any major trouble so I will continue as I have but with new perspective"

*Pretty sure it's gotten you into trouble and you just haven't noticed.* Kat mused.

The scenery slowly turned from open fields to more forested land, with trees quickly rising forth from the ground. As they started to close in on the car's path, more and more debris popped up in the way, but Callisto continued onward.

It was only a short ten minutes later they reached the assumed clearing. It was a large space, easily as large as a football field. It couldn't possibly be natural, and was likely maintained, but the signs of that maintenance was absent aside from the trail leading towards it.

Kat let herself and Sylvie escape from the confines of the vehicle and started unpacking the boxes. Callisto meanwhile inspected the car for any particularly notable errant sticks that might cause operational troubles in the future.

Once the car was looked over and unpacked the three stood staring across the clearing. "So what now" Kat asked

"Now" said Callisto opening the first box "We begin the setup"

Callisto started pulling out pieces for a gazebo from one of the boxes and handed them over to Lily. To Sylvie she handed the tarp to connect them all, and to Kat she handed another box.

"Lily, Sylvie start connecting those pieces and I'll assist. Kat I want you to take this box over to the other end of the clearing and leave it there for the time being" said Callisto

Kat was confused but shrugged. Sprinting the box over and running back was no issue, but Callisto was making swift work on the gazebo construction and was already half done. Another few minutes of fiddling and it was completely ready to go.

The next box Callisto got Kat to move into the shade, and explained it contained the food they would be eating a little later and left them in the corner.

As they were opening the next box, which contained a table Lily asked "How exactly do you know which is which?"

"See the faint lines" said Callisto pointing to a faint marking in question "I can tell based on that"

Lily squinted and could still hardly see the things in question but shrugged and continued to help.

After going through the table box, they quickly unloaded the last two. One contained folding chairs for everyone, with Kat's even having no back, while the other contained a strange assortment of devices, like stopwatches and measuring tapes, scales, that Kat assumed Callisto would be using for testing.

"Before we start properly, with some power testing, Kat would you mind doing a short flight around to make sure nobody is nearby?" asked Callisto

Sylvie tried to take a step forward but Callisto rested a hand on her shoulder "Not just yet. I have a considerable concern that I wish to see the truth about"

Kat tilted her head at Callisto's vague wording, but just shrugged at her and stood a bit away from the tent. Kat started flapping her wings, expecting to start flying… but nothing happened.

*Hmm…* Kat through her energy towards her legs and kicked off from the ground. Kat rocketed upwards, spreading her wings as she started to slow down. Once in the air she started pushing the energy into her wings instead.

Kat felt her wings flapping much faster than usual, but still settling into a decent rhythm. Kat tried to take stock of the situation, but it was… not ideal. At the present point in time she could keep herself, airborne… but only just.

*Dam, I can feel my wings screaming on my back. Not quite to the point I have to stop, but they aren't happy. I can keep a steady altitude, but it's going to be difficult. Plus I seem to be quite rapidly bleeding demonic energy as I do this. I'm not sure how long I can stay in flight, but it isn't quite as long as I'd like I don't think.*

Kat tried to do some light manoeuvres, moving around, flipping over, and was surprised once again to find her movements just as responsive as she remembered. There was no delay, perhaps a little overcorrection, but nothing serious. Once she got used to the burning sensation it wasn't so bad.

Swapping to scouting around Kat used a bit of energy to enhance her eyes and looked around for some indication of movement. *I can't really see anything… but that's more to do with the fact that there are things in the way.* Kat scanned the numerous trees. *It's not like I have x-ray vision. If there is a tree in the way, doesn't matter how far or in how great detail I can see.*

Kat dropped back to the ground and started taking in long gulps of air as she let her wings hand. "So, what have you discovered Kat?" asked Callisto

Kat took one last deep breath before straightening. Circulating her energy once more she felt the burning in her wings vanish and her lungs cease their cries. "It seems that I can fly, but that it is much harder on me. When I'm summoned, I can float for hours with virtually no stress on my wings.

"Here though, it is much harder. Perhaps with practice I'll be fine, but I think it's likely that the only reason I can keep myself going is that my energy is regenerating the muscles in my wings as they wear out"

Callisto nodded "Based on the few things I am aware of, that does seem to likely be the case. I'm not sure exactly what supressing your demonic energy does, but it is clearly a large component of your flight"

Kat nodded. "Actually one moment"

Kat took off around the edge of the clearing and used the mostly circular track as a way to get to her full running speed. She felt herself starting to have issues with keeping to the curve, but her speed was unquestionable. *Ok… so this is a little odd I'm still just as fast.* Quickly completing the lap, she ended up back in front of the others.

"Seems like I can run just as fast as before… it's just the flight that seems to cause issues" said Kat

"Well, I do have a few possible ideas that I first wish to go over with Lily. While we are otherwise occupied could you perhaps take Sylvie on that flight you promised her assuming that it is safe to do so?" asked Callisto

Kat nodded. "I can at the very least ensure that she will be safe. I can still glide without trouble so even if her meagre weight is enough to stop real flight she won't get hurt"

Sylvie gave a big cheer upon hearing that and jumped into Kat's arms, causing the demon to rapidly correct her posture and catch the little girl.