Chapter 1027

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火

Chu Yunsheng felt a chill in his heart.

If he has "relatives" in the world, there are only tiger cubs and Ming. After so many years, tiger cubs don't know whether they are still alive. However, Ming is stronger than himself. How can he die?

It is also because of the power of Ming that Chu Yunsheng always has a psychological resistance to it. When he feels lonely, he thinks more about the little tiger who lives with him.

However, when the voice brought the news, Chu Yunsheng found that his heart was very cold, as if something was blocking his throat, very uncomfortable.

He always felt that he was sorry for Ming. For a period of time, he even took precautions against it. He never said a word to it, let alone looked at it. He was indifferent and merciless, did not know what it was thinking, and never cared about it

Now, it's dying?

Chu Yunsheng's head suddenly some blank, as if lost his life, to the next moment, the sound of other information just poured in.

Be hit back to the forbidden area by unknown?

Who is the unknown?

Life and death unknown?

Are you still alive?

However, he clearly felt that the source of his life was rapidly passing away, and his own zero dimension did not fight back, indicating that it was not the invasion of foreign enemies, it must have flowed to the underworld.

This should not have happened if it had not reached the point of frequent death.

And in the end, he felt that the other end suddenly stopped the flow of life, which indicated that he had died?

Chu Yunsheng was a little flustered and couldn't think normally.

As for the seven nail master broken spirit, left-handed Shenguo defeat, rainbow bridge collapse, all have no sense.

"How to die? How can you die? "

He murmured, as if he saw the island parting again. He was afraid and imploring his eyes. He would not leave

"How can you die? How can you die? "

Chu Yunsheng roared into the sky and stood up vigorously. He tried his best to transport his few sources of life. But he was immediately sad to find that he did not know where to transport? It can't be transported out!

"Fool! idiot! Turn on the conveyor

Chu Yunsheng cursed dejectedly. He hoped that the other end would respond, even if he did. Unfortunately, there was nothing. There was nothing. It was a dead silence.

"Would you rather die than consume my life?"

"You've never asked me for your life before. Are you really dying this time?"

"But how can you die? How can you die? "

Chu Yunsheng sadly allows the flame torrent to wash his body, as if only in this way can offset the cold in his heart.

However, he was still cold.

He seems to "see" the small chain around the chain of the great source of life, which is looming, clinging, turning, remembering, reluctant to leave him and disappear.

In a flash, Chu Yunsheng's heart is completely cold, as if cold to the soul, the whole body ice through.

That's his life!


Two bright red tears of blood slide down the cold black face armor. Chu Yunsheng stands on the top of the glacier and looks at the doomsday world in front of him in the torrent of flames.

He constantly resisted and evaded the fate of the bastard, but he could only let it be slaughtered. In the past, he could revenge, but now he can't even revenge. The enemy is so strong that one finger can stab him to death!

What else did he resist, what did he escape?

The fire scoured his body fiercely, and his armour front swayed slightly. In the sharp wind, the sword like clouds howled and withered like white flowers.

Chu Yunsheng raised his head and looked at the ten days of extinction, which was dazzling and made his heart ache.

For a long time, he has been used to indifference and loneliness. From going out of the node to returning to the earth, his heart has always been cold and indifferent. Even if it is the betrayal of Asher, it is not easy for him.

If it is not for the reason that his life will be exhausted, his instinct has betrayed those who will never give up and flee here with himself.

He thought that he would not be sad for himself.

Chu Yunsheng's sad eyes reflect the collapse of the world dimly. There are countless shadows in the gloomy sky, including roaring, sadness, ridicule, shouting, disdain, sneer, some he knows, some he doesn't know Around him, filling his world, suffocating him.

At last he bowed his head, and the shadows in the sky gave a grim smile of victory.

He finally lowered his head, but still suffocated.

He finally lowered his head, but it was still cold.

The communication instrument was still flashing all kinds of information coldly. His vague and cold sight seemed to see the figure covered with blood in the underground labyrinth. He bent the broken spine humbly and obstinately. He was bleeding in his mouth. His eyes were blurred and lax. He looked at the fierce enemy, and looked at the more and more close shouting and riding array. He took the blood stained bow as a long gun and staggered Dancing, shaking.A ray of light hit his knee hard. "He" knelt down immediately, his consciousness suddenly relaxed, the fierce enemy immediately rushed up, repeatedly shaking in his lost eyes.

"He" threw his head, threw the blood from his blurred sight, shouted up to the sky, and stood up shaking and broken bones, as if he felt Chu Yunsheng:

Why did I die? Why not you? "


Yeah, why is it me who is going to die?

Chu Yunsheng doesn't know how to answer this question. In the same way, he can ask "he". However, it doesn't make sense. If two people are destined to die and live another, everyone will feel that they have better reasons to survive than each other.

He knew the man so well, just as he knew himself, stubborn and never gave up.

From his body, he seems to see his own sorrow. From his body, he seems to see his vulnerability, and from him, he seems to see the root of everything.

So, he slowly raised his head, and the black fog in his red eyes was lost, and the dark light was condensed, and a cold sound of killing was revealed, which seemed to destroy the world.

He is cold, he suffocated At this moment, all of them become a roar of spirit towards the shadow of the sky:


His small and humble life, in this roar, wanton growth!

The flames on his head were in a roar, and collapsed!

He has bleeding in his mouth and eyes, and his beetles are cracked!

He still raised his head and waved his sword straight to the top nine.

In the world of collapse, his figure killed the sky with a straight black line, and the information from the outside came to him like a tide.


"Find the enemy ship, find the enemy ship! Location Ah! "

"Enemy ship, enemy ship! Location transmission... "

"The parameters of the track ahead are transmitted. The enemy ships are clearing us. Goodbye, my compatriots..."

"Call control center, I am 862, the strength gap is too big, I will impact the enemy ship shield, and the explosion light will indicate the position of the enemy ship!"

"I am 723. I keep shining in front of me, and I have damaged my power mechanism. Please send and kill the nearby aircraft to mark the position!"

"Sorry, we are too backward to attack the enemy. We can only mark the position of the enemy ship with self explosion. Farewell, I love the bottom of the earth forever!"

"Control center, I am a temporary combatant. We are about to crash. Please tell my son yiyisi, I will always be proud of him, farewell, my son!"

“…… Farewell, my love! "

“…… Farewell, my comrades! "

“…… Farewell, my bottom! "


Yiyis covered his mouth, trembling slightly, and looked at the dense light spots shining on one side of the sky with tears. The star was as bright as the star. One of them was his father, which he called the father of being out of date, ignorance and shortsightedness.

The ground floor man in a suicide way in the dark universe, marked a flashing light point.

Numerous tadpole fighters jet tail flame, and the long river of stars generally converges to fly there. In the cold and dark space, beautiful blooms with one light point after another.

The cold matrix fleet looked down at ants and ignored the approaching of the ground plane, killing them in pieces as boring.

No one saw how they attacked, and they were dead.

Until Chu Yunsheng came to space!

Among the crazy roars of numerous communication devices, the underground man, under the pull-out and death strike, stumbled and blood flow, closed his eyes extremely weakly, and then rushed towards the bank like a tragic and destructive wave between the two , the fastest update of the webnovel!