Chapter 356: One Down… and really Should be Out

Kat felt her wings getting smashed into her back, as she pitched forward. Her first instinct was to try and resist, trying to throw her weight back against whatever had just collided with her, but this was a fool's errand. She was already falling forward, and all her attempt to fight back did was further damage the connections in her wings, causing the ligaments to snap as she fell forward.

Krekron was slightly more prepared for this, but he'd also already made his earlier swing. Watching Kat fall forward though, allowed him another chance. Sekron, whose head had turned to view what was going on assisted. Moving his shield, Sekron caught Kat as she fell, preventing her from falling further. This left her directly in the path of Krekron's follow up hammer swing.

*Oh no.* Was all Kat could think as she threw her hands in the way. The angle was horrible though, and as the hammer made contact, she could hear her joints popping and muscles coming off the bone and the jarring strike. Kat was thrown away, and the brothers moved as quickly as possible, already trying to get Sekron to his feet. 

Kat for her part, bounced a few times on the ground, to minimal effect as she started to put herself back together. Despite this, Kat found herself cursing internally, as her regeneration decided that her wings were a higher priority target as she struggled to stand.

*Shit! I can't even use my wings and they are being healed first? I feel so cheated. Sure they took the most damage and I can use my arms with a bit of pain but I really need them to come online first.* Despite Kat's pleas her regeneration worked to the best of its ability, pulling the loose pieces of bone back into her wings and resetting the muscles and ligaments. The holes in her wings were healing up just as her regen started to do more heavy lifting on her arms rather than just stabilisation. 

Kat raised her eyes to take stock while the healing continued. Meron was still bouncing around randomly, while Sekron had managed to stand and was now picking up his sword that must have been dropped at some point in the fight. *Wait… why does he need to pick it up? Can't he move it like his shield? What's going on there…*

Kat gave a light cough and spat out a bit of blood as her wounds finished healing. *You know… now that I think about it… why does that happen? No really, it's not like that blood should be anywhere near my digestive tract or my lungs… ok maybe a bit might have gotten in my lungs from the wings when they broke against my back but I doubt it…*

Kat cleared her mind as her eyes caught Meron heading for her. This time, it wasn't straight on, and a slight adjustment would see him easily dodged… but she'd had more than enough trouble with the strange little demon and had decided to force him out of the contest. Stepping to the side, Kat lined herself up, pushing slightly away from the wall so that Meron would hit her dead centre in the chest, but she was ready to catch him. 

Right on target, Meron slammed into Kat, but she dug her nails into the ball of beard hair, gripping it tightly. Her stomach had tensed for impact, flowing with demonic energy and was able to take the brunt of the force without getting too damaged. Her nails on the other hand, were to stop its endless spinning. Things weren't exactly doing as planned with that, but Kat considered it a bonus.

Instead of halting Meron's rotation, Kat's fingernails were slicing through his beard as he spun, destroying the structural integrity of the ball and slowing it a bit as well. Layer by layer the ball came undone until Kat hit a tipping point and the whole thing just unravelled and Meron fell to the ground. Clearly very unconscious. 

*What?* Kat looked down and Meron stunned, and then back up at the two brothers who had been charging at her, but now stopped in place, looking similarly gobsmacked. They all just stared at Meron for a few seconds before Uncle interrupted them with a "HEY! Throw 'im up here!" 

Kat glanced at the other two fighters, and seeing them nod, Kat picked up Meron and threw him straight at Uncle. It wasn't exactly far, as she'd been hit towards the pillar at the back of the tent, and Meron was extremely light. 

Uncle grabbed hold of Meron softly with his beard and placed a few strands on his forehead. "Yup this one's my bad. He's should have been out of the fight… maybe after that kick? Maybe before that? He's be out cold for most of the fight." 

*You've got to be kidding me.* Kat groaned as Krekron and Sekron tried and failed to stifle their laughter. There were both shaking as they heaved big hearty chuckles. *I can't believe this. The best hit on me this entire time could probably be counted as my own attack, because I'm the one who sent him flying around. I don't know if I can ever recover from this.* 

Krekron and Sekron however, were having a great time. At this point they had been brought to their knees and could hardly move because of how much laughing they were doing. Seeing this, a slightly devilish thought run through Kat's mind. *Does this count as restrained? These pair can hardly move… but at the same time, they are just laughing… then again, arguably I did this?*

"Hey Uncle, does this count as restrained" said Kat pointed at the laughing pair.

Uncle raised an eyebrow with a chuckle. "I mean, it probably should be, but this is training and probably won't ever come up in real combat so… let's say you're good to keep fighting"

The brothers weren't completely out of it just yet, and hearing that the fight was still on, they grabbed their weapons and tried to bring themselves to their feet. *Do I let them get up? Hmm, I think so, but also…* Kat dashed to where the brothers were, and stood just out of Krekron's hammer range as she watched them get up. Once they were decidedly on their feet, but still perhaps a bit shaky, Kat struck.

*What? It's three against one. I need to take some advantages.* Kat grinned at the thought, not really believing it properly either, as she jumped between the two and tried to kick them both in the side. It really wasn't a good idea. Krekron simply received the strike on his hammer, while Sekron put his shield in the way taking the strike aimed at him.

*Ok so apparently showing off isn't a good idea.* Kat dropped to the ground and used all four limbs to push off, throwing herself straight at Krekron who seemed to have the weaker defence. His hammer, still in position from the previous strike, dropped it lower to block the headbutt that Kat was aiming at him.

It wasn't enough though, Kat wasn't playing around anymore, and had determined they could take at least a few full powered strikes. Krekron's hammer screeched as Kat's horns dug into the metal easily, however the force was too much, and Krekron went flying backwards, his arms breaking in the process.

Of course, Kat ended up faceplanting after that, and Sekron used this opening to stab her in the back. Cleanly penetrating her skin, Sekron's sword cracked, but was stopped by her spine. *Well that's a real pain.* Kat turned her body, accepting the damage done as she moved with the sword in her and slicing up her side.

Grabbing the sword by the blade, without a care in the world Kat easily pulled it out, as her arms started to leak their trademark purple mist. Kat was willing to use her full power to try and end things. Ripping the sword from Sekron's grip, she hurled it away and then brought her tail around to strike Sekron in the side.

He was caught unaware and pushed away with the strike, bouncing a couple times before he stopped. Kat, pushed herself to her feet, the blood flow from her wounds quickly closing as she stood and healed.

Glancing over at Krekron made it clear that he was out. A major injury was done and even though he managed to stand back up, his right arm was hanging limply at the side. Sekron on the other hand, was standing up, and using both hands to do it. He was in pain, but it didn't seem to be a major injury.

It seemed however, it was enough for Sekron to count it, as when he managed to stumble to his knees, he winced, raised and arm, and said, "I surrender. The match is over" Sekron stumbled a bit at this, falling to his knee as blood started to leak out from under his armour. *Oof, ok maybe that was a bit more serious than I'd thought.*