Chapter 17 - Sisters

Next morning Sparda woke up and was continuing the daily routine when suddenly he got a notification from the system.






Sparda:<Iris are you for real??>


Sparda: (-_-) <I need to work hard and quickly locate the Naberius facility>

Then Sparda started reminiscing about the past 3 years. He had worked really hard and now he can use all of his powers for continuous 10 minutes after that only his body will start to feel the burden of power and started breaking. So he can use his full power for total 15 minutes before getting exhausted. Then he decided have did enough for today and decided to take a break. In these 3 years he didn't use any bloodline purifying pill because he didn't wanted to increase his strength when his body couldn't even handle his current power.

Next day he woke up completed his daily routine then he went out to search for the research facility. He only knew that it would be Naberius territory. He got out of castle and went towards Naberius territory. Before entering their territory he put a space barrier around him so that no one will be able to see or sense him. He started roaming their territory but didn't find anything. Later that day he came back to castle without any success. He continued this routine for straight 15 days but still didn't find anything.

On 16th day he was really frustrated and went to sit on hill to look everywhere from there. He sat on the hill but suddenly he felt something that the surface of the hill was really smooth. He rubbed the surface again and found than it felt like concrete. He was sure that it wasn't real concrete so he activated his MS and saw right through the illusion he saw there was mansion in the centre. His quickly used KAMUI and entered the barrier.

He had BARRIER BREAKER he could have easily broke the barrier but if he used that people inside will be notified. He quickly made his way inside the mansion. The mansion was a regular looking one but he knew they had an underground family he quickly started searching and found a bookshelf which had marks of opening like a door on the ground. He found a book which had no dust on it and the remaining were covered dust. He pulled the book out and the bookshelf opened like a door he quickly went inside. He found a pathway that led to a room when he went inside the room he almost puked suddenly his eyes started bleeding and felt tremendous pain in his eyes.

He already knew what it was, he awakened the MANGEKYO of Itachi Uchiha. Then he didn't wait for long and started searching for the sisters. Soon he founded a room where 4 middle class devils were playing cards. There were just cannon fodder infront of him. He entered the room and disabled his space barrier. The devils noticed him immediately.

Mob1: Who are you kid?? How did you get in here??

Mob2: Doesn't matter we will just kill him or give him to the scientists to conduct experiment.

Sparda: TSUKUYOMI. Where are the nekomata sisters??

Mob1: Master took the elder one to conduct experiment and the younger one is in the next room.

Sparda: How many guards are near the young one?? Where are the experiments conducted??

Mob3: Only 2 guards. There is another ungerground floor all the experiments are conducted there.

Sparda: Thank you…. Now all of you cut your own throat.

All 4 of them then cut their own throat and died. Sparda didn't wait for them as he already went towards the next room. He saw there were only 2 guards and Shirone was seating in the middle. There were tears in her eyes she was crying. She had white hair and golden eyes like cat. One was low class and other was middle class. So he took a sword from GOB and entered the room. After entering he immediately cut off the middle class devils head and launched a sword towards the low class devil. He was surprised and unable to react like the middle class and died. He saw that Shirone became scared of him but wiped away her tears.

Shirone: Are you a hero?? Did you came to save us??

Sparda: No I am not a hero but I will save you. And what did you meant by us??

Shirone: Yes me and my sister are only left, they took her somewhere. Can you please tell me your name? I am Shirone.

Sparda: You can call me GILGAMESH. Come follow me we will find your sister.

A/N: I was unable to stop myself.

Then they both got out of the room and Shirone was walking behind Sparda. Soon they found a staircase which lead them downwards. Sparda placed a space barrier around of them so that nobody can see or sense them. He quickly noticed that there are 6 low class devil 3 middle class 2 high class and 1 ultimate class devil. He also found Kuroka laying on an operation table. Sparda then kicked the door and entered with continuously launching weapons from GOB. Only the ultimate class devil was able to block them but he was still injured. He signalled Shirone to help Kukora and then turn towards the devil

???: Who are you?? Do you know who I am?? I am the head of Nauberius clan.

Sparda: Hello my name is GILGAMESH and I am really happy to tell you that you will die here MONGREL!! AMATERASU

The c.h.e.s.t of the devil immediately started screaming and tried to put off the fire but all of that nothing to avail. Soon he died but his body kept burning. After few moments not even ash was remaining.

He looked towards Kuroka then she was scared that he killed them all like insects. She knew the person standing infront of her was insanely strong. Even she had to struggle a lot to kill her master.

Shirone: Thank you GILGAMESH onii-sama.

Sparda: I told you I will save you. But we need to get out of here.

Kuroka: Sorry for the hostility. I am Kuroka. Thank you for saving us.

Soon they got out of facility Kuroka was about to take Shirone with her.

Sparda: You know you will be treated like stray devils and you take your sister with you she will be treated same.

Kuroka: So what should I do, leave her??

Sparda: Do you have anything to prove your innocence??

Kuroka: I have this journal.

Sparda: Give it to your sister. I can take your sister to the sister of Sirzechs Lucifer. I can guarantee she will be safe with her and when the time will be right she will use the journal to save your sister.

Shirone: But I don't want to leave my sister.

Kuroka: Please Shirone I can't take you with me take this journal with you.

Shirone started crying that she didn't want to leave her sister. Then suddenly Kuroka chopped on the back of her neck and made her unconscious. Kuroka then look towards Sparda.

Kuroka: Promise me she will be safe. Otherwise I will find you then kill you if that is the last thing I do.

Sparda: I promise.

Then Sparda picked up Shirone and the jounal and told Kuroka to stay safe and went away. Kuroka also took off in the opposite direction. Soon Sparda entered the Gremory territory and moved towards Gremory castle. Soon he located Rias and Akeno in back of garden but before appearing infront of them he took out a mask from GOB and wore it. Then he suddenly appeared infront of them. They both got scared and fired their magic. The magic just bounced to some random direction before touching him. Which sacred them more. They were about to attack again then they noticed him carrying a small girl and he raised his free has as a sign of surrender.

Sparda: Please don't attack. I have no ill intention against you. This girl has nowhere to go, she is a nekomata. She was held captive while her sister was being experimented on this journal is the proof of that. She didn't have any other place to go so I brought her to you.

Rias: Why bring her to us?? How do you know about me??

Sparda: I know how the Gremories treat their servant that's why I broght her to you.

Rias: Who are you??

Sparda: You can call me GILGAMESH