Chapter 241: a Minor surprise

Kat stopped. Carefully lowering Minor down so that she could stand on her own two feet. She panicked a little, but as she was being turned she saw Kat's reassuring smile and allowed herself to be moved without complaint.

Once Minor was standing on two feet, Kat then proceeded to slip her arms under Minor's elbows, before bringing her up into a big hug. Kat wrapped her tail around them both as well, before closing in her wings encapsulating the two of them as best she could.

Minor wasn't able to control herself anymore. For all her fancy reality warping magic she had in here, she was still a scared and worried child that had to grow up alone and forgotten. That wouldn't be leaving her any time soon but, Kat would do her best.

As Minor's tears flowed Kat spoke in a soft voice "That's fine Minor. We all have things we are ashamed of, and this is nothing of the sort. You are forever connected to your sister Minor. Even if tomorrow we were able to make a body for you, that wouldn't change.

"You are connected to her through hardship, through adversity, and of course, from living in her head. And, if we can't or even if you don't want to have your own body you are even more connected to her

"That's a special thing, but it is also the normal for you. Anything, no matter how precious, becomes mundane and ordinary after a long enough time. Besides, I went on a few contracts before I met you and I didn't hand out any beacons before you either"

Minor giggled through her tears and tightened her grip around Kat. "Thanks Kat"

"Anytime. I'll have to introduce you to a good friend of mine if I can figure out how to get you two together. Her name is Sylvie and I'm sure you'd both get along great" said Kat

Minor made a sound of affirmation and just clung to Kat for a bit longer. Kat was happy to let them stay that way for a few minutes, before letting go slightly. Once she did Minor seemed to hesitate for a moment but let go as well, and Kat returned her to the princess carry "Now, that was lovely and all but it didn't actually answer the question"

Minor blushed but said "Ah… well… I guess what I want is… In an ideal world, I could visit you whenever I want, and… and I want to be able to talk to Major face to face… and… I do want to stay in here. I think… I think I can do more with the dreams and Major's mind if she lets me, and I do want to be here but…

"Sometimes… sometimes I do want to be able to leave" said Minor. Kat nodded. *It makes sense to me really. Even Lily who loves to read and stay at home will come hang out with me when she can. Wait that sounds kinda arrogant… well I didn't mean it like that and I didn't say it aloud so it's fine.*

*Really though, I'm a bit surprised she still doesn't want a body of her own. I wonder if that will change in the future or not… or if it is possible. I'm pretty sure they both have a soul but… maybe it's more like one and a half souls between though two of them?*

*But wasn't there that kitsune cloning technique or something? I think that is a thing. If Minor can control a clone that will probably be for the best… not sure why she didn't bring it up again? Aw well I'm sure it's not a major thing.* 

"That's fine Minor, I believe you mentioned it to me before, but it seems that the kitsune cloning technique is perfect for everything you could want. That is assuming it works the way you are hoping" said Kat

Minor nodded "Yes, yes I think that has to be the goal but… I worry that Major might shut me away again. I… I'm not really sure what would happen if she did. As I said I… I am more, so much more, than I was before even with that small piece of existence I have…

"I… I'm not sure really. I'd say it has to be something related to the soul… but… well, I guess I have to believe it exists but I know not how it functions. Anyway, it… it seems that a balance will need to be struck somehow" said Minor

Kat nodded "How hard do you think that particular spell will be?" asked Kat

"Well… Ok, another thing I probably shouldn't say but… if I was willing to share secrets with an assurance that you not speak of them before… I think now it is clear enough to me that doesn't matter. Your word provides no extra security, not really, my secrets are perfectly safe without it"

Kat smiled as Minor continued "So, it's not actually a spell. Perhaps, its closer to what you use as a demon. It is a process that requires mana, but it in itself is not a spell. We do have an accompanying sigil just for show but its intrinsic to our race.

"I'm… I'm not sure that Major has the mana. I think with the pair of us working in concert we might be able to cheat. This is because we do not need to connect the two bodies so they can be piloted because I'll be controlling one but…

"Well, our unique condition is just that unique. I hope, truly hope we can figure it out. And I suppose, if we don't… as long as Major can actually hear my words than I shall have minimal complaints. Hopefully at the very least Enuko can cast her spell and allow you to re-enter the dream"

Kat nodded "I'm sure she can. She did it once after all. Though… I think I need to make another beacon, that one was only temporary. Once we are done with this whole fiasco I can give you a proper one… though…

*I wonder if I can give Minor one, in person? Like, in the dream. Huh, it really is an interesting question. I'm not sure if I can just manifest one… maybe if I made one, then entered the dream and handed it to Minor…*

*But, as much as I'd love the gesture that provides, from a safety concern it might be a horrible idea. I mean, look what I'm doing now. As much as I hope to be wrong it isn't impossible that something like this happens again… I guess I should give it to her in the real world.*

*Maybe I can make two? I'm not sure how many I can give out at rank 2 though… and do I really want to leave two beacons in the one dimension.*

"Sorry about drifting off there, I was just pondering over if I could give you a beacon here in the dream, but I realised it's probably not safe, sorry about that" said Kat

Minor tilted her head confused "What's dangerous about it?"

"Well, how could you have summoned me while trapped here if you had it instead of it being in the real world" said Kat

"Oh" said Minor, voice ringing hollow.

Kat hugged Minor a bit tighter and used her tail to pull the kitsune's own set in close "Hey, hey Minor it's fine. Even if I leave it somewhere else it will still be your beacon, that means something" said Kat. *Granted I don't know exactly how much it means, but I hope it's the thought that counts.*

Minor nodded "Yeah thanks Kat"

Minor was about to say something else when her eyes widened. Watching through Kat's flittering sleaves Minor was shocked at what she could see behind them "Kat, Kat turn around" said Minor with excitement in her voice.

Kat spun on her heal instantly and was met with quite the sight. Springing up from the areas that had been cleared of snow was a field of flowers and bushes and a few other things. Looking closely revealed that even in the footprints Kat had left there was now scenes of life

"This has to mean something" said Minor, and Kat nodded along.

"Yup, I think I have a guess" said Kat

"What" asked Minor confused

"What do you think would happen if I cleared out a circle?" asked Kat

Minor nodded vigorously "Yes, yes that sounds like a good idea, but just in case can you also make that around a tree. I have a hunch"

Kat shrugged, and walked over to the nearest tree, which was just a few paces to the left. "Do you want to sit down while I run around?" asked Kat

Minor shook her head "No, it's time for me to do a bit more, I think. We can use your fire" said Minor with a grin on her face