Chapter 416: Envious Answers

Kat didn't end up eating too much. Mostly just snacking if she was still using the human perspective of things, but it really felt like a full meal to her at this point and her mind was getting used to her body's desire to eat so much less food.

Kamiko had actually eaten more than she did, which was somewhat surprising to Kat, and she nearly commented on it, but was able to remember that more than a few girls, especially teenage ones were never comfortable talking about food intake for some reason Kat never fully understood.

*It really is a weird one to me. Surely if you're so embarrassed about the amount of food you eat it's actually a sign you should be eating less? Even back when I was eating three meals I day I'd answer if asked. Some girls I know though would be happier fighting a guy with a knife then revealing the fact they enjoyed eating, or god forbid, ate like a healthy individual instead of one drastically underweight.*

"Ready to go Kat?" asked Kamiko

Kat nodded and they locked arms before being summoned to the next place. When Kat's eyes cleared though. Her arm was no longer intwined with Kamiko's end the scenery was very different. Instead of the cosy cottage Nira owned. She was instead in a dark stone room with water running down between the cracks in the walls and a flickering light above her head.

It was a little annoying, as it highlighted a table with two chairs on either side of it. One, a nice plush chair made from leather and fine detailing on the arm rests. The other was a plastic folding chair that looked to be a few sizes too small. *Now, I don't consider myself particularly large, but there is no way I can fit on the little chair. Even ignoring the issues my wings will have, it's too anyway small but with them I'd be lucky to have any of my butt on the seat.* 

Before Kat could consider swapping to the other side of the table, a creaking from a door she hadn't seen, and was hidden behind the large chair opened. Kat turned and saw… or well 'saw' might be inaccurate when describing this new demon. Before her stood an invisible person. It wasn't clear if they were a man or not.

They had a white turban on their head alongside a pair of Groucho Marx glasses complete with fake noes and moustache. Their lips were outlined with a dark red lipstick that would stand out on anyone let alone someone with no face. Their neck was adorned with a white scarf that matched with the turban and gave way to a black suit.

And this is where Kat got confused. Looking closely, especially at the tie, Kat was almost certain she could see a small rise around the chest area indicating the presence of breasts, but it was hard to make out as the suit itself was at least two sizes too big for the figure and hung draped off them and bunched around where Kat assumed their wrists must be. Below that they wore long black pants that also looked too large, giving hardly any indication of the figure beneath.

"Hello taller one, you can refer to me as Excalibur, it's not my name, but you won't be hearing that during our session." Said the invisible figure who'd just introduced themselves. Their voice seemed to oscillate between a comfortable baritone and a somewhat hard on the ears soprano. Nothing seemed to help with Kat's quest to determine their gender.

"Um… ok sure Excalibur. Can you tell me where Kamiko is?" asked Kat

"No. I'm here as your questioner while in the Envy domain. You will be answering them as part of your punishment. You will be here one day. You will be required to answer questions." Said Excalibur

*Right because that sounds fun.* At this point Excalibur took the chair obviously meant for them and sat down before gesturing for Kat to do the same. Kat took one look at the chair and decided she could just stand. *It's not like my legs get weak from standing too long anyway.* So Kat simply grabbed the chair and moved it off to the side.

"Oh? Choosing to stand, are you?" said Excalibur

"Yes" replied Kat not really understanding where things were going or liking how this particular punishment was being performed.

"Oh, you will be one of those demons I suppose. Fine. State your name please" said Excalibur with a voice that indicated it was only saying please to be professional.

"Kat." Replied Kat with a grin on her face. *Wait for it…*

"Full now please" asked Excalibur and Kat could even hear the frown in their voice.

With a much bigger grin that showed her sparkling white teeth Kat replied. "Kat"

Excalibur paused. The silence stretched for a few seconds before Excalibur decided to continue. "What are the names of the people who gave birth to you, as well as their Rank?"

If Kat wasn't smiling already her grin would have appeared full force. *Apparently Envy thinks they can mask their interrogation as a punishment. I think I'm going to use this as a chance to get creative with my answers. Of course, this one is easy because.* "I have no idea."

Excalibur shifted and Kat could hear their invisible hands digging into the leather of the seat they were in. "Please tell me something you know about your parents." Excalibur said between their teeth.

"They died when I was young and I never knew them." Said Kat

Excalibur latched onto this quickly asking, "Ok good. How does that make you feel?"

Kat shrugged slowly, never allowing her gaze to leave the glasses the person across from her was wearing. *They might be invisible, but surely this is uncomfortable for them. If their eyes are actually somewhere else it might be even more so.* "It doesn't make me feel much at all. I'm not sad I never new them, not happy either. I don't think about it, and when people bring it up it's like me informing somebody what I ate for breakfast"

Excalibur now very obviously drummed their fingers along the desk. "Right. Ok, ok… how about… Guardians? Who took care of you when you were younger?"

"Gramps" replied Kat

"Ah? You're Grandfather? Tell me, what Rank was he?" asked Excalibur

Kat shook her head. "I wasn't related to him. He was not my Grandfather."

Kat was paying more attention now, using her regeneration to send energy to her ears constantly without loosing any of her reserves. She could hear the faint clack as Excalibur's teeth clanked together. The tightening of their muscles as Kat's responses started to irk them.

"Right. What was his name?" asked Excalibur

"I never asked him for it. Wasn't important to me." Replied Kat casually walking off to the side, while keeping her eyes fixed on Excalibur. She could hear the light tapping of a foot, which, she realised, wasn't in any shoes for some reason.

"Fine." Spat Excalibur. "Clearly you had a rather boring upbringing from a man who didn't care about you. Good for you. Tell me, growing up, what was your biggest fear?"

*Gee that's a good one. What's my biggest fear?* Kat paused as she realised she didn't actually know the answer to that one. *Hmm, that's a little odd. Did I never think about this? Well, more recently my fears have been something bad happening to Lily. Well, that's from a little before I became a demon anyway back when she was bullied more.*

*Now that schools out and I'm a demon who can scare the shit out of them it's less of a concern. Hmm, before that though… I don't really know? Wait… snakes? Snakes. Yeah when I was really little that was one. Heck that was… maybe a decade now? I haven't been scared of snakes since I found that little on that tried to bite my finger and just… couldn't. I had a good laugh at that and I don't think I've been scared since. *

*I do have some normal fears. Well, I used to. Getting shot at isn't exactly a concern anymore or bombs or what have you.* "I guess I have to go with snakes" said Kat

"Oh? How did that develop?" asked Excalibur

"No idea" responded Kat. *It was hard enough for me to even figure out an answer for you and now you want how it developed? Glad I can give such non answers and because I'm forced to tell the truth, know that it is indeed true.* 

Excalibur tapped their foot loudly for a few seconds before ask. "How long have you had it?"

"I don't have it anymore." Said Kat with a smirk.

Excalibur sighed. "How did you break that fear?"

*Oooh yes I can have fun with this answer.* "By getting bitten by a snake." Answered Kat calmly.

"I'm sorry… can you repeat that?" asked Excalibur confusion filling their voice.

"I lost my fear of snakes when one bit me." Replied Kat