Chapter 251: a Major ending

Kat was flying towards the Nightmare with Minor in her arms. Even after a short internal debate extended by her demonic energy charged brain, she just couldn't risk leaving Minor behind. At least in Kat's arms she could take a few hits for Minor and protect her from the unknown.

Still, it left an uneasy feeling in Kat's heart that she couldn't and didn't really want to shake. Keeping it under wraps though, Kat moved forward, flapping her wings in a steady rhythm. *I still don't like this.* 

Kat adjusted her course slightly to make sure that she was in line with where that strange section of chest was. The sakura tree was still keeping the Nightmare busy so this was a great chance to do… something. 

*I still don't know if this is the right idea but… it's the only part on the thing that stands out. I can't think of any other section to attack anyway.* Kat's eyes narrowed as she arrived at her chosen target. 

Kat paused in mid-air and waited for a sign that the Nightmare had noticed her but other than the recurring thuds from branch on golem, nothing stood out at all. Taking a deep breath Kat charged up her fire in her tail. 

With her arms occupied, Kat decided to coil her tail in and strike it against the surface and hope for the best. Once her tail was coiled and coated in fire Kat brought herself within striking distance and released.

Her tail slammed into the target just as assumed. That's when things started to get strange. Her tail bounced harmlessly off, making almost no sound and certainly no damage. Kat was about to strike again, when the edges of the area was set alight. In a perfect square outlining the different material she'd noticed, the fires blazed on.

Kat slowed her thoughts and checked her reserves she found them just as full as before when she struck. *What?* Kat could clearly see flames burning her signature purple and there was a lot of them… way more than the practical unnoticeable diminishment of her energy would suggest.

*Ok… do I strike again then? Nothing is happening to the square but I can already see the flames freezing the inky stuff on the edges even in this slowed state. Let's try to apply a bit more.* 

Kat set her tail alight and didn't even bother with getting ready for a strike. Lightly tapping her burning tail against the cube, she felt a slight amount drain from her tail, as the fire around the edges, flared up, doubling in size.

*Ok something is going on here.* Pushing one sixth of her remaining energy into the cube. It drank the energy eagerly. In response to her gift the cube gained a faint purple hue and exploded around the edges with fire. 

A large strike was heard from the front, and a light pop sound, could be heard as they cube Kat had been providing energy to pushed into her and out of the golem. Once it was clear of the residual wax like drippings Kat's eyes widened as she looked at what was inside. 

The cube was now clearly identifiable as one made of ice. In the centre of it was Major, frozen in place as the opposing half to that which Ki possessed. It was then Kat realised that she still held Minor in her arms and the cube was pushing them both outwards.

Quickly wrenching herself around she let the ice continue pushing into her back… but the force just wasn't there. Even when it lightly popped out of the golem it should have done more serious damage but it felt like the gentlest push as she was forcibly moved out of the way. 

As the cube of ice fell, the Nightmare groaned. Great pieces of it sloughed off in large chunks as they were cut away by the still furiously working branches of the sakura tree. The once mighty club it used to lean on had cracked and shattered at some point, and the sturdy midsection was now a bent mess falling to the ground. 

Kat dropped to the ground quickly and put her back to the ice cube. She was just in time for the loud boom that rang out signalling the fall of the giant. A wave of air slammed into the cube, moving Kat from her slight lean to fully standing but no more than that. 

Moments passed, and Kat did nothing but calm herself. Her aura was still out in force, but it did nothing for her. She breathed deeply as she turned to face Major's frozen half. As she did she started to hear footsteps. Turning around, she watched Ki walk into view.

"Funny seeing you here" said Kat "Thought you'd come from the other side" 

Ki smiled "I share a few tricks with the friend in your arms. Plus, it is time, so I had to appear" said Ki calmly. 

As Ki approached Kat stepped to the side giving her a more complete view of the Major frozen in ice. "Is the tree alright?" asked Kat

Ki nodded "Yes, it will not be destroyed from combat such as that. We had good allies and it was not yet time for it to fall" 

Kat nodded and didn't say anything else. Ki walked up to the ice cube and placed her hand on it. She closed her eye in concentration and the ice started to melt quickly. The water sloshed off to the sides disappearing into the snow but the ice quickly shrunk to a pale imitation of what it once was.

Now it was a cube, hardly larger than Major herself was, just barely covering the figure within. Ki took a step forward, but as she did, the wooden half of her caught fire. Bright red fire burned her side, keeping only to the wood as she screamed. 

Kat was about to rush to help her but paused when black started to bubble out of the cracks. Kat froze in place, as Ki stumbled. "Heheheheehehe" cackled the burning figure "I suppose you figured it out then" 

Kat stared in confusion. *What the hell is going on. I figured out exactly nothing…* "Yes" said Minor from Kat's arms.

Kat felt Minor shift in her hands and let her stand up. Minor wobbled slightly as she stood and looked at the burning figure. "What gave it away" laughed Ki 

"You said the fake bled Nightmares. The Major we found was not bleeding, but consumed" said Minor. 

"Ahahaha, of course, undone by such a detail… he" said Ki with a resigned voice "I take it you know what to do though" 

Minor nodded "Yeah, I figured that out as well" said Minor. *Good because I have no idea what the hell is going on.* "What I don't get is why you made it so easy for me" 

Ki let out a wheezing cough as her wooden arm crumbled and she slumped to the side. "Ah well, I was the idiot who believed you were gone" said Ki over the flames "When I saw you, I knew I'd lost but… well, I was forced to try to win but" a cough rocked Ki's frame "I can't say I actually wanted to win" 

Minor nodded "For what it's worth. I'm still sorry" said Minor

"Ahaha" laughed Ki between coughs "There's the sister I know and love. Th-thank you, for doing the right thi-" Ki���s said until the breath left her, and the wooden section collapsed, burning away to a husk.

Kat took a moment to get herself ordered and then said "Ok… what?" 

Minor shuffled over to the fallen half of Major and picked it up, before starting to drag it over to the ice cube "See, we need to put Major's halves back together. One was wood and the other was ice. Not sure why wood. Maybe I have wood affinity as well as fire? I dunno" said Minor

Still not understanding, Kat moved forward anyway and grabbed onto the half of Major Minor was trying to carry. Easily lifting the prone form up Kat followed Minor's lead and lead it over to what remained of the block. 

Minor dipped her hand in, somehow passing through the ice, and pulled. The other half of Major's body flowed out without resistance as it was pulled free of the ice cube. "Now" said Minor "I think you know what's next" 

Kat nodded, moving slowly. She gently put the half in her hands down beside the remainder of Major. As soon as Kat's arms left Major's body there was a flash of light. It ran down the perfect split there had once been. And all that was behind was unblemished skin… well, Major still had her scars, but those were normal. 

Kat waited with bated breath. *Something else should happen right? Anything? Guys?* Kat looked around as if waiting for something but… nothing seemed to be happening. *Well… that's just great.*